(Newspapers of Illinois)

Madison County, Illinois

The Alton Telegraph
1836-42 Articles

Burning of the "Alton Observer" Building, 1837

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Vol. I.                             Alton, Illinois, Wed., April 20, 1836.                           No. 14.

                                        FOR THE TELEGRAPH.


From a speech delivered by Isaac Hendershot, Esq., in an action of trespass vi et armis, tried at the February Term of the St. Clair Circuit Court, in which Harven Green, a Mormon minister, was plaintiff and Miles Van Winkle et al., of Methodist principles, were defendants.

After the testimony in the case was heard, Mr. Hendershot, attorney for the plaintiff, rose and said:

... what is the justification offered by the defendants in this action, for so barbarously attacking and so inhumanely beating an innocent and an unoffending man?... it appears that he is guilty of the awful and dreadfully appaling crime of being a Mormon minister; for this alone have the defendants whipped him; for this alone they have so inhumanely beat my unoffending client. -- Altho', gentlemen of the jury, Mr. Green is a Mormon, altho' he is a Mormon minister, he is entitled to the same rights in community, he is entitled to the same protection by the law, he is entitled to the same impartial trial by an unprejusticed jury of his country, as a Presbyterian, a Baptist, or a Methodist...

I, gentlemen, am not advocating the cause of Mormonism, I am not prosecuting an action of trespass against the Methodist church, -- no. But I am asking a sworn jury of St. Clair county to do impartial justice to an injured citizen of the land of freedom, the land of equal rights, and this I am doing as a professional duty.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. II.                             Alton, Illinois, Wed., February 22, 1837.                           No. 6.


THE MORMON MONEY. -- The Buffalo Journal gives us the following as a specimen of the notes issued by the Mormon Anti-Banking Company:

"A No. 1052. THE KIRTLAND SAFETY SOCIETY ANTI-BANKING Co. will pay on demand to W. Parish or bearer, Three Dollars. Kirtland, Ohio, 4th Jan., 1837.
                    J. SMITH, Treas.
                            [F]. G. WILLIAMS, Sec. P. T."
The word "bank," in the bill, is in very large type, the prefix "anti" and the affix "ing" being very small. This, we suppose, is the real Van Buren currency, and is intended to take the place of the "crags" of the monster.   Balt. Chron.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. III.                              Alton, Illinois, Wed., September 26, 1838.                             No. 37.


It appears from the following article -- for which we are indebted to the last number of the Western Star, published at Liberty, Clay county, Missouri -- that serious difficulties have arisen between the people of Daviess county and the Mormons, which may probably result in a civil war; and as the latter are very determined, and receiving frequent reinforcements from other parts of the country, it seems probable that they will not be easily reduced to submission. We know little or nothing of the origin of the difference beyond what is given in the Star.


We desire in the statement we are about to make, to give a true narrative of the causes which have produced the difficulty between the Mormons and the citizens of Daviess county, as well as to give all that has occurred respecting the movement of both parties since the first difficulty took place.

At the election in Daviess county, a citizen objected to a Mormon's voting, which brought about angry words. The Mormon was struck with a club, and in return used the same weapon himself; and before the affair terminated, several on both sides were engaged, and knives freely used. No person was killed, but some cut and bruised. The excitement did not terminate with the fight. Shortly afterwards, Joe Smith, Lyman Wright, and other Mormon leaders, collected a large force in Caldwell, and went into Daviess county to protect the Mormons residing there. They went armed and equipped for war, but they say their intentions were peace, and if what we hear be true, respecting the paper which they presented to Adam Black, a justice of the peace, for his signature, a very different face has been placed upon the transaction to what Black has certified to. The paper presented by Smith to Black was to the effect, that, inasmuch as it was anticipated that difficulties would grow out of the fight at the election, between the Mormons and the citizens of Daviess, he (Black,) as a Justice of the Peace, pledged himself that he would take lawful notice of any unlawful proceedings of either party -- Smith representing to Black, that if he would sign such a paper, he would show it to his own people and to others, and that it would have an effect to prevent difficulties.

We understand that the facts elicited at the trial of Smith and Wright (who gave themselves up), and were heard before the Judge of our Civil Court last week,) completely stamped the certificate of Black, Comstock, and others, with falsehood. After the trial of Smith and Wright, it was believed that difficulties had ceased, but no so. The people of Daviess county had sent letters and messengers to other to raise men to drive all the Mormons out of Daviess, and many from other counties had gone to their aid. The Mormons seeing this, made preparations also. When, seeing the crisis at which things were arriving, the Judge of our Circuit, Hon. Austin A. King, directed Gen. D. R. Atchison to raise 1,000 men in his Division and forthwith march them into Daviess to keep the peace, and to prevent bloodshed.

Two hundred men from Clay, under the command of Brig. Gen. Doniphan, Major Lightborne, and Captains Moss, Whitington and Price, marched out on yesterday and the day before.

We are not yet apprehensive that anything serious will take place, though both parties have become much excited. Both sides are to blame, but our opinion is that the Mormons are the aggressors. Until the 4th July, we heard of no threat being made against them, in any quarters. The people had all become reconciled to let them remain where they are, and indeed were disposed to lend them a helping hand. But one Sidney Rigdon, in order to show himself off as a great man, collected them all together in the town of Far West, on the 4th July, and there delivered a speech containing the essence of, if not treason itself. This speech was not only published in the newspapers, but handbills were struck for distribution in Caldwell and Daviess counties. We have not the speech now before us, but we recollect amongst other threats, that the author said: "We will not suffer any vexatious law-suits with our people, nor will we suffer any person to come into our streets and abuse them." Now, if this is not a manifestation of a disposition to prevent the force of law, we do not know what is. -- It is also true, that when the Mormons left this county, they agreed to settle in, and confine themselves to a district of country, which has since been formed into the county of Caldwell; but they have violated that agreement, and are spreading over Daviess, Clinton, Livingston and Carroll. Such a number had settled in Daviess, that the old inhabitants were apprehensive they would be governed soon, by the Revelations of the great Prophet, Joe Smith, and hence their anxiety to rid themselves of such an incubus.

So many reports are in circulation relative to battles fought, and men on both sides being killed and captured, that it is hard to get at the truth. We are certain, however, that up to yesterday, no person had been killed. Three men from Ray county were captured by the Mormons, and some 50 guns taken. The men are in confinement, (or rather, are guarded and kept,) in the town of Far West; and it is said the people of Daviess have captured one Mormon.

Gen. Doniphan, in some remarks made to the company which went out from this county said, that the men and arms captured by the Mormons would be demanded, as also the Mormon captive in Daviess. Should the Mormons refuse to give up the men and arms, the worst consequences must follow.

We hope and believe they will not be so blinded as to refuse; but if they should, we can tell them, that "war to the knife" will be waged against them, and they will no longer be suffered to remain in the State. We rely greatly upon the standing and influence of Generals Atchison and Doniphan, as well as the other gentlemen who have gone out, to bring this matter to a peaceable termination.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. III.                         Alton, Illinois, Wed., October 3, 1838.                       No. 38.


We learn from the Missouri Republican of Monday, that the difficulties existing between the Mormons and the citizens of Daviess and Caldwell counties, have been satisfactorily arranged, without any loss of life, by the prudence and activity of Gen. Atchison; who easily succeeded, after learning the whole facts, in restoring peace and quiet to the county, and in dispersing all the armed forces in the neighborhood. The Mormons, it now appears, were the injured party.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. III.                         Alton, Illinois, Wed., October 17, 1838.                       No. 40.


It would seem from the late Missouri papers that the difficulties between the Mormons and their neighbors are not yet finally settled. A report had reached us, that a skirmish, in which sundry lives were lost took place between the hostile parties on about the [11th?] instant; but it is probably unfounded.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. III.                         Alton, Illinois, Wed., October 24, 1838.                       No. 41.


It appears by the following letter to the Editors of the Missouri Republican, that the Mormon difficulties have been settled without an appeal to arms. Whether the lately concluded treaty will be faithfully observed on both sides remains to be seen.

Old Jefferson, Saline county, Mo.,       
October 13, 1838.       

GENTLEMEN -- I have to inform you that the third Mormon War has ended. My informant left the volunteer camp, on Thursday morning. Peace, he says, had been concluded between the belligerent parties, a day or two previous, on the following terms: Each of the parties were to choose two individuals, (white people) to appraise their (Mormons) property in De Witt, and the people of Carroll county guaranteed payment to them, and the Mormons were then to leave De Witt forthwith, as well as Carroll county. Our informant returned on Thursday last, through the town of De Witt; and he says the Mormons were collecting their stock, and making every preparation to leave. The appraisers were on the ground viewing the property, etc. I have understood, that Col. Bell, of Glasgow, Judge Earrickson, of Howard, W. P. Dunnica, of Glasgow, and Edgar Floroy, of Keytesville, were the gentlemen chosen to appraise the property of the Mormons. A number of citizens of Saline volunteered their services on this occasion to assist their friends of Carroll to remove these Canadian vagabonds (most of whom are sick) out of our hearing as well as sight.

It perhaps may not be amiss here to mention, for the information of those whom it may concern, that the citizens of Saline are determined, at all hazards, (if they know it) not to suffer any of Jo Smith's fraternity to settle in the county, and if they should, unknown to the citizens, they will be driven out immediately. The only blood that was drawn was taken from a man's lip, from this county. Some few of the advanced guards of the Mormons, some six or eight days ago, fired on the volunteers, and one shot cut this man's lips, as he peeped from behind a tree to get a shot at the Mormon.

I am told that Capt. Hinkle's men were well armed, with good rifles, swords, and a brace of pistols, well prepared to defend themselves if attacked. Our men, besides their small arms, had one or two cannon on the ground.      In haste, very respectfully,
                             Your obedient servant.

Note: Evidently the above letter first appeared in the Oct. 22, 1838 issue of the Missouri Republican. A copy of the original publication has not yet been located for transcription.


Vol. III.                         Alton, Illinois, Wed., October 31, 1838.                       No. 42.


It appears that the Missouri troubles are not yet over. A letter from a gentleman on board the steam-boat Astoria, dated below Jefferson City, Oct. 18, to his friend in St. Louis, published in the Missouri Republican of yesterday, states that the Mormons have devastated Daviess county, burning the seat of justice, and most of the houses, and were then marching on Richmond, with the intention of destroying it also. Two letters from military gentlemen, inserted in the Fayette Missourian of the 27th ult. confirm the above, with the addition that a company of 50 men, under Capt. Bogard, ordered out not long since for the protection of Ray county, had been cut to pieces by a Mormon detachment, nearly 400 strong, three or four only succeeding in making their escape. A mounted force of 3000 men had been called out by Gov. Boggs, with orders to rendezvous at Fayette with all practicable expedition, in order to proceed forthwith to the seat of war, and present appearances would seem to indicate that the controversy will not be brought to a close without a bloody struggle. We are unable to throw any satisfactory light, either on the origin of the difficulties, or on the causes which have led to their renewal, after having been apparently adjusted on two several occasions.

Note: The letter referred to in the above news report first appeared in the Oct. 30, 1838 issue of the Missouri Republican. A copy of its original publication in that paper has not yet been located for transcription.


Vol. III.                         Alton, Illinois, Saturday, November 10, 1838.                       No. 43.


The Missouri Republican of the 8th inst. states on the authority of passengers on the steam-boat Pirate, arrived on the evening proceeding from the Missouri river, that the war with the Mormons has been brought to a close by the surrender of the whole Mormon force to the State troops commanded by Gen. Clark, who had been invested by Gov. Boggs with plenary powers to put an end to the existing difficulties either by a resort to arms, or by negotiation. It appears that the Mormons offered no resistance; and that their leaders have been detained by the commanding General to await such proceedings as may hereafter be instituted against them. The report of the total destruction of Capt. Bogard's company, noticed in our last, seems to have been greatly exaggerated, and so probably was the account given of the devastation of Daviess county; although it is certain that much property has been destroyed, and a few lives lost on both sides. The condition of the surrender are not stated.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. III.                        Alton, Illinois, Saturday, November 17, 1838.                       No. 44.


We republish in another column, from the St. Louis Evening Gazette, a somewhat detailed account of the termination of the recent crusade against the Mormons, which, if substantially correct, indicates that in the proceedings to which those unfortunate people have been subjected, every principle of law, justice, and humanity, has been grossly outraged. -- Although it may be difficult to decide who is to blame in this matter, it is evident to all that a fearful responsibility rests somewhere; and that those who commenced the work of destruction have much to answer for. The State of Missouri owes it to her own honor to institute a rigid inquiry into the causes which have led to results as much to be deplored; and as her Legislature meet on Monday next, it is hoped that this body will promptly adopt such measures as may be necessary to the elucidation of the whole truth, and bringing the offenders, if any, to the bar of justice.

                      From the St. Louis Daily Evening Gazette.


The Mormon war has been terminated, by a surrender of the Mormon leaders to the troops under Gen. Atchison. This happened on Sunday, Oct. 28th. On that day, about three thousand men, being part of the army of 5,000, ordered out under Gen. Clark, comprising Gen. Atchinson's division, made their appearance, before the town of Far West, the county seat of Caldwell county, where the Mormons were entrenched. Upon their approach, the Mormons had hoisted a white flag, which was shot down by Capt. Bogard, but was immediately replaced. Gen. Atchison then sent in a message, with a view to learn their wishes and intentions, when six of the leaders avowed their willingness to surrender, in the expectation that the Mormons should be unharmed. The surrender was accepted, and the individuals put under guard. Their names are Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon, George Hinkle, Lyman Wight, Parley P. Pratt, and Mr. Knight. The Mormons assembled, at Far West, comprised 700 men under arms. Of this number, a small body of 150, retreated and pushed their way to the northern frontier.

The reports vary as to what happened after the surrender. In fact, our intelligence does not come down clearly to a period, later than the day of the capitulation.

On the day after, Gen. Atchison received the orders of the Governor, which have already been mentioned in this paper, as directing the expulsion or extermination of the Mormons. It is said that, shocked and disgusted with the severity of the command, he retired and went home. After that event, it is stated that several -- some accounts say 40 of the Mormons -- were put to death. One version of the statement is, that the Mormons killed, at this time, were such as had not come into Far West. We need, however, more certain and authentic information, than we now have, on this head.

Gen. Clark, with the remainder of the troops collected from the counties below Caldwell, was, on the Friday after the surrender, encamped in Ray county, and had not then reached Far West.

It is stated that, about the time of the surrender, a company of men -- 200 in number -- fell upon a body of the Mormons, in Splawn's settlement, on Shoal creek, about 20 miles from Far West. The Mormons, it is said, were 30 in number; and the story runs that all but four were put to death. Some of the names of the killed, as reported to us, are David Evans from Ohio, Jacob Fox, from Pennsylvania, Thomas M'Bride and his father, Mr. Daly, M. Merrill and his son-in-law, Mr. White, all from Ohio.

The facts about Bogard's fight are that two of his men were killed -- one outright and one died of his wounds. At the same time, four Mormons fell -- among them the Captain of their band. Bogard's company were stationed on the line of Ray county, to intercept the communication between Ray and Caldwell. They had captured 4 Mormons; and to rescue these the attack was made upon them by the Mormons. Bogard's Company is said to have been 40 in number, and the Mormons 70.

As to the Mormon ravages in Daviess County, the plundering and burning of which so much has been said -- we are informed that, before those hostile operations, the Mormons held a consultation, at which the propriety of the steps afterwards taken, was debated at large. Some of their number were averse to the plan, and nearly one third dissented from it. The reasons assigned for these measures, were alleged outrages by their enemies in Carroll and Daviess counties. According to the Mormon statement, their houses and buildings, near DeWitt, in Carroll county, had been destroyed by their enemies, and they themselves expelled from the county and afterwards pursued, on their retreat into Daviess. It was, therefore, as they allege, in retaliation for previous unprovoked outrages, that they executed their system of violence and terror in the county of Daviess. Evidently, they could not have adopted a more suicidal policy -- allowing their own statements to be wholly true.

We have no time now -- and it would take more apace than we can spare for it -- even with a knowledge of all the facts, to enter into a history of the origin and progress of this difficulty. But there is a statement in this connection, which we have heard but recently, and which we sincerely hope is not true. That statement is as follows.

About the 9th or 10th of last month, when about 80 Mormon families had been expelled from Carroll county, and driven into Daviess, a message was sent by them to the State Executive, praying for his interposition in their behalf. The reply to that message was, that already the State had been put to a great deal of expense on account of these difficulties, and that he could see no cause to interpose, thus leaving the parties to fight it out!

The disposition of the captured Mormons presents a case of great difficulty. They are generally poor -- at least they have but little money and few means besides their stock and crops to preserve them from starvation. As it is, we suspect, these means are very much abridged. The presence of several thousand troops in their vicinity must have reduced them greatly. The proposition -- so it is given out -- is to remove them from the State. Who will advance the funds, wherewith to consummate to such a measure? And where shall they be sent? Their numbers exceed five thousand, men women and children! Are these 5,000 people -- without any means and literally beggars -- to be thrust upon the charities of Illinois, Iowa, or Wisconsin?

It is said that the leaders are to be put to trial. We hope there may be a trial, and that the trial will extend to a most thorough, rigid, and impartial examination into the origin and progress of this extraordinary commotion. We hope that a searching operation will be applied to the guilty on all sides. It is only in such a way that the government and people of this State can place themselves in a just and dignified attitude before their sister governments and fellow citizens of the Union.

FURTHER FROM THE MORMONS. -- The account of a bloody butchery of thirty-two Mormon, on Splawn's creek, is fully confirmed. Two children were killed, we presume, by accident. Considerable plunder -- such as beds, hats, &c., were taken from the slaughtered. Not one of the assailants was killed or hurt.

About the time of the surrender, several Mormon houses were burnt in Chariton; and one Mormon who refused to leave, killed.

At Far West, after the surrender, a Mormon had his brains dashed out, by a man who accused the Mormons of burning his house in Daviess.

On Monday next, commence the sale of public lands, in Davis county.

Note: Apparently the St. Louis Gazette referred to above was published during the second week in November. No copy of the orignal publication has yet been located for transcription.


Vol. IV.                               Alton, Illinois, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1839.                            No. 8.

The Missouri House of Representatives have postponed until the fourth of July next the consideration of the bill from the Senate for the appointment of a joint committee to investigate the causes, and inquire into the history of the late Mormon troubles. With a rare consistency, however, they have appropriated $200,000 for the payment of the troops which plundered the Mormons, and drove them from their homes. "The offense is rank, and smells to Heaven."

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. IV.                           Alton, Illinois, Saturday, May 11, 1839.                         No. 20.

JOSEPH SMITH, and the other Mormon prisoners, heretofore confined in the jail of Daviess county, Missouri, made their escape about three weeks since, while on their way to Boone county, where their trial was to have taken place. They were escorted by a party of militia; but contrived, unobserved by their guards, to raise the floor of a cabin in which they had been confined during the night, and thus gave their enemies leg-bail. We believe they have arrived at Quincy in this state.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. IV.                           Alton, Illinois, Saturday, May 25, 1839.                         No. 22.


As a considerable number of these people have recently arrived in this State, where it is not impossible they may attempt to make a permanent settlement, any thing that relates to them, or their peculiar religious tenets, cannot be wholly uninteresting to our fellow citizens. We have therefore extracted into our first page, from an eastern paper, a singular account of the Origin of the "Book of Mormon," or "Golden Bible." which they profess to regard as a direct revelation from Heaven, but which the rest of the world generally consider as a gross imposture. -- How far Mrs. Davison's statement is entitled to implicit credence, we cannot undertake to say. Let it suffice to remark, that its authenticity is attested by a few reputable names, and that it bears at least the appearance of probability. It may nevertheless be a mere fiction; while the book of which it speaks may be worthy of more attention than those by whom it is ridiculed are willing to allow. Be this, however, as it may the experiences of all ages and countries, our own not excepted, clearly proves that there is no absurdity; either in religion, politics, or science, which may not rank some really honest and worthy individuals among its supporters and advocates; and the general knowledge that such is the fact, and that neither the light of nature, nor the influence of education and instruction, can bring all men to think alike on any subject, should teach every one to practice universal toleration, and to treat the opinions of others with courtesy and forbearance. Nothing is more certain than that, however deluded and fanatical the Mormons may be, they have an undoubted right, under the Constitution of the United States and of this State, to worship their Creator agreeably to the dictates of their own consciences, provided that, in so doing, they do not infringe on the acknowledged rights of others; and we hope that, so long as they shall conform to the laws, and discharge the ordinary duties of good citizens, their persons and property will remain unmolested.


The Boston Recorder of last week contains the following singular development of the origin and history of the Mormon Bible. It accounts most satisfactorily for the existence of the book , a fact which heretofore it has been difficult to explain. It was difficult to imagine how a work, containing so many indications of being the production of a cultivated mind, should be connected with a knavery so impudent, and a superstition so gross, as that which must have characterized the founders of this pretended religious sect. The present narrative, which, independently of the attestations annexed, appears to be by no means improbable, was procured from the writer by the Rev. Mr. Stow [sic], of Holliston, who remarks that he has "had occasion to come in contact with Mormonism in its grossest forms." It was communicated by him for publication in the Recorder.

"Origin of the 'Book of Mormon,' or 'Golden Bible.'" -- As this book has excited much attention, and has been put by a certain new sect, in the place of the sacred scriptures, I deem it a duty which I owe to the public, to state what I know touching its origin. That its claims to a divine origin are wholly unfounded, needs no proof to a mind unperverted by the grossest delusions. That any sane person should rank it higher than any other merely human composition, is a matter of the greatest astonishment; yet it is received as divine by some who dwell in enlightened New England, and even by those who have sustained the character of devoted Christians. Learning recently that Mormonism had found its way into a church in Massachusetts, and has impregnated some of its members with its gross delusions, so that excommunication has become necessary, I am determined to delay no longer doing what I can to strip the mask from this monster of sin, and to lay open this pit of abominations.

Rev. Solomon Spaulding, to whom I was united in marriage in early life, was a graduate of Dartmouth College, and was distinguished for a lively imagination and a great fondness for history. At the time of our marriage, he resided in Cherry Valley, N. Y. From this place we removed to New Salem, Ashtabula county, Ohio; sometimes called Conneaut, as it is situated upon Conneaut creek. Shortly after our removal to this place, his health sunk, and he was laid aside from active labors. In the town of New Salem, there are numerous mounds and forts, supposed by many to be the dilapidated dwellings and fortifications of a race now extinct. These ancient relics arrest the attention of the new settlers, and become objects of research for the curious. Numerous implements were found, and other articles evincing great skill in the arts. Mr. Spaulding being an educated man, and passionately fond of history, took a lively interest in these developments of antiquity; and in order to beguile the hours of retirement and furnish employment for his lively imagination, he conceived the idea of giving an historical sketch of this long lost race. Their extreme antiquity of course would lead him to write in the most ancient style, and as the Old Testament is the most ancient book in the world, he imitated its style as nearly as possible. His sole object in writing this historical romance was to amuse himself and his neighbors. This was about the year 1812. Hull's surrender at Detroit, occurred near the same time, and I recollect the date well from that circumstance. As he progressed in his narrative, the neighbors would come in from time to time to hear portions read, and a great interest in the work was excited among them. It claimed to have been written by one of the lost nation, and to have been recovered from the earth, and, assumed the title of "Manuscript Found." The neighbors would often inquire how Mr. S. progressed in decyphering the manuscript, and when he had sufficient portion prepared he would inform them, and they would assemble to hear it read. He was enabled, from his acquaintance with the classics and ancient history, to introduce many singular names, which were particularly noticed by the people, and could be easily recognized by them. Mr. Solomon Spaulding had a brother, Mr. John Spaulding, residing in the place at the time, who was perfectly familiar with this work and repeatedly heard the whole of it read.

From New Salem, we removed to Pittsburgh, Pa. Here Mr. S. found an acquaintance and friend, in the person of Mr. Patterson, an editor of a newspaper. He exhibited his manuscript to Mr. P. who was very much pleased with it, and borrowed it for perusal. He retained it a long time, and informed Mr. S. that if he would make out a title page and preface, he would publish it and it might be a source of profit. This Mr. S. refused to do, for reasons which I cannot now state. Sidney Rigdon, (one of the leaders and founders of the sect,) who has figured so largely in the history of the Mormons, was at this time connected with the printing office of Mr. Patterson, as is well known in that region, and as Rigdon himself has frequently stated. Here he had ample opportunity to become acquainted with Mr. Spaulding's manuscript, and copy it if he chose. It was a matter of notoriety and interest to all connected with the printing establishment. At length the manuscript was returned to its author, and soon after we removed to Amity, Washington county, Pa., where Mr. S. deceased in 1816. The manuscript then fell into my hands, and was carefully preserved. It has frequently been examined by my daughter, Mrs. McKenstry, of Monson, Mass., with whom I now reside, and by other friends. After the "Book of Mormon" came out, a copy of it was taken to New Salem, the place of Mr. Spaulding's residence, and the place where the "Manuscript Found" was written. A woman preacher appointed a meeting there, and in the meeting read and repeated copious extracts from the "Book of Mormon." The historical part was immediately recognized by all the older inhabitants, as the identical work of Mr. S., in which they had been so deeply interested years before. Mr. John Spaulding was present, who is an eminently pious man, and recognized perfectly the work of his brother. He was amazed and afflicted, that it should have been perverted to so wicked a purpose. His grief found vent in a flood of tears, and he arose on the spot, and expressed to the meeting his deep sorrow and regret, that the writings of his sainted brother should be used for a purpose so vile and shocking. -- The excitement in New Salem became so great, that the inhabitants had a meeting and deputed Dr. Philastus Hurlbut, one of their number, to repair to this place and to obtain from me the original manuscript of Mr. Spaulding, for the purpose of comparing it with the Mormon Bible, to satisfy their own minds and to prevent their friends from embracing an error so delusive. This was in the year 1834. Dr. Hurlbut brought with him an introduction and request for the manuscript, signed by Messrs. Henry Lake, Aaron Wright, and others, with all of whom I was acquainted, as they were my neighbors when I resided in New Salem.

I am sure that nothing could grieve my husband more, were he living, than the use which have been made of his work. The air of antiquity which was thrown about the composition, doubtless suggested the idea of converting it to the purposes of delusion. Thus an historical romance, with the addition of a few pious expressions and extracts from the sacred scriptures, has been construed into a new Bible, and palmed off upon a company of poor deluded fanatics, as divine. -- I have given the previous brief narration, that this work of deep deception and wickedness may be searched to the foundation, and its author exposed to the contempt and execration he so justly deserves.

MATILDA DAVISON.            

Rev. Solomon Spaulding was the first husband of the narrator of the above history. Since his decease, she has been married to a second husband by the name of Davison. She is now residing in this place; is a woman of irreproachable character, and an humble Christian, and her testimony is worthy of implicit confidence.            A. ELY, D. D.,
                   Pastor Cong. Church in Monson.
                            D. R. AUSTIN,
                   Principal of Monson Academy.

            Monson, Mass., April 1st, 1839.

Note: The Editor of the Telegraph says: "How far Mrs. Davison's statement is entitled to implicit credence, we cannot undertake to say." Given this paper's growing aversion to Mormonism in Illinois, it is remarkable that nobody on its staff ever took the time to contact Mr. Spalding's widow (or some of her relatives or associates) in an attempt to gain more information on this subject. At least, if anybody did so, no record of such a correspondence was ever published in the 1839 newspapers.


Vol. IV.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, June 1, 1839.                           No. 23.


We inserted in our last number a communication from Mrs. Matilda Davison to the Editor of the Boston Recorder, the object of which was to show, by a statement of certain facts, attested by herself and a few other persons, that the principal part of the celebrated "Book of Mormon" or "Golden Bible," was originally written by her first husband, the late Rev. Solomon Spalding, about twenty-six years ago, when compelled by indisposition to suspend his labors as a preacher of the gospel; and that, consequently, its claim to be a direct revelation from Heaven is a gross imposture. A subscriber has since put into our hands a copy of the New York Evangelist of February 16, containing an extract from a work entitled "Mormonism Unveiled." recently published by G. [sic] D. Howe, of Painesville, Ohio, which strongly corroborates Mrs. Davison's statement. -- JOHN SPALDING, the deceased Clergyman's brother, and MARTHA his wife, of Crawford county, Pa.; JOHN N. MILLER, of Springfield, Pa.; HENRY LAKE, AARON WRIGHT, and OLIVER SMITH, of Conneaut, Ohio; severally declare that, having examined the "Book of Mormon," they are persuaded that the historical parts of it are taken chiefly, if not wholly, from the "Manuscript Found" of the late Rev. Mr. SPALDING, as read to them, by the latter in his life-time; and that the names of the principal persons mentioned in the said work, as well as the most striking incidents recorded therein, have been brought fresh to their recollection by the perusal of the "Golden Bible." -- We should have copied the entire extract, had not the space allotted to such matters be otherwise appropriated before it was pointed out to us.

Note: No copy of the New York Evangelist of Feb. 16, 1839 has yet been located for confirmation of the above report.


Vol. IV.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, June 15, 1839.                           No. 25.


The last Quincy Whig contains a communication signed by "S. RIGDON," one of the Mormon leaders, in which the truth of the statement recently made by Mrs. Matilda Davidson, concerning the origin of "the Book of Mormon," which appeared in our paper of the 25th ult., is positively denied, and the entire article said to be a tissue of "lies" from beginning to end. We should republish this production at length, in order to let our readers hear both sides, did not its extreme vulgarity forbid its insertion.

Note: The Alton Telegraph seems to have been about the only western newspaper that offered any comments regarding Sidney Rigdon's notorious letter to the editors of the Quincy Whig. The Whig provided some follow-up letters and reports, but the Telegraph took no further interest in the matter -- leaving Rigdon's denial unrefuted.


Vol. V.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, January 4, 1840.                           No. 1.


We have received the first number of a new publication bearing the above title, just commenced in the town of Commerce, Hancock county, by E. Robinson and D. C. Smith. It is issued in monthly numbers, each containing sixteen pages of matter, at the rate of One Dollar per annum, payable in advance; and is designed to furnish general information in relation to the Mormons, or "Latter-day Saints;" together with "a history of the persecutions which they, as a people, received in Missouri, by orders of the Executive of that State." The number before us is decently printed; and its contents are by no means devoid of interest. We are not sufficiently acquainted with the events to which it refers to be able to say any thing either for or against the general accuracy of its statements.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. V.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, November 14, 1840.                           No. 46.

           From the Alexandria Gazette


Since the Mormons were expelled from the State of Missouri, they have purchased the town of Commerce, a situation of surpassing beauty, at the head of the Lower Rapids, on the Illinois shore of the upper Mississippi river. The name of the place they recently changed to Nauvoo, the Hebrew term for Fair or Beautiful. Around this place, as their centre, they are daily gathering from almost every quarter, and several hundred new houses erected within the last few months, attest to the passing traveller the energy, industry, and self-denial with which the community is imbued. -- They have also obtained possession of extensive tracts of land on the opposite side of the river, in that charming portion of Iowa Territory, known as the "Half Breed Reservation;" and there, upon the rolling and fertile prairies, they are rapidly selecting their homes and opening their farms. As the traveler now passes thro' those natural parks and fields of flowers, which the hand of the Creator seems to have originally planted there for the inspection of his own eye, he beholds their cabins, dotted down in the most enchanting perspective, either on the borders of the timber, or beside the springs and streams of spring water, which are interspersed on every hand.

Nor are they unmindful of their interests abroad while they are thus accomplishing so much at home. No sect, with equal means, has probably ever suffered and achieved more in so short a space of time. Their elders have not only been commissioned and sent forth to every part of our country, but they have left their families and friends behind them, and gone to Europe, and even to the Holy Land, to reveal the wonders of the "new and everlasting covenant;" and to preach "the dispensation of the fullness of times." They doubt not but that they shall be endued, when necessary, with power from on high to proclaim to all the nations of the earth, in their tongues, the wonderful works of God.

The signal success which every where attends their exertions, proves how well their religious system is adapted to give expression to the various forms of enthusiasm that pervade the religious sentiment of the day. Retaining many truths which are held in common by different denominations of Christians, and covering their creed with imposing forms and lofty pretensions, their system opens a winning asylum for all the disaffected or dissatisfied of other persuasions, and contains much that is congenial to every shade of erratic or radical religious character. As an illustration of this, it is stated, in the last number of their own journal, called "Times and Seasons," that, on a single occasion in England, one of their elders recently baptised, among others, no less than thirteen preachers of one denomination of Christians.

The name of Mormon they disclaim, and affirm that it was given to them by their enemies. They call themselves "The Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints," and number among their chief ecclesiastical dignitaries, a prophet, patriarch, and a train of high priests, bishops, and elders. They are understood to disallow the truth and validity of other churches, and to believe that their own ecclesiastic constitution entitles them to expect the enjoyment of all other gifts and blessings of the church in ancient times. They teach that all who are baptized by immersion and under proper authority, are legally entitled to the remission of their sins, and the gift of the Holy Ghost. Among other religious exercises, they meet together to testify, to prophecy, to speak with tongues to interpret, and to relate their visions and revelations, and, in short, to exercise all the gifts of God as in order among the ancient churches. They believe that the restoration of Israel to Palestine, the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and the second advent of the Messiah are near at hand; and the dreadful calamities which have recently befallen some of the cities of our land, are set down upon their records as prophetic signs of the second coming of the Son of Man in the clouds of Heaven to open their millennial era.

As to the "Book of Mormon," while they place implicit confidence in its truth, they deny that it is a new Bible to exclude the old but a historical and ancient record, written in ancient times by a branch of the house of Israel that peopled America, from whom the Indians descended. The metallic plates on which these records were engraved, lay deposited for many centuries in the earth, until they were at length discovered and translated by Joseph Smith jr., and found not only to corroborate and confirm the truth of holy writ, but also to open the events of ancient America, as far back at least as the flood. They believe that this book pours the light of noon-day upon the history of a nation whose mounds and cities, and fortifications still repose in grand but melancholy ruins, upon the bosom of the western prairies; and the reason that it is not more generally received is the same that operated to prevent the reception of the Gospel in the early ages of Christianity.

It was a beautiful morning towards the close of April last, when the writer of the foregoing sketch, accompanied by, a friend, crossed the Mississippi river, from Montrose, to pay a visit to the prophet. As we approached his house, we saw him ride up and alight from his beautiful horse; and handing the bridle to one of his followers in attendance, he waited in front of his gate to receive us. A number of principal men of the place soon collected around, apparently anxious to hear the words which fell from his lips. His bearing towards them was like one who has authority; and the deference which they paid him convinced us that his dominion was deeply seated in the empire of their consciences. To our minds, a profound knowledge of human nature had evidently taught him that, of all principles, the most omnipotent is the religious principle, and to govern men of certain classes, it is necessary to control their religious sentiments.

After he had shown us the fine grounds around his dwelling; he conducted us, at our request, to an upper room, where he drew aside the curtains of a case, and showed several Egyptian mummies, which we were told that the church had purchased, at his suggestion, some time before, for a large sum of money.

It may have been the Princess Thermutis, I replied, the same that rescued Moses from the waters of the Nile.

It is not [im]probable, answered the prophet, but my time has not yet allowed fully to examine and decide that point. Do you understand the Hebrew language, said he, raising his hand to the top of the case, and taking down a small Hebrew grammar of Rabbi Seixas.

That language has not altogether escaped my attention, was the reply.

He then walked to a Secretary, on the opposite side of the room, and drew out several frames covered with glass, under which were numerous fragments of Egyptian papyrus, on which, as usual, a great variety of hieroglyphical characters had been imprinted.

These ancient records, said he, throw great light on the subject of Christianity. They have been unrolled and preserved with great labor and care. My time has been hitherto too much taken up to translate the whole of them, but I will show you how I interpret certain parts. There, said he, pointing to a particular character, that is the signature of the patriarch Abraham.

It is indeed a most interesting autograph, I replied, and doubtless the only one extant. What an ornament it would be to have these ancient manuscripts handsomely set in frames, and hung up about the wall of the temple which you are about to erect at this place.

Yes, replied the prophet, and the translations hung up with them.

Thinking this a proper time to propose a few inquiries relative to some of his peculiar tenets, I observed that it was commonly reported of him, that he believed in the personal reign of the Messiah upon earth, during the millennial era.

I believe in no such thing, was his reply. At the opening of that period, I believe that Christ will descend; but will immediately return again to Heaven. Some of our elders, he continued, before I have found time to instruct them better, have unadvisedly propagated some such opinions; but I tell my people that it is absurd to suppose that Christ "will jump out of the frying pan into the fire." He is in a good place now, and it is not to be supposed that he will exchange it for a bad one....


"The New York Packet Ship North America, Capt. Lowber, sailed on Tuesday week with 19 cabin passengers and 200 in the steerage. The whole of the steerage passengers belong to the sect called "Latter Day Saints," and are bound for Quincy, in the State of Illinois, on the borders of the Mississippi, where a settlement has been provided for them by one of their sect, who has purchased a large tract of land in Illinois. We understand that upwards of 2000 are in treaty to embark early next spring for the same locality. A great portion of those who sailed in the North America are members of the Total Abstinence Society, and are from Leicestershire and Herefordshire. They were shipped by the respectable [firm] of Fitzhugh & Grimshaw, of this town.
                Liverpool Chronicle.

Note 1: The full article relating this visitor from Montrose's conversation with Joseph Smith, etc. was also published in the Oct. 17, 1840 issue of the Quincy Whig. Probably the Whig also copied the piece from the Alexandria Gazette.

Note 2: Rev. Henry Caswall offers a similar report in his 1842 book, The City of the Mormons, pp. 22-23: "The storekeeper... drew forth a number of glazed slides, like picture frames, containing sheets of papyrus, with Egyptian inscriptions and hieroglyphics. These had been unrolled from four mummies, which the prophet purchased at a cost of twenty-four hundred dollars... Mr. Smith had discovered that these sheets contained the writings of Abraham, written with his own hand while in Egypt. Pointing to the figure of a man lying on a table, he said, 'that is the picture of Abraham on the point of being sacrificed. That man standing by him with a drawn knife is an idolatrous priest of the Egyptians" (cf. Caswall's "The Mormons," in The Visitor or Monthly Instructor, 1842, p. 406; see also Charlotte Haven's Feb. 19, 1843 letter in the Overland Monthly of Dec. 1880; and Josiah Quincy's recollections of a visit to Nauvoo: "Joseph Smith at Nauvoo." in his 1883 book, Figures of the Past, pp. 376-400).


Vol. 6.                           Alton, Illinois, Saturday, June 26, 1841.                         No. 26.

==> In one of the late numbers of the Warsaw Signal, we see it stated that Dr. Bennett has been removed by the Governor from the office of Quarter Master General. Such is not the fact. Bennett was elected Major General of the "Nauvoo Legion." which. as a matter of course, vacated his office of Quarter Master General, and the Governor filled the vacancy this occasioned by the appointment of W. G. Flood, of Quincy.

All that surprised us was, that the appointment was not conferred by the Executive upon either Smith or Rigdon, as the Mormons seem to have been subjects of peculiar favor both with Gov. Carlin and Judge Douglass, who, for the last twelve months, has been courting and flattering them solely for the purpose of securing their political influence. Time will disclose whether they will succeed in their endeavor.

==> Judge Douglass has decided against the validity of the writ upon which Joe Smith, the Mormon Prophet, was arrested, with a view of having him surrendered to the authorities of Missouri. The Governor has, however, caused the Secretary of State to issue a new process, and to have it placed in the proper officer's hands for execution.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, May 14, 1842.                           No. 20.


Addressed the people of this county on the 4th inst at Edwardsville. He was listened to by one of the largest audiences we have ever seen assembled on a similar occasion, since our residence in the State; and the attention and manifest gratification with which he was listened to, furnished the strongest evidence that the various positions he assumed met with the cordial co-operation of his hearers.

Much of his time was taken up in refuting the base and groveling charges preferred against him by the State Register, of being the founder of both the Internal Improvement and State Bank systems. And the evidence he furnished, forced from the most prejudiced of his political opponents the reluctant confession, that he had triumphantly vindicated himself, and shown the falsity of the charges.

His views in regard to the dangerous and alarming powers which were granted to the Mormons, in various charters passed at the last session of our Legislature, and the firm and decided stand he assumed against making them a PRIVILEGED SECT over all other religious denominations and classes of our citizens, met with universal approbation by all who listened to him. Gov. Duncan declared he was for extending to them the same privileges, and none other, that our citizens in common enjoyed under the provisions of the constitution and laws. But all extraordinary anti-republican and arbitrary powers, which the corruption of a Legislature granted them solely for the purpose of obtaining their political support, he unhesitatingly proclaimed he was for taking from them. The Governor referred to one of the ordinances of their city, which provided that if any person spoke lightly of, or doubted, their religion, upon conviction thereof, the offender was liable to a fine of five hundred dollars and six months imprisonment. This disgraceful attempt to form, in a republican government, an established religion by legal enactment, created throughout the audience a great sensation, and opened their eyes to the rapid strides that were being made in their very midst towards an arbitrary and monarchial form of government.

He next referred to a correspondence in the Times and Seasons, published at Nauvoo, between Dr. C. V. Dyer, of Chicago, a distinguished Loco-foco, and Joe Smith and Gen. Bennett, the prophet and the military leader of the Mormons. That correspondence divulges the fact, that the Mormons, at the solicitation of Dr. Dyer. (who is an Abolitionist) are prepared to act with them. -- And Gen. Bennett evinces his willingness at any moment to march against the Penitentiary in Missouri with his armed force, established under the auspices, (as Joe Smith says,) of Mr. Snyder and Judge Douglass, and release the three Quincy Abolitionists now in confinement there. This correspondence we shall publish at length in a few days, that every man may judge of its alarming tendencies for himself.

It struck us with a good deal of astonishment that Joe Smith and Gen. Bennett should thus publicly avow their abolition principles in the very face of the proclamation of the prophet, as the military leader of the Mormons, to all his followers, to vote for Mr. Snyder for Governor, WHO IS HIMSELF ONE OF THE LARGEST SLAVE HOLDERS IN THE STATE. To us it displayed an inconsistency irreconcilable with common honesty.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, May 21, 1842.                           No. 21.


Of the State of Missouri, was most inhonorably shot a few days since, while sitting at his own fireside in Independence. He received three wounds in the head, the effect of which will, in all probability, result in the loss of his life. No cause is assigned for this fiendish act; nor, as we learn, have any well grounded suspicions been fixed upon any person as the perpetrator of the deed.

A reward -- in our opinion paltry in the extreme -- has been offered for the arrest of the offender; and we fondly trust that he will yet be discovered, apprehended, and convicted. Crime of every grade has become so prevalent throughout the land, that no person now seems to be secure in the enjoyment of either life, property, or reputation. The only corrective is a faithful and rigid administration of the laws.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, June 4, 1842.                           No. 23.


The above paper of the 27th ult., expresses for the interests of the Mormons, and apparent horror at the idea that Gov. Duncan should -- as every patriot and honest man of all parties would -- take strong grounds in his speeches to the people against the interference of Joe Smith, as the prophet of a religious sect, and the military leader of a church, in our elections in both those capacities. That such interference is not only wrong, but at war with the principles of our Government, we challenge the State Register to deny; and that it should be frowned down by all honest men regardless of party, no sensible person will controvert.

All that Gov. Duncan has done, has been to enter his protest against any sect of Christians, at the bidding of a leader, whom, by their religious tenets, they are bound to obey, or such religious capacity, arraying themselves against the one or the other of the great contending parties of this country. In all their constitutional rights, he would not only go as far, but farther, than those who now profess so much friendship for the Mormons -- to protect them. Beyond that, he ought not, and from our knowledge of him, are confident he will not go. And sooner than have him truckle to the threats, or yield to the promises, of Joe Smith, thereby securing the votes of the Mormons in a body, we should far prefer seeing Gov. Duncan overwhelmed with defeat. If he is elected, it must be upon principle, not as the fawning sycophant of any party or religious sect.

If the Mormons, from principle, are Van Buren men. (and we should think they ought to be, from the kind treatment they received from Tom Benton and Van Buren when at Washington, asking redress for the persecutions they met with in democratic Missouri) let them vote for the Van Buren nominees upon that ground. But this issuing a proclamation, on the part of Joe Smith, as "Lieutenant General" of the Nauvoo Legion, commanding his followers to vote for this or that candidate, is too bold a stride towards despotism ever to be long countenanced by a free and intelligent people. In this country, the inestimable privilege is guarantied to every citizen by the Constitution, of exercising the right of suffrage according to the dictates of his conscience, untrammeled from the control of any priest, prophet, or military leader. And it ill becomes Joe Smith -- professing obedience to our laws, and asking their protection, not only towards himself but his people -- in direct violation of that sacred instrument which guaranties to him and them that protection -- to issue, both in his spiritual and military capacity, an edict COMMANDING his followers to vote as HE shall direct.

If the Mormons would take the least pains to inquire, they would find that when they fled from the persecutions of Missouri, and sought refuge within the borders of Illinois, those whom they are now seeking to overpower by numbers were the first to extend them protection, and an assurance that in all their legal and constitutional rights they should be protected. While, on the other hand, those in whose favor this celebrated military edict of Joe Smith was issued, were unsparing in their denunciations of the Mormons as a body. In support of this latter assertion, we have only to refer the Mormons, as well as the Van Buren men, to an article in the ILLINOIS DEMOCRAT, then published at Jacksonville, and controlled by the leading Van Buren men of the State, under date of Nov. 21st 1840. In the article headed "The Presidency," and accounting for the defeat of Mr. Van Buren, the following language is used:

"All the combined factions and fragments and sects of religion, morals, and politics, have been arrayed against us. The Abolitionists falsely pretended that they were neutral between the great contending parties. -- Their strength was a reserved force, which fought in ambush under the standard of Federalism. ==>THE DELUDED AND INFATUATED MORMONS WERE MUSTERED LIKE SO MANY SOLDIERS, BY THAT INFAMOUS IMPOSTOR, JOE SMITH." <==

Such was the opinion and estimation entertained openly, and now covertly, by the leading Van Buren papers of this State, towards the Mormons, whose candidates their prophet has commanded to support in the approaching election. "Deluded and infatuated" indeed, will they prove, if they warm into existence a viper that will at the first opportunity sting them to death.


Arrived here on Sunday evening, and on Monday met a number of the citizens of Coles, and delivered an address, explanatory of his past connection with the affairs of State. His arrival was not expected nor known to many who would have been happy to have seen and heard him; but his policy with regard to State interest is very well known and appreciated by all in this region. We regret, however, that a personal acquaintance was not made with him by every voter in Coles county; Gov. Duncan carries his own letter of recommendation in his open and prepossessing countenance. His manner and deportment is unassuming, and fails not to win the confidence of every one at first sight; he made and confirmed many friends, who will be proud to cast a vote for him at the next August election.

All who listened to the clear and lucid explanation which the Gov. made in his address were satisfied of the honesty and wisdom of his administration of State affairs when he was our Governor. After the Gov. had concluded his remarks, a person from the audience propounded several questions to him with regard to his connections with the internal improvements of the State, and particularly as respected his canal policy. The Gov. answered the questions with as much frankness and ease that we were suspicious he had some one employed to put such questions as he had prepared answers beforehand. But we were agreeably surprised when we found ourselves mistaken. The author of the questions was a Mormon Missionary, Judge Pierson, who has been making a tour of the Wabash counties recently. The Judge found that truth and honesty of purpose could not be entangled by double meaning phrases. -- The Gov. should by all means induce the Judge to follow him; his open western phiz and demeanor compared with Judge Pierson's metaphysical appearance, contrasts infinitely to his advantage. -- Charleston Courier.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, June 11, 1842.                           No. 24.


Resolved by the city council of the city of Nauvoo, That the freedom of the city be, and the same is hereby conferred on Col. John Wentworth, Editor of the Chicago Democrat; and he is hereby declared a free citizen of the city Nauvoo.
  Passage, April 22nd. A. D. 1842.
                          JOHN C. BENNETT, Mayor.
  James Sloan, Recorder.

It is with the greatest pleasure that we accept 'the freedom' above granted us, and, in reciprocity, we would assure our dearly beloved sisters of the city of Nauvoo that we are a single man of high standing and brilliant prospects, and that ere long, we intend to take the liberties above bestowed upon us, and make ourselves at home with the prettiest, most intelligent and most virtuous among them; and, furthermore, we assure our dearly beloved brethren Smith, Bennett, Rigdon and others, that soon they shall see 'Saul among the prophets,' for we are bound to visit Nauvoo at the next 'Feast of the Tabernacle,' and address the people in unknown tongues. Selah sis ni Melchisidec. Refrap en resu Paul nus tisio surl ax Cephas. Nebuchadnezzer mole utriu axtriorer, Dow, jr. Mormon 191 Those to whom it is given to understand the above, can reply upon it. The times are portentous, and what is done must be done quickly.
                    Chicago Democrat.

==> The Mormons have nominated a full ticket for county officers of their own religious denomination, in the county of Hancock. They intend either to rule or ruin.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, June 18, 1842.                           No. 25.


The new Mormon candidate for Governor, was one of the most virulent Adams men ever in the State of Illinois. Since his conversion to Locofocoism and Mormonism, his political course has been rather a retired one; not for the want of ambition, but through a conspicousness of shame in attempting to laud to any great extent those against whom, when an Adams man, he said so many bitter things.

He is a resident of the extreme northern section of the State, closely and intimately identified with all its sectional interests, and directly at war with the interest of the south. He is one of the most Ultra Canal Men the north could have selected; and should he be chosen, he will go to any extent, and adopt any means, no matter how ruinous in its consequences, to carry on that work at the cost and expense of the State.

As one of the political Judges elected for the purpose of destroying the institutions of the State, and to decide against the validity of the sales of the sixteen sections to relieve certain speculators in the north, who had purchased portions of the said sections at [--------ous] rates during the speculating mania, he is alone conspicuous; and if he has not carried out the evil designs of his creature[s] in conjunction with his four associates, brought into judicial existence at the same time, it is only because the opportunity has not been afforded him.

He has been selected by the politicians and demagogues with an eye single to his utter [------------] to their will, and with the certainty that, if he is elected, his whole course will be to benefit The Party at the sacrifice of the State and her interests. As a statesman, he is unknown; and the most reckless of his supporters will scarcely risk their reputation in asserting that he possesses the slightest qualifications to constitute him one. Between him and Gov. Duncan, we are per[f]ectly willing the unbiased judgments of the people of this State should decide.


In an article which we publish to-day, taken from a recent number of the Sangamo Journal, headed "THE MORMONS," will be found a letter from Jefferson county in this State, in which it is admitted by Mr. Hicks, the Van Buren member of the Legislature from that county, that ==> "he was opposed to all incorporations; that he had examined those granted the Mormons, and expressed his determination to oppose them; but was persuaded by his democratic friends not to do so, who assured him that if they could get those bills passed, the Mormons would vote for them, and they could carry the State." <==

Freemen of Illinois! Thus, by the confession of a Van Buren man, have your rights and privileges been bartered away by a corrupt Legislature to a religious despotism! -- Are you prepared to submit to it? Are you willing that Mormonism shall become the established religion of your State, established at the point of the bayonet, if no milder form will accomplish it! Or do you prefer, according to the provisions of your glorious Constitution, to worship God according to the dictates of your own conscience? If the latter, beware! how you elevate to power those who are courting the support of the Mormons as a church. Again, we say, beware!

From the "Wasp" -- a Mormon newspaper published at Nauvoo.


After our property had been wrestled from us and the declaration gone forth that we were forthwith to leave the country, we were anxious, as far as possible to recover what had been lost, and had been by treachery and fraud so unexpectedly deprived of. Accordingly, we went peaceable into the settlements to recover our property; but no sooner did we make known our business than we were insulted, decided and calumniated by every epithet and indignity that their degenerated intellects were able to invent. Some were whipped, tarred, feathered and tortured with every cruelty possible. Daily aggressions were now made upon our homes, our firesides; property was clandestinely taken from us in the silent watches of the night, and at the noon-day hour; our families insulted, our hearths desecrated, and our lives periled. This state of things existing, we were again compelled to petition for assistance. We applied to General Atchison, who immediately came to our assistance with a strong military force. He marched to Gallatin, where his troops were stationed several days. At their appearance in the county the mob immediately dispersed, avowing their intention to be peaceable and orderly. But this determination proved to be remarkably short lived. No sooner had General Atchison returned to Clay and disbanded his troops, than plunder, rapine, pillage, and the work of devastation was resumed with renewed vigor, and determination. He was again applied to for assistance. At his re-appearance in the county the mob dispersed as before and again declared their intentions to keep the peace. Gen. Atchison saw their treachery and how futile and vain were his efforts to restore peace; he knew that were he to interfere too strenuously in the affair, that it would plunge the whole state into difficulty, and commotion, and with these considerations he withdrew his troops and left us to defend ourselves against our assailants. Again the mob renewed their aggressions; their force became more formidable and oppressive; daily accessions were made to their numbers and the work of barbarity commenced with redoubled energy. A certain individual by the name of Gilliam, then a representative from the Platt county in the Legislature of his State, backed by his wholly motly crew of "Black spirits and white.
Blue spirits and grey."
now made his appearance upon the stage of action. To follow him through all his acts of plunder, barbarity and cruelty, would be a task too arduous and intricate to be undertaken. They are traced indelibly, with an impress that defies the revolution of time to efface, upon the tablet of many a widowed heart, and upon the memory of many a helpless and unprotected orphan, and to sufficeth us to know that justice, stern and inflexible, will sooner or later overtake him. He was indeed an able competition for the very amiable, patriotic and pious Methodist priest Bogard, who is another demon from the dark and benighted regions of Hades sent to figure upon the earth in human shape and carry on the work of desolation among the children of men. The midnight slumbers of the saints were repeatedly broken by the hostile and appalling yells of these lawless rabbles, and from the quietude of their peaceful homes, they were forced to fly to arms that they might protect their families from death, their homes from plunder, and their hearths from desecration.


Judge Breese has undergone the bow-string. The State Printer and Secretary of State, as emissaries of the junto here, returned on Monday from a flying visit to his honor. It is understood that they proposed to the judge, that if he would decline being a candidate for Governor, he should be made U. S. Senator in place of Judge Young. So many promises had been made to him, that he hesitated; -- on which he was informed that in case of contumacy they were commissioned to apply the bow-string. Breese then agreed to submit quietly, only asking that the question -- who shall be the candidate? -- should be submitted to a meeting of the party friends now on a visit to Springfield, -- so that he could yield with honor. The worthy emissaries gave each other a knowing wink, and agreed to the proposition. A letter was written, which will be published, probably in the Register of this week, and the string was then applied. On returning to this city, the emissaries and other members of the junto, put the democracy into proper training, held the meeting as agreed, and secured the nomination of Judge Ford.

We have no doubt that "Esq. Warren," who is the same person named in the proclamation of the Lieutenant General, delivered to the Loco Foco meeting last night, the mandates of the said Lieutenant General Joe Smith, in favor of Judge Ford, as he was present, and it is said the nomination was unanimous. We heard a rumor on Tuesday that Smith and Rigdon were both in this city, but it may not be so; if the rumor be true, they were doubtless in the meeting, and spoke for themselves. -- Sang. Journal.

   From the Vandalia (Illinois) Standard.


HORRID DEED. -- The late Governor of Missouri, L. W. Boggs, was mortally wounded by some unknown person, on the night of the 6th inst., while seated in his house at Independence. The St. Louis papers give the following particulars:

"Gov. Boggs was shot by some villain on Friday the 6th. in the evening, whilst sitting in a room in his own house in Independence. His son, a boy, hearing a report, ran into the room, found the Gov. sitting in a chair, with his jaw fallen down, and his head leaning back; on discovering the injury done his father, he gave the alarm. Foot tracks were found in the garden below the window, and a pistol picked up supposed to have been overloaded, and thrown from the hand of the scoundrel who had fired it.

"Three buck shot, of heavy lead, took effect; one going through his mouth -- one into the brain, and another in or probably near the brain -- all going in, in the back part of the next or head. The Governor was still alive on the morning of the 7th, but no hope of his recovery by his friends, and but slight hopes from the physicians."

The following paragraph in reference to the murder of this gentleman, we copy from the Missouri Reporter of the 14th. If the charge preferred against Joe Smith be true, he deserves to suffer the utmost penalty of the law, but as the Missourians are known to have a mortal hatred for him and his followers it may be charitable perhaps, to suppose him innocent of the fatal charge, until it can be established by something more substantial than mere rumor:

"Gov. Boggs. -- We learn from a gentleman who arrived in this city on Thursday evening from Warsaw, that there was a report current at the latter place that Gov. Boggs was dead. It was supposed that the assassin was one of Joe Smith's followers, and that he would be caught before he could reach Nauvoo. Letters, it was said, had been written from Jefferson City, To Gov. B. before his assassination, putting him upon his guard against assault threatened against his life by some Mormon fanatics. The information was sent to Jefferson City by several respectable persons, who had learned from a Mormon belonging to Nauvoo, that Joe Smith had been endeavoring to persuade some of his followers to murder Gov. B. for the course he took against them a few years ago. We give this rumor for what it is worth."

    From the Sangamo Journal.

Since the attempt upon the life of Gov. Boggs, it has been feared that some emissaries might visit Nauvoo for the purpose of retaliating upon the Mormon Prophet: and for that reason, it was rumored, a guard is now provided for the city. The official notices of the establishment of this guard, are given in the "Wasp." which are here copied:

              "Mayor General's Office, Nauvoo Legion,
              City of Nauvoo, Ill., May 20th, 1842.

To the citizens of the City of Nauvoo:

I have this day received an order from Gen. Joseph Smith, Mayor of said city, to detail a regular night watch for the city which I have executed by selecting, and placing on duty, the following named persons: to wit: D. B. Huntington, W. D. Huntington, L. N. Scovil, C. Allen, A. P. Rockwood, N. Rogers, S. Roundy, and J. Arnold, who will hereafter be obeyed and respected, as such, until further orders.

              John C. Bennett,
              Major General.
              "Mayor's Office, City of Nauvoo,
              May 20th, A. D. 1842

To the City Watch:
You are hereby directed to appear at my office, daily, at 6 o'clock, P. M., to receive orders; and at 6 o'clock A. M., to make reports; until regularly disbanded by the Mayor General of the Legion, by my order.
              Joseph Smith, Mayor.

From these official notices, it would appear that the Mormons have a government entirely of their own -- an army of their own, portions of which are detached on the requisition of the Mayor of Nauvoo, when he pleases to make a requisition upon the commanding officer for their services. This is, indeed, a curious state of things. A Christian sect in Illinois keeping up a military organization for their own particular purposes! What would be thought if the Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, or Episcopalians of this State had separate military organizations; and that their respective legions of troops were in constant practice of military discipline? These Mormon troops are said now to amount to 2,000 men, and to be as well drilled as regular soldiers.

The laws of incorporation under which the Mormons are now enjoying exclusive privileges, have given rise, latterly, to some public discussions. We have now before us a communication from Mount Vernon, Jefferson county, in this State, which possesses much interest. It appears, from this communication, that the laws in question were passed by our late Locofoco Legislature, -- a Legislature, by the bye which professed an utter aversion to monopolies in the shape of incorporations -- for political purposes; that they were passed to secure the Mormon vote. There can now be no doubt of the fact, that the Proclamation issued by Lieut. Gen. Smith, to his people, requiring them to vote for Messrs. Snyder and Moore, was the result of the passage of these laws by the Locofoco Legislature.

In copying the communication alluded to we cannot but express the opinion, which will become general, that Mr. Hicks, in disclosing the truth, has eminently secured for himself the character of an honest man -- too honest to conceal facts of so much importance to the welfare of community, although such concealment might benefit his party. We call upon the public to read and attentively consider their communication:

              "Mount Vernon, May 14, 1842.
To the Editor of the Journal:
Gov. Duncan made us a speech yesterday, and attacked the Van Buren members of the Legislature for granting the Mormon Corporations for the purpose of securing their votes; and exposed the dangerous and extraordinary powers which the Legislature conferred upon them. His speech called out our Senator and Representative, both of whom made speeches to vindicate their own character in relation to this nefarious plot. Col. Johnston acknowledged that he had voted for all the bills, and excused himself because they had been introduced by a Representative from Hancock county, who, he said although elected by the Mormons, was an honorable high-minded Whig; yet the Colonel omitted to mention that the bills were managed after their introduction exclusively by the leaders of the Van Buren party. But Maj. Hicks' excuse confirms the whole plot. He said that he was opposed to all incorporations; that he had examined those granted the Mormons, before they passed, and expressed his determination to oppose them; but was persuaded, by his Democratic friends not to do so -- who assured him that if they could get those bills passed, the Mormons would vote for them, and they would then carry the elections in the State; and that he was also induced to give up his opposition to them because he had differed with his party on some other party measures, about which his friends had complained, and he did not wish to differ from them when he could possibly help it. The facts stated in these speeches show that the Legislature were corruptly influenced to grant the Mormons all the powers they demanded."

Having in this article alluded to the Proclamation of Lieut. Gen. Smith. and its obvious connection with the party movement of passing the acts of incorporation for the benefit of the Mormons, we here give a copy of that Proclamation. If the military order of the Lieutenant General is not obeyed, we do not know what a military punishment would follow. Indeed, that would be unnecessary; for his spiritual punishments are much more regarded by his followers, than any military punishment could possibly be.

City of Nauvoo, Ill., Dec. 20, 184[1].

To my friends in Illinois:

The Gubernatorial Convention of the State of Illinois, have nominated Col, Adam W. Snyder for GOVERNOR, and Col, John Moore for LIEUT. GOVERNOR of the State of Illinois -- election to take place in August next. Col. Moore, like Judge Douglass, and Esq. Warren, was an intimate friend of Gen. Bennett long before that gentleman became a member of our community; and Gen. Bennett informs us that no men were more efficient in assisting him to procure our great chartered privileges, than were Col. Snyder and Col. Moore. They are sterling men, and friends of equal rights -- opposed to the oppressor's grasp and the tyrant's rod. With such men at the head of our State Government we have nothing to fear.

*    *    *    *    *    *

Douglass is a master spirit, and his friends and our friends; we are willing to cast our banners on the air, and fight by his side in the cause of humanity and equal rights -- the cause of liberty and the law. Snyder, and Moore, are his friends -- they are ours. These men are free from the prejudices and superstitions of the age; and such men we love, and such men will ever receive our support, be their political predilections what they ma.; Snyder and Moore are known to be our friends; their friendship is vouched for by those whom we have tried. We will never be justly charged with the sin of ingratitude -- they have served us, and we will serve them.
               JOSEPH SMITH.
           Lieut. Gen. of the Nauvoo Legion.


Joe Smith thus notices the attempted murder of Gov. Boggs, in the Nauvoo 'Wasp.' of May 28: --

           Nauvoo, Ill., May 22, A. D., 1842.
Mr. Bartlett:--
Dear Sir: -- In your paper (the Quincy Whig,) of the of the 21st inst., you have done me manifest injustice, in ascribing to me a prediction of the demise of Lilburn W. Boggs, ex-Governor of Missouri, by violent hands. Boggs was a candidate for the State Senate, and I presume fell by the hand of a political opponent, with his 'hands and face yet dripping with the blood of murder,' but he died not through my instrumentality. -- My hands are clear, and my heart is pure from the blood of all men. I am tired of the misrepresentation, calumny, and detraction heaped upon me by wicked men, and desire and claim only that privilege guarantied to all men by the Constitution and laws of the United States and of Illinois. Will you do me the justice to publish this communication and oblige.
            Yours, respectfully,
                 JOSEPH SMITH.

The same paper, commenting upon the attempted MURDER of Gov. Boggs, says:

"The most wonderful development is, that 'it appears Jo Smith has made several threats against Missouri.' The public can hardly be gulled by such foolish libels. Boggs is undoubtedly killed, according to report, but who did the NOBLE DEED remains to be found out."

We submit these extracts without comment: -- Sang. Jour.

GOV. DUNCAN delivered an address to our citizens on Tuesday afternoon. His speech mainly, was a calm and candid exposition of his course while Governor of this Senate, and of the corrupt coalition formed between the leaders of the Loco-foco party and Joe Smith, for the votes of the Mormons. For many of the facts embraced in the article under our editorial head, we are indebted to this speech. He was followed, in reply by Calvin A. Warren, Esq., a lawyer of Quincy, -- the same gentleman who is referred to in the Proclamation of Lieutenant General Joseph Smith, as "Esq. Warren."

Mr. Warren defended the Mormons and his party from the charges made upon them, in a labored speech of over three hours, consisting chiefly of stale anecdotes; when Gov. Duncan replied to him, and showed that this Mr. Warren was the same man that had acted as Douglass' Master in Chancery, to take Joe Smith out of the custody of the officers by a writ of habeas corpus, when he was arrested under a demand from the Governor of Missouri; that he was now an agent and representative of the Mormons in this city, and that he is the same man that went to the Missouri State's prison to pray with the Abolitionists, who had been convicted of an attempt to kidnap and liberate slaves. All of his eloquent appeal to the sympathy of the audience in favor of the Mormons, if any had been created, vanished like thin air. After Mr. Warren had made a second long speech, attacking Whig principles, Mr. E. D. Baker was called upon to reply, and after he had done, if there was anything left of "Esq. Warren," we could not discover it.

The policy of General Duncan, while Governor, in relation to Banks, Internal Improvements, and other great interests of our State, is now universally acknowledged. Had his recommendations been followed we would have been saved from most of the evils which we are now suffering. -- Every intelligent man knows these facts; and the ballot boxes will tell that the people will sustain a long tried and faithful public servant. -- Sang. Jour.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, June 25, 1842.                           No. 26.

Judge Ford of Wisconsin,

Is the Mormon candidate for Governor of this State. It will be recollected, by the people of this section of the State, that, efforts are, and have been, made by a portion of the people of Illinois, in which they have received the co-operation of the citizens of Wis., to set off a portion of our State to the Wis. Territory. The tract of the country proposed to be detached from our State, includes the county of Ogle, the residence of Judge Ford, and if they can succeed in being set off they will get rid of their proportion of the State debt, which has been mainly incurred for their benefit.

Are the citizens of Southern and Middle Illinois prepared to submit to this renewed proposition of injustice, on the part of our Northern Brethren? Are they prepared to select as their Governor one of those who are abjuring fellowship with us, and are insisting that they are not citizens of Illinois? Are they willing to yield everything to the north, and continue to rest under the asperation of being their "hewers of wood and drawers of water!" If not let them sustain Gov. Duncan, who goes for Illinois, The whole of Illinois -- and nothing but Illinois.

We are aware that the friends of Judge Ford will attempt to deny that he is for setting off part of the State. But such denial will come with ill grace, at this time, Judge Ford, as a citizen of Illinois, should have entered his protest against the proposition at a time when this question was agitating the people of his section of the country. His doing so now is too much like a dying confession, making a virtue of necessity. He is against us in this section of the State, and all the sophistry in the world cannot convince us to the contrary.

Insult to the North.

Judge Douglass, Joe Smith's "Master Spirit." in a speech he made at Jacksonville on Monday last, against the people's candidate, Gov. Duncan, stated that the inhabitants of teh North were arming themselves for another mob to butcher the women and children of the Mormons. The base slander was not believed by even the most reckless of this little demagogue's party friends, and none, but one as hardened in political deception and ignomity as in Judge Douglass, would have made the assertion. It is a gross and willful slander upon the citizens of the north; which this traveling political Judge dhould be made to answer for.

Does not Judge Ford intend to resign his Judgeship, now that he has consented to be the Mormon candidate for Governor? Or does he intend to take his change for Governor, and if -- as he most assuredly will be -- defeated, then resume the ermine again? -- No man having the interest of Illinois at stake, and who id desirious of preserving unsullied the Judiciary, will support Judge Ford, unless he at once resigns his Judgeship. This holding one office and running for another is a little too greedy. We should like, also, to know whether Mr. Moore does not intend to resign his senatorship before the election.

Mr. Snyder, when he accepted the nomination of Governor, immediately resigned his office of Senator of St. Clair county. His example ought to be followed by both Judge Ford and Mr. Moore. Will they do it?

Judge Ford, in a speech he made in Brown county, defended the mormons, as well as the extraordinary and arbitrary powers granted them by the Legislature. Judge Douglass, anotehr of these political Judges, also defended them at Jacksonville, on Monday last, in a speech he made against Gov. Duncan. He declared the duty devolved upon HIM to protect the Mormons from a mob, which he falsely asserted the citizens of the North were raising to attack those people. This course both of these Judges were bound to take in compliance with their contract with the Mormons, to heap anathemas upon Gov. Duncan, and to support Judge Ford. -- Will the citizens of Illinois stand for this?

During the speech made by Judge Douglass, one of the political Judges of the Supreme Court, at jacksonville, on Monday last, a political friend of his Hinor called upon his to explain why he appointed Gen. Bennett, a leading Mormon, Master in Chancery, in Hancock county. The Judge was mum. He did not, and could not answer the interrogatory.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, July 2, 1842.                           No. 27.


The following article is taken from the "Battle Axe" of the 18th ult., a paper published at Winchester, and advocating political principles adverse to those entertained by Gov. Duncan. It contains the language of soberness and truth, and commends itself to the attention of the citizens of this State. What a contrast does this manly and praise-worthy conduct present to that purveyed by the Quincy Herald, State Register, and Chicago Democrat. We are rejoiced that the Battle Axe has regarded the obligations they are under to their country, paramount to that of party; and if the press generally was to adopt this independent course, Illinois would soon be freed from the horde of demagogues that have been sucking her very vitals, and be represented and governed by honest, pure and upright men.

The people throughout the State have become justly alarmed at the assumption, on the part of the Mormons through their spiritual head, "Jo Smith," to decide who shall and who shall not be elected in this State, and in our opinion, there is but one course to be adopted towards those who are applicants for office, and are found courting the favor of the Mormons -- and that is, for the people, without distinction of party, to go en masse against all such candidates.


The stand taken by Joseph Smith, the head of the church of "Latter day Saints," in elation to the coming gubernatorial election, is causing considerable excitement among the presses and politicians of this State. And that such should be the result of an organized, disciplined and universal move of a powerful body of people -- united and commanded as they are by the ties of brother-hood and the effect of persecution -- to break down or build up a party, or an individual, is not to be wondered at. Indeed, we should marvel if such a spectacle could be looked upon without causing an emotion.

In December last, Joseph Smith published a circular to his friends in Illinois, directing them, or calling upon them, to vote at the coming election for Snyder and Moore for Governor and Lieut. Governor of the State. This was looked upon as a novel move at the time; but excited no feeling until of late, since it has been ascertained that the same person is using his utmost power and influence to prostrate the claims of Gov. Duncan to the office of Governor. As to the relative claims of Gov. Duncan and his opponent to the high office of Governor, we are not to decide -- that question we leave to be settled by the intelligence and wisdom of the people. -- But in relation to a move, like that of the Mormon population, we feel at liberty to speak, and to condemn, if need be -- we feel it a duty to do so.

It will be observed, by those who have kept an eye upon the Mormon population, that they universally go together in all the political movements of the day -- and it is equally plain that in their movements they are not governed by political principles or consistency, but are moved entirely by selfish motives. By reference to their roles for a few years past this fact will be observed.

In 1830, when in Missouri, they all went for Mr. Van Buren; in 1840, they all went for Harrison; last year they supported Mr. Stuart for Congress; and now they are again found determined to support the democratic candidates for State officers. These circumstances, with that of their having their particular friends and favorites selected from both political parties, show that they are not governed by political principle, or any system of political economy, but leave a very plausible inference that they go for those who make the best promises to them, or those whom they think will do the most for them. We do not know that they are much to blame for pursuing their own interest -- it is natural that they should. But we do blame and condemn the men who, for the sake of votes or influence, will
"Bend the crooked hinges of the knee,
Where Thrift will follow fawning."

We cannot find language adequate to express our indignation toward those who have, or may hereafter, make promises or pledges to a particular sect or set of people, to do for them what they would not do for the community as a mass, in order to assure their support. And how superlatively contemptible in the conduct of that individual who makes promises of exclusive favors, thereby obtaining votes, and then pays no regard to the fulfillment of these promises.


The last Times & Seasons, the Mormon paper, edited by Joe Smith, the Prophet, contains the following:


The subscribers members of the first Presidency of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, withdraw the hand of fellowship from Gen. John C. Bennett, as a Christian; he having been labored with from time to time, to persuade him to amend his conduct, apparently to no good effect. JOSEPH SMITH,
The following members of the Quorum of the Twelve concur in the above sentiments:

Brigham Young,     Heber C. Kimball,
Lyman Wight,     William Smith,
John E. Page,     John Taylor,
Wilford Woodruff,     George A. Smith,
Willard Richards.

We concur in the above sentiments:

Bishops of the above mentioned Church.

This identical John C. Bennett is the same distinguished Mormon that Judge Douglass appointed Master in Chancery for Hancock county, over the applications of several of the most reputable citizens of that county. The office was bestowed as part of the price agreed upon by Douglass, Ford, and others, to be paid for the Mormon vote at the approaching election.

It seems that Bennett had several revelations of a peculiar character, which infringed too grossly upon the domestic rights of some of the members of the church, to be borne with impunity; and the revelations became so frequent, that it has resulted in his dismissal. Bennett threatens to disclose the bargain between Douglass, Ford, and others, and Joe Smith and himself, for the Mormon vote; and Tom Ford is terribly alarmed, for fear the people will now get hold of the truth. We have no doubt but that Judge Douglass is ere this on his way to Nauvoo, to reconcile the difference between Joe Smith and Bennett. For the good of the country, and the safety of the State of Illinois, we hope he will not succeed; but that the truth will now be made to appear.


To mind their own business and let every body else, do likewise. Publish this, ye Editors, who boast of equal rights and privileges.

The above is taken from the Wasp, a political paper published by the Mormons at Nauvoo. The advice given is unexceptionable; and it is to be regretted that it had not been adopted in the "Mormon Creed," when Joe Smith issued his proclamation to elect Snyder and Moore, and defeat the "old settler," Joe Duncan. If the Mormons had minded "their own business," instead of attempting to control the elections of this State as a church, they would have spared themselves the dilemma in which their unwarranted spiritual interference has placed them.

==> A Mormon in Brown county, after Gov. Duncan addressed the people of that county, remarked, "if Gov. Duncan does not look out, he'll be Boggs'd." Are we to understand from this, that Gov. Duncan is to receive the same sad fate lately visited by some unknown assassin upon Ex-Governor Boggs, of Missouri? If not, why the threat that if he did not look out, would be "Boggs'd?" By taking Gov. Duncan's life, the Mormon candidate, Judge Ford, may succeed in being elected; but if his life is spared, the citizens of Illinois will put a veto under Political Mormonism, that we trust will effectually efface it from Illinois.


The Ottawa Free Trader, one of the Mormon supporters of Judge Ford, denounces Gov. Duncan as a "political renegade." One would suppose that Judge Ford had always been a patent Democrat. Why, the first stump speech we ever heard made in this State was from Judge Ford, at the time Gov. Duncan ran against the late George Forquer, Esq. for Congress. Forquer was a half brother to Judge Ford, and was the Whig candidate. Gov. Duncan made a speech at Edwardsville and Ford, who was then one of the rankest Whigs we ever heard, answered Gov. Duncan on the part of Forquer.

Duncan beat Forquer some 8,000 majority; and Ford, finding the Whigs did not think him worth having or bestowing an office upon, turned Locofoco and was soon thereafter rewarded with an office as the price of his treachery.

It is the knowledge of this fact, not only on our own part, but on the part of hundreds of our old settlers, that makes us laugh, when we see the Free Trader, State Register, and Chicago Democrat, prating about "political renegades." Pluck the beam out of your own eyes, gentlemen, before you attempt to take the mote out of ours.

Judge  Ford.

The people of Wisconsin Territory are in raptures, that Judge Ford, the Mormon candidate, is out for Gov. They claim that if he is elected, he will use his official influence to secure the annexation of the northern portion of this State to their territory. A gentlemen from Galena informed us. that several influential citizens from Wis. were in the northern counties of this State, prevailing upon our citizens to go for Judge Ford upon that ground. This is very complimentary to middle and southern Ill.; and no doubt Judge Ford thinks he can gull us into his support, while at the same time he claims to be a citizen of Wis. Territory.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, July 9, 1842.                           No. 28.


To the politeness of our State fellow-citizen, Mr. John Viall, we are indebted for a copy of a new work, entitled "Mormonism In All Ages; or the Rise, Progress and causes of Mormonism, with a Biography of its Author and Founder, Joseph Smith, Jr.; By Professor J. B. Turner, Ill. College, Jacksonville, Ill." -- As will be readily inferred from its title this publication purports to give a complete history of a people, whose principles, religious and civil, and as well as the cruel presecution to which they were subjected three or four years since in an adjoining State, no less than their present location in the very midst of us, and their rapidly increasing numbers, have of late excited uncommon interest in this section of the country. How far the Author has suceeded in discharging the duties of a historian with a faithfulness and impartiality, we are unable to say. -- Personally, we know but little of the Mormons, as a sect, or the laws which govern them as a distinct political community. The cruel hardships, unmetited, as we then and still do believe to which they were subjected at the time of their forceable [exposure?] from Missouri, excited our liveliest sympathy; and the partial acquaintance which we have since formed with one or two of their number, has most certainly not prejudiced us against them. But, we must nevertheless say, that, a candid and attentive perusal of the work before us has compelled us to come to the conclusion that they are most basely misrepresented and slandered, or that they are parties to and the dupes of the vilest imposture hat ever preyed upon the cedulity of poor fallen man. It is most certain that there is no absurdity, either in religion, politics, or science, which may not rank among its adherent[s], numbers of honest, well meaning, and even in all other respects enlightened individuals; and it does not unfrequently happen that the firmness of the disciples faith is in exact proportion with the ansurdness of his creed. It would, therefore, be doing manifest injustice to the mass of the Mormons -- even should the account given of their religious and political tenets in the volume under consideration be entirely free from sectarian prejudice -- to believe them capable of attempting to overthrow the government which protects them, whatever may be, the ulterior views or designs of their leaders. Indeed, it appears to us that, although the success which has generally attended their exertions to make proselytes since their removal to this State, evidences some talent on the part of the Prophet and his condidential advisors; yet, it is evident, that neither he nor they possess abilities ever to become very dangerous to the peace of society and that although the Mormons may become numerous enough to control by their votes [a] closely-contested election, there is no probability that their existence as a religious community will extend beyond the life of their founder. -- Be this, however, as it may, the work referred to is, for many reasons, worthy of a place in the library of everyone desirous of studying the human character, as well as in that of the politician. It contains over 300 pages, is well printed and neatly bound, and may be obtained at the stores of Messrs. Whipple and Viall, in this City.

We have received a letter from one of the southern counties, in which the writer says, that the citizens of that and the adjoining counties have pledged themselves to give Gov. Duncan a vote sufficient to balance the Mormon vote. Good; this is the right spirit; and if carried out, will save Illinois from political Mormonism.

            From the Sangamo Journal.


The corrupt bargain by which the leaders of the Van Buren party, have sought to purchase the votes of the Mormons, and the open avowal by Joe Smith, that the Mormons shall support the candidate of the party, because Judge Douglass and other party leaders have secured to them certain extraordinary chartered privileges -- over and above those enjoyed by any other sect -- has called public attention to the movements of Joe Smith -- to the tyranny exercised by him over his followers -- to the moral principles by which he is governed -- and it is not likely that he will much longer deceive the mass of the People, however much he may deceive those who have surrendered all their interests -- spiritual and temporal -- into his hands.

There are individuals in his flock, possessed of talents and disposition to use them for the benefit of their sect and country. Among these individuals we reckon Gen. Bennett, Sidney Rigdon, Esq., Mr. George Robinson, and others. But the Prophet will scarcely permit them to think or act except in entire subservience to his wishes. It is now understood that within a few days past, Smith has made a desperate blackguard, and abusive public attack on Gen. Bennett, Mr. Rigdon, and Mr. Robinson -- and reports, and we place great reliance upon them, go so far as to say that the life of the former has been threatened, and that orders have been issued to the Danite band to murder him in a clandestine manner on the first opportunity. Indeed, the report goes farther, and states that two of the Danites have been in hot pursuit of Gen. Bennett for several days, in order to accomplish the nefarious purpose, and thus prevent a public exposition of the corruptions of the great impostor.

We call upon the people of our State to have an eye upon this matter -- and, if either of the individuals mentioned should be missing, -- that there shall be no hesitation in placing the responsibility of the act upon its proper authors, and in making them feel in their own persons that murder shall be avenged.

We take no pleasure in placing these remarks upon paper. If a secret band of assassins shall prowl about among this community, who is safe? The fate of Governor Boggs is an event not to be unheeded. But we should be unworthy our position should we fail to meet this matter as it deserves. -- And we now call upon Gen. Bennett, if the rumors we have stated have just foundation, to "take his life into his own hands," if that be required, and with the true spirit of a soldier and a patriot, expose the crimes, if such exist, of the heaven-daring impostor. -- We call upon Gen. Bennett to come out NOW. We appeal to him to do this in behalf of his fellow citizens, who claim this of him, by all the considerations which can be presented to him as a lover of his species and as the servant of his God. Such an exposure may save life -- may expose corruption -- may avert consequences, which no man can contemplate without fearful apprehensions. We call upon Gen. Bennett to produce documentary evidence, that the public may form opinions that cannot be gainsayed -- that they may understand the entire character, as it stands naked before his God, of a long successful religious impostor.

We neglected to state, last week, that C. A. Warren, Esq. the Agent of Lieutenant General Smith, is in this city, was consulted in regard to the nomination of THOMAS FORD for Governor, and that the nomination was not decided upon until he had given his consent to the measure. -- This fact will furnish additional, and undeniable proof, that Mr. Ford is the Mormon candidate. -- Sang. Jour.


The Mormon supporters of Judge Ford, finding the people in many sections of the State, opposing him without distinction of party, in consequence of the bargain and corruption by which it is attempted to make him Governor; are endeavoring to create a sympathy in the public mind, by crying out that "Gov. Duncan and his supporters are persecuting the Mormons."

The charge is a willfully base and false one, concocted and put in circulation solely with a view to withdraw the attention of the people from the unwarrantable interference of the heads of the Mormon church in their spiritual capacity, to control the elections of our State. We defy the supporters of Judge Ford, or the Judge himself. to show a single instance wherein Gov. Duncan has ever intimated an expression that could be tortured into a wish or desire on his part to do the Mormons injustice in the remotest degree.

Gov. Duncan has invariably declared that he would go as far as any man to protect those people in all their legal and constitutional rights. But that he was in favor of taking from them all extraordinary powers which they now possessed, and which never have been granted to any other corporation or body of men in the State of Illinois. If a desire on the part of Gov. Duncan to see them treated in the same way as all other citizens of the State are treated, is persecution, then let it be so. But were he to act otherwise, he would be unworthy to the station to which he aspires.

We are aware, that the demagogues who have been successfully tampering with the leaders of the Mormons for their votes for Judge Ford, have industriously circulated among that sect, the report that Gov. Duncan had said, "he was for driving the Mormons from the State at the point of the bayonet." The accusation is false in all its bearings; and the authors of it know it. Gov. Duncan is a law-abiding man. He is opposed to mobocracy in all its aspects; and would go as far to suppress or put it down as any other man. In this respect, he differs from his opponent, who declared, on a certain occasion, from the bench, in Ogle county, when acting as Judge, that if his property was assailed or destroyed during his absence, he would, on his return, head a mob, and follow the perpetrators of the act until he found them, and would then hang them on the first tree he come to. This may be congenial to the views of propriety on the part of the Mormon candidate; but they are wholly at variance with those entertained by Gov. Duncan. And although the Mormons in their accusation, may judge Gov. Duncan by themselves and their candidate, Judge Ford, they in this instance, at least, do the former the most gross injustice. Vote for Judge Fort as strongly and unitedly as you please, gentlemen Mormons; but stop lying about Gov. Duncan.


HE is the candidate of the Mormons, and opposed to bringing their chartered privileges on a level with those of other citizens of this State.

HE is in favor of finishing the Canal by the State.

HE resides in that section of the State which is trying to get set off on to Wisconsin, and has never raised his voice against the unjust proposition.

HE is in favor of increasing the taxes of the people..

HE is in favor of continuing the office-holders on the Canal, notwithstanding the work has been stopped; whose yearly salaries amount to the sum of $24, 500.

HE is in favor of building up his party, in preference to protecting the interest of the State.

HE is one of the political Judges, elected to subserve party, and not to administer the law faithfully and impartially.

HE is in favor of keeping a standing army of Mormons, at Nauvoo, equipped with the arms of the State, to overawe the peaceable citizens of Illinois.

HE has, through his friends, bargained with the leaders of the Mormons for their votes as a church.

HE is in favor of paying the interest on our State debt, at this time, when the taxes already levied upon the people are almost insupportable.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, July 16, 1842.                           No. 29.


A greater part of the inside of our paper of this day is filled with the exposure of the frauds and iniquities of Joe Smith, the Mormon Prophet, by Dr. Bennett, late a member of their church. Of the truth of the developments made we entertain not a doubt; and our only wonder is, why some one ere this, whose eyes have been opened to the delusion and imposture of Joe Smith, has not come out and made public what is now spread before the people through the instrumentality of Dr. Bennett.

The standing of Dr. Bennett, our political opponents can not for a moment question. He was appointed, while a Mormon, to the responsible office of Master in Chancery in Hancock county, by Judge Douglass, over several old and respectable inhabitants who were applicants for the same office. Had not Dr. Bennett been entitled to credit as a man of honor and integrity, Judge Douglass certainly would not have bestowed upon him the important appointment he did, and especially when there were several other applicants, all of whom were gentlemen of character and respectability.

We hold, then, that with our political opponents the statement of Bennett, who is yet a warm Democrat, are entitled to the fullest confidence; and if so, what must be the feelings of every honest man in the State upon reading his disclosures? Are they prepared to sustain Judge Ford, who consents to be run as the candidate of the Mormons, when the spiritual head of that sect stands branded by Bennett before the world as an assassin, an adulterer, an impostor, and a swindler? We entreat the citizens of Illinois to read with care and calmness this awful and alarming disclosure, and then decide whether there is not a question to be settled at the approaching election, of far greater magnitude than any that possibly can be connected with either of the political parties or their success. Recollect that the Mormons have taken a stand against Gov. Duncan, because HE WAS THE FIRST MAN IN THE STATE WHO HAD THE MORAL COURAGE AND FORTITUDE TO COME OUT AGAINST MORMONISM AND EXPOSE THEM. Recollect that Judge Ford was not brought out until the Mormons were consulted through "Esq. Warren," and their support pledged to him. Recollect that Judge Ford refuses to pledge himself to recommend the repeal of their anti-republican and dangerous charters. Recollect that Judge Ford publicly defends Joe Smith, with full knowledge of all his rascality, and glories in being run as their candidate.

If Judge Ford is elected, will he not owe his election entirely to Joe Smith? Will he dare to do any thing contrary to Joe Smith's wishes, or withhold any office or power that Joe may ask for himself or his followers? Certainly not; and the result will be that Illinois will be under Mormon rule and control. The New York Herald, the official organ of Mormonism in the East, boasts -- as will be seen by an article from that paper in another columns -- that Joe Smith holds the balance of between the two parties in this State. And that power he has proclaimed he intends to use to defeat the PATRIOT DUNCAN, and to elect Judge Ford; because, forsooth, the latter will, without doubt, if he succeeds, consent to be baptized by the Mormons and become a member of their church. If the honest citizens of Illinois are prepared for this -- if they are willing to have a Mormon Governor, who will be influenced and controlled by Joe Smith -- if they are willing to place the power of an Executive in the hands of such a man, -- then be it so; but let all of every sect and denomination who support Judge Ford, bear a mind, that those who sow the whirlwind, will be sure to reap the storm. Let them remember, that assassination, murder, and the basest crimes, [----] to the man who declares he will control your [---estions] and say who shall be your Governor, and then, if they can, do otherwise than support Gov. Duncan, who was the first public man in the State that fearlessly attacked the rascality of Joe Smith, and through whose manly and praiseworthy actions the villainy of this impostor will be disclosed.


Is in a fair way of being disclosed. J. C. Bennett, lately of the Mormon faith, is spreading their iniquities before the public; and among the catalogue of crime, is enumerated the attempt on the part of Joe Smith to take the life of one of the most reputable citizens of our sister State. This is the faction, fellow citizens of Illinois, that has publicly declared, through the head of the church, Joe Smith, that Judge Ford SHOULD BE OUR NEXT GOVERNOR; and that Gov. Duncan SHOULD BE DEFEATED. Are the citizens of Illinois to be governed and controlled by the spiritual edict of Joe Smith? Will they support any man for Governor, who courts their patronage and support as does JUDGE FORD, by defending them upon the stump, as well as their interference in our elections? Let the people answer this at the ballot box, ere it be too late.


Is there any citizen of this State that can answer this question from any knowledge they possess of a public nature? We answer there is not. Judge Ford has now been a candidate before the people six weeks, and, contrary to all precedent in this country, he has refrained from issuing a Circular to the people explanatory of his views upon the important subjects [now] agitating the minds of the citizens of this State. Why is this? It is because he is bound soul and body to Northern interests and knows that, if he should come out and explain his views frankly, fearlessly, and [succinctly], he would not obtain 5000 votes in Middle and Southern Illinois. He is opposed to our interests -- to the best interests of the State, and is for plunging [--- ----- ------] to progress with the work on the Canal, and if he is only fortunate enough to be elected, will devote all his influence, public and private, to that [---ence] the necessity of his concealing from the people of Middle and Southern Illinois as much as possible his real sentiments. that he may secure their votes.

Compare this conduct with the frank, open, and manly course, of Gov. Duncan and see how wide is the difference between them. Gov. Duncan, when called upon by a committee of both political parties from Coles county, in answer to certain interrogatories. met them without reserve, and cheerfully gave his views upon all questions put to him by the people. Upon the stump he has been equally explicit, and invited the people to call him out upon any subject in which they had an interest.

We can not, for the life of us, see how any citizen of the State, who regards her interest and prosperity, can for a moment hesitate in bestowing his suffrage upon Gov. Duncan, the people's candidate, in preference to Tom Ford, the Mormon candidate.


John Reynolds, the member of Congress from this District, is a candidate for Governor at the approaching election. We have received the first number of a Loco-foco paper, published at Shawneetown, under the title of the Democratic Organ, which advocates Gov. Reynolds' election with great zeal. That paper thus stamps the State Register with falsehood. I says, "with some surprise we have seen it stated in the State Register, that Gov. Reynolds will not become a candidate, even if it were ascertained that he is the choice ==> NOW WE KNOW THIS IS NOT SO <== WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO SAY THAT HE WILL RUN. and such is the common opinion and general desire of the people in the southern counties."

There can, therefore, be no doubt, but that Gov. Reynolds has consented to run; and may now be looked upon as having been officially announced as a candidate for Governor. That he is thousands of votes stronger than Ford, in this section of the State, no man of either party can doubt. But the Springfield Regency, under the control of Walters, Trumbull, Peck, and Douglass, having issued their edict that Tom Ford shall run, the democracy of the south, in our opinion, will be compelled to succumb. The Organ thus truly speaks in regard to the packed office-holders Convention, that nominated, by order of Joe Smith, the Mormon prophet, Tom Ford for Governor, and of the chance of his success:

"From the fixed partiality and decided preference of the people of this and neighboring counties for John Reynolds, as a candidate for Governor, IT WOULD BE FOLLY TO TAKE UP ANY OTHER MAN NOW IN THE FIELD WITH THE HOPE OF SUCCESS. THE LITTLE CLIQUE THAT BROUGHT OUT JUDGE FORD, to drive off every other candidate, imagined that the south, being deprived of a public press to give utterance to her preference, would implicitly receive their dictation. BUT WE ALL REJECT IT."

The Organ then raps the Register over the knuckles in the following strain: "Since a leading paper in the State has been so obliging as to suppress the proceedings of some of the counties, we are now happy to offer an opportunity to the friends of Gov. Reynolds to come forward and advocate his claims." What will be the result of this new move upon the political chess-board, we know not. But judging from the dissatisfaction manifested among our opponents in this section of the State, at the Mormon candidate, Judge Ford, we should not be at all surprised if the Judge was chocked off to make room for the "old ranger."


Judge Ford, the Mormon candidate for Governor, has resigned his Judgeship, with an understanding on the part of the Governor, that he will make no appointment until after the first of August. The reason for this unusual requisition is, that it is understood if Tom Ford is beat for Governor -- as he assuredly will be -- that he is to be reappointed Judge of the Supreme Court, by Gov. Carlin. What a perfect mockery such conduct is!

==> We have heard the inquiry frequently made, why Canada Peck took so active a part in getting Tom Ford's nomination by the Mormons confirmed by the office-holders' Convention at Springfield. The reason is very obvious. Judge Ford tried to get the Whig Judges to join him in removing Peck from the clerkship of the Supreme Court; and Peck, fearing that Ford might still accomplish it, if he retained his judgeship, urged the ratification of his nomination by the Mormons, with the understanding that Ford was to resign his judgeship. It is also for the sake of retaining his office, that Peck is so warm for Judge Thomas to fill the vacancy; the latter, doubtless, having pledged himself to use his influence to retain Peck in office. What a patriotic set these office-seekers and office-holders are!


Two gentlemen, who passed through holy Joe's city on Thursday of last week, state, that soon after their arrival, Joe made a speech in front of the Temple. The subject of his speech was -- Bennett -- the Sangamo Journal -- Mrs. Pratt -- and other matters. Joe swore like a pirate, and used the most obscene language. He appeared to be much excited, and it would be an act of charity to suppose that the holy debauchee was drunk as well as mad.

Joe, it is said, anticipates a requisition for his person from the Governor of Missouri. He has the utmost horror of the idea of being given up. Joe thinks that Judge Ford will not give him up if he should be elected Governor.

Joe, it is further said, is laboring to make up the breach with Rigdon, Pratt, and others, by offers of special favor. We trust that in this effort he will not succeed. Joe cannot now harm these men; he will not injure them. He dare not fulfill his threats, and his promises are not to be relied on. We again call upon Messrs. Rigdon and Pratt, as they regard virtue, honor, and the reputation of their families, to come out from this Nauvoo 'Babylon, and Mother of Harlots,' the home of "the whoremonger and the adulterer," and "be not a partaker of her plagues." The developments which have been made, must sink Joe Smith to the lowest depths of infamy in the eyes of all honest men. He must fall so certain as God punishes vice and rewards virtue.

Miss Martha H. Brotherton has done herself honor, and the cause of virtue is greatly indebted to her for the publication she has made. We trust her example will be followed by Mrs. Pratt and Miss Rigdon. The holy cause of insulted virtue, of wronged innocence, of the honor and character of families, demand that THE IMPOSTOR BE UNVAILED AND EXHIBITED TO THE WORLD IN ALL HIS DEFORMITY.      Sangamo Journal.

==> Judge Ford was asked at Winchester, Scott county, whether he was in favor of repealing the Mormon charters. He replied, "HE HAD NOT EXAMINED THEM, AND COULD NOT SAY!!" He dared not reply in any other way, through fear of offending the Mormons, whose avowed candidate for Governor he is. IS such a man fit to be the Governor of half a million of intelligent freemen?

==> Several of the personal friends of Judge Ford have called upon J. C. Bennett, and endeavored to prevail upon him to withhold his exposure of Mormon frauds until after the election; assigning as a reason, THAT IT WOULD DEFEAT JUDGE FORD'S ELECTION. Mr. Bennett, though of the same politics as Judge Ford, refused to do so. He believes, with thousands of other Democrats throughout the State, that Judge Ford's consenting to be run as the Mormon candidate for Governor, should defeat him.

==> For several weeks past, we have charged openly upon Judge Ford, that he was in favor of setting off the northern section of this State to Wisconsin Territory. Letters have also been addressed to him, asking his views upon this question. Thus far, he has pursued a studied silence; refusing [to] either acknowledge or deny that he was in favor of it. Does not such conduct warrant every man's believing he is in favor of the iniquitous proposition? Are the people of middle and southern Illinois willing to support a man who is in favor of giving away the best portion of their State, including his own residence, for the parsimonious and dishonest purpose of getting rid of paying their portion of the State debt? We say NO!

==> We hope that the length of the Mormon exposures, by Dr. Bennett, will not prevent any man from reading them. We are beset by dangers which call for immediate and prompt action. We entreat every man to send the statements of Bennett, and after he has done so, lend it to his neighbor. Unless Judge Ford is defeated for Governor, Mormonism will be triumphant in the State, and no man will be secure in either his life, liberty, or property.

==> Will not the Governor of Missouri make a requisition upon Gov. Carlin for Joe Smith? Dr. Bennett can furnish testimony that will convict him in any court of justice, of the attempt to assassinate Ex-Governor Boggs.

==> Bennett need not be afraid of assassination by Joe Smith or any of his Danites. The eyes of the people are upon him. Fear not, but give full disclosures to the public of all you know. By so doing, you may save your State from infamy and disgrace forever.

==> Gov. Duncan is after the Mormon candidate, Judge Ford, through the Wabash counties, with a sharp stick. He uses the Judge up effectually, wherever he can coax him to make a speech. If the Governor can only keep the Mormon candidate out, and prevail upon him to stump it, he will beat the Mormon Judge to death.


Joe Smith, it is said, has made a requisition upon Judge Douglass to remove J. C. Bennett as Master in Chancery for Hancock county, in consequence of Bennett's exposure of Joe's rascality. We have no doubt but that Judge Douglass will obey the orders of his Prophet, and proscribe Bennett for daring to disclose the machinations of Mormonism.


The attention of the public is called to the communication of Edward Stephenson, Esq., of Jackson county, in this State, offering a reward of $200 for the detection of the murderer of his brother. What are we coming to in Illinois? Can it be possible that Joe Smith can not only bring out his candidate for Governor, and focus his spiritual proclamation against the election of the patriot DUNCAN, but that our citizens are thus to be murdered in open day, and the murderers go unpunished? We call upon the citizens of Illinois to examine this statement of Mr. Stephenson, -- himself a Mormon -- together with the disclosures of Dr. Bennett; and then say whether they are willing to vote for Judge Ford, the Mormon candidate? We call upon them to put down political Mormonism, through the peaceful remedy of the ballot-box, that such nefarious conduct will never be countenanced by the free and intelligent citizens of Illinois. Let every honest man, who despises such iniquities, vote for GEN. JOSEPH DUNCAN for Governor! who was the first public man in the State that fearlessly assailed the dark and malignant designs of Joe Smith upon the rights and liberty of the people of Illinois.

                                  From the Sangamon Journal.

Mormon Developments!
                          CARTHAGE, HANCOCK Co.,
                                  July 2, A. D. 1842.

To the Editor of the Journal.
  I am now in this place, in order to attend to some of my official duties, as Master in Chancery; and having some leisure time, I shall proceed with my history of Joe Smith ad his Saints. -- It is my determination to state facts, and such facts as will arouse the public indignation, if there is yet virtue and courage left in man -- for we are exhorted to be enterprising and courageous, -- but the beast and false prophet, (Joe Smith,) shall tremble in the days of his captivity like an aspen leaf in the wilderness. The "Lord's anointed," as Joe is called, must be washed in the laver of the law until his polluted carcass and corrupt soul, shall be purified by fire. And to begin:

1st. THE DURESSE. -- On the 17th day of May, A. D. 1842, Joe Smith requested to see me alone in the preparation room of the Nauvoo Lodge, U. D., on some important business. We entered, and he locked the door, put the key into his pocket, and drew a pistol on me, and said, -- 'The peace of my family requires that you should sign an affidavit, and make a statement before the next City Council, on the 19th, exonerating me from all participation whatever, either directly or indirectly, in word or deed, in the spiritual wife doctrine, or private intercourse with females in general; and if you do not do it, with apparent cheerfulness, I will make cat-fish bait of you, or deliver you to the Danites for execution to-night, for my dignity and purity must and shall be maintained before the public, even at the expense of life. Will you do it, or die?' I replied that he had better procure some other person or persons to do so, as there were plenty who could do it, in truth -- 'No.' said he, ' that will not do -- for it is known that you are well acquainted with all my private acts; better than any other man. And it is in your power to save me or damn me; and as you have now withdrawn from the Church in an honorable manner, over my own signature, a privilege never granted to any other person, you must and shall, place it out of your power to injure me or the church, -- do it, or the Mississippi is your portion -- will you do it? I remarked that it was a hard case, and that I would leave peaceably and without public exposition, if he would excuse me. He replied, 'I tell you as I was once told, your die is cast -- your fate is fixed -- your doom is sealed -- if you refuse; will you do it or die?' I remarked that I would, under the circumstances, but that it was hard to take the advantage of an unarmed man. 'If you tell that publicly,' said hr, 'death is your portion -- remember the Danites!' He then unlocked the door; -- we went into the room below, and I gave the affidavit as subscribed before Alderman Wells, (who was then doing business in the lower room,) and made the statement required, before the City Council. on the 19th. I was not aware until Sunday last, that any other person was aprised of the fact of the threat of murder, -- but on that day Col. Francis M. Higbee told me, in the presence of Gen. George W. Robinson, that if it came to the worst, he was in possession of a secret that would open the eyes of the people, and that he would file his affifavit if necessary; but he would not tell me what the secret was. -- General Robinson, however, informed me afterwards, that it was a knowledge of Joe's threats of murder. On the 30th of June, 1842, I called upon Col. Higbee for his affidavit, which was taken before Ge, Hiram Kimball, an Alderman of the city, and is in the following words, to wit:

State of Illinois, Hancock County, ss.

Personally appeared before me, Hiram Kimball, an Alderman of the city of Nauvoo, Francis M. Higbee, who being duly sworn according to law, deposeth and saith that Joseph Smith told him that John C. Bennett could be easily put aside or drowned, and no person would be the wiser for it, so, that it ought to be attended to; -- and he further remarked that the sooner this was done the better for the Church, fearing, as he said, that Bennett would make some disclosures prejudicial to said Smith. This was about the time of Bennett's withdrawl from the Church, or a short time before -- and further this deponent saith not.   FRANCIS M. HIGBEE.

Sworn to and subscribed this 30th day of June, A. D. 1842.
                        HIRAM KIMBALL, Alderman.

My affidavit, and statement, under Duresse, were published in the 'Nauvoo Wasp' of the 25th of June, 1842. Is it not high time that this band of murders should be made to feel the just penalty of the law? It is certainly a most alarming state of society when men are above the reach of the law, and free to perpetrate the blackest crimes of cruelty and oppression. All this in a land of boasted freedom! Great God! where is the arm of power! Where is liberty, and the rights of man? Arise, ye officers of justice, and assert the majesty of your insulted laws. -- Let the sound of the clarion give the alarm! and horsemen and chariots will tell the story, until one stone shall not be left upon another, or a vestige of iniquity and crime to pollute the goodly land.

2d. THE FULFILLMENT OF PROPHECY. -- In 1841, Joe Smith prophesied, in a public congregation at Nauvoo, that Lilburn W. Boggs, ex-Governor of Missouri, should die by violent hands within one year. -- From one or two months prior to the attempted assassination of Gov. Boggs, Mr. O. P. Rockwell left Nauvoo, for parts unknown to the citizens at large. I was then on terms of close intimacy with Joe Smith, and asked him where Rockwell had gone! 'Gone,' said he, 'GONE TO FULFILL PROPHECY!' Rockwell returned to Nauvoo the day before the report of the assassination reached there, and the Nuavoo Wasp remarked, 'it yet remains to be known who did the noble deed!' Rockwell remarked to a person now in Nauvoo, and whose name I forbear to mention for the present, from motives of prudence and safety to the person, but which shall be fothcoming in due time, that he had been 'all over Missouri, and all about where Boggs lives,' and this was communicated to me by that person before I withdrew from the Church, and we had considerable conversation upon that daring act. Rockwell is a Danite. Joe's public memory is very treacherous on this subject, I presume; but his private memory is so good that he has a guard around his house every night, with the State cannon and a full supply of small arms, for the protection of his person against any attempted arrest. -- He, likewise, requested me to write to Gov. Carlin for his protection, which I agreed to do, and accordingly did., asking the Governor whether he would be protected from any illegal act of violence; to which the Governor replied that all citizens should receive equal protection, but that he knew of no privileged man or order of men, and that the dignity of the State should be preserved according to the strict letter of the Constitution and the laws. This letter I refused to show to Joe , as open hostilities had commenced between us, and he accordingly detailed a Court Martial to try me for treason against the citizens of the State of Illinois!!! This Court I regarded as illegal, and treated it with that utter contempt which such an assemblage of inferior officers will always receive at my hands. Now I call upon Col. Francis M. Higbee to come out and tell what he told Gen. Robinson and myself in relation to the MURDER of a certain prisoner in Missouri. Col. Higbee, do not fear to tell the dreadful story -- tell exactly how Joe had the murder done up. and what part he ORDERED you to take in the affair, but which you did not take. Tell it as Robinson knows it, and as you told me, and DO NOT FEAR. Gov. Reynolds will make another demand, and Joe shall be delivered over. I will visit Missouri, and tell the dreadful story. Let the call be made, and the laws shall be executed.

3d. My late visit to Springfirld, -- On my arrival in Carthage, I found, as all the citizens well know, that I was followed by Mr. O. P. Rockwell, a Danite, who, on his arrival late in the night, made strict inquiries as to where I was -- his ostensible business was to put a letter in the post-office!! but judge ye the real design. I was prepared for the gentleman, and he approached me not; but another swift rider, Captain John D. Parker, another Danite, followed me to Springfield, to carry a letter to Dr. Helm; but he had another object, and you may well suppose what it was. I told Captain Parker that I was aware of his object, but I feared him not. At Virginia, in Cass County, on my return, Parker met me again, and I called the attention of the stage driver to him, who thereupon put two additional balls into his pistol, and then informed me that he was ready for him or any other person having the same object in view. Many of the Danites have been around me, in Nauvoo for the purpose of secret murder, in order to save the arch impostor, Joe Smith, from public infamy.

4th. Mrs. Sarah M. Pratt, wife of Professor Orson Pratt, of the University of Nauvoo. -- Joe Smith stated to me at an early day in the history of that city, that he intended to make that amiable and accomplished lady one of his spiritual wives, for the Lord had given her to him; and he requested me to assist him in consummating his hellish purposes, but I told him that I would not do it -- that she had been much neglected and abused by the church during the absence of her husband in Europe, and that, if the Lord had given her to him, he must attend to it himself. 'I will do it,' said he, 'for there is no harm in it, if her husband should never find it out.' I called upon Mrs. Pratt, and told her that Joe contemplated an attack upon her virtue, in the name of the Lord, and that she must prepare to repulse him in so infamous an assault. She replied, Joseph cannot be such a man; I cannot believe it until I know it for myself, or have it from his own lips; he cannot be so corrupt. 'Well,' I replied, 'you will see, unless he changes his mind.' Accordingly, in a few days, Joe proposed to me to go to Ramus with him. I consented to go, and we started from his house about 4 o'clock P. M., rode into the prairie a few miles, and returned to the house of Captain John T. Barnett, in Nauvoo, about dusk, where we put up the horse with Barnett's permission. He, Joe, pretended we were looking for thieves. We then proceeded to the house where Mrs. Pratt resided, and Joe commenced discourse as follows: 'Sister Pratt, the Lord has given you to me as one of my spiritual wives. I have the blessings of Jacob granted me, as he granted holy men of old, and I have long looked upon you with favor, and hope you will not deny me.' She replied: "I care not for the blessings of Jacob, and I believe in no such revelations, neither will I consent under any circumstances. I have one good husband, and that is enough for me.' Joe could not come it! He then went off to see Miss _____ at the house of Mrs. Sherman. He remained with her an hour or two and then returned to Barnett's, harnessed our horse, started for Ramus and arrived at Carthage at early breakfast. We then went to Ramus, and returned to Carthage that night, and put up at the house of Esq. Comer. Next day we returned to Nauvoo. I called upon Mrs. Pratt and asked her what she thought of Joseph? She replied, 'He is a bad man beyond a doubt.' Mrs. Pratt in a conversation with Mrs. Goddard, wife of Stephen H. Goddard, said, 'Sister Goddard, Joseph is a corrupt man; I know it, for he made an attempt upon me.' Three times afterwards he tried to convince Mrs. Pratt of the propriety of his doctrine, and she at last told him: 'Joseph, if you ever attempt anything of the kind with me again, I will tell Mr. Pratt on his return home. I will certainly do it.' Joe replied, 'Sister Pratt, I hope you will not expose me; if I am to suffer, all suffer; so do not expose me. Will you agree not to do so?' 'If,' said she, 'you will never insult me again, I will not expose you unless strong circumstances require it.' 'Well, sister Pratt,' says Joe, 'as you have refused me; it becomes sin, unless sacrifice is offered;' and turning to me he said, 'General, if you are my friend I wish you to procure a lamb, and have it slain, and sprinkle the door posts and the gate with its blood, and take the kidneys and entrails and offer them upon an altar of twelve stones that have not been touched by a hammer, as a burnt offering, and it will save me and my priesthood. Will you do it?' 'I will,' I replied. So I procured the lamb from Captain John T. Barnett, and it was slain by Lieutenant Stephen H. Goddard, and I offered the kidneys and entrails in sacrifice for Joe as he desired; and Joe said, 'all is now safe -- the destroying angel will pass over, without harming any of us.'

Time passed on in apparent friendship until Joe grossly insulted Mrs. Pratt again, after her husband had returned home, by approaching and kissing her. This highly offended her, and she told Mr. Pratt, who was much enraged and went and told Joe never to offer an insult of the like again. Joe replied, 'I did not desire to kiss her, Bennett made me do it!' Joe, you can't come it! Mrs. Pratt is far above your foul and polluted breath, your calumny and detraction. I now appeal to Mrs. Pratt if this is not true to the very letter. Just speak out boldly.

5th. Miss Nancy Rigdon, daughter of Sidney Rigdon, Esq. Joe Smith said to me last summer, 'If you will assist me in procuring Nancy as one of my spiritual wives, I will give you five hundred dollars, or the best lot on Main Street.' I replied, 'I cannot agree to it. Elder Rigdon is one of my best friends, and his family are now pure and spotless, and it would be a great pity to approach the truly virtuous.' 'But,' says Joe, 'the Lord has given her to me to wife. I have the blessings ofJacob, and there is no wickedness in it. It would be wicked to approach her unless I had permission of the Lord, but as it is, it is as correct as to have a legal wife in a moral point of view.' It may be so, said I, but you must see her yourself; I cannot approach her on a subject of that kind. Then I supposed the matter had ended; but at the funeral of Mr. Ephraim R. Marks, Mrs. Hyde told Miss Rigdon, that Joseph desired to see her at the printing office, where Mrs. Hyde resides, on special business. She said she would go, and accordingly did, but Joe was busily engaged at his store; Dr. Willard Richards, however, one of the holy twelve Mormon apostles, whom I had long suspected as being up to his eyes in the business with Joe, came in and said, 'Miss Nancy, Joseph cannot be in today, please call again on Thursday.' This she agreed to do; but she communicated the matter to Colonel Francis M. Higbee, who was addressing her, and asked his advice as to the second visit. I then came to a knowledge of the facts, and went immediately to Joe, and said to him, 'Joseph, you are a Master Mason, and Nancy is a Master Mason's daughter, so stay your hand, or you will get into trouble.' Joe said, 'you are my enemy, and wish to oppose me.' -- 'No,' said I, 'I am not your enemy, but you had better stop where you are.'

I then went to Col. Higbee and told him Joe's designs, and requested him to go immediately and see Miss Rigdon and tell her the infernal plot -- that Joe would approach her in the name of the Lord, by revelation, &c., and to put her on her guard, but advise her to go and see for herself what Joe would do. He did so, and she went down. Joe was there, and took her into a private room, LOCKED THE DOOR, and commenced by telling her that he had long loved her, and had asked the Lord for her, and that it was his holy will that he should have her -- he told her that it would not prevent her from marrying any other person -- that he had the blessings of Jacob granted to him -- and all that was right; he desired to kiss her, and wished her to kiss him, but Joe couldn't come it. She said she would alarm the neighbors if he did not open the door, and let her out -- he did so, and requested Mrs. Hyde to explain matters to her. Joe swore her to eternal secrecy. Mrs. Hyde told her that these things looked strange to her at first, but she would become more reconciled on mature reflection. Miss Rigdon replied, 'I never shall.' Joe agreed to write her, and did so in a few days through Dr. Richards. That letter is now safe in the hands of her friends. I have seen it, so has her father, and various other persons. -- On Tuesday last, Joe came up to Mr. Rigdon's, accompanied by his High Priest, George Miller, of sable notoriety, for a witness, and by boisterous words and violent gestures tried to deny the attempted seduction and alarm the girl; but she told him he was a cursed liar, and that he could not face her to it. Joe then made a full acknowledgment of the whole affair. All the family, and many other persons, were present. The holy George observed, 'You must not harm the Lord's annointed -- the Lord will not suffer his annointed to fall!!!' Now call upon Miss Rigdon for the truth of the foregoing. Joe, did you offer another lamb in sacrifice as a burnt-sin offering on an altar of twelve stones? If not, look out for the destroying angel, for he will surely get you.

6th. Now I call upon Miss Martha Brotherton, of Warsaw, to come out and tell boldly the base attempt on her virtue when in Nauvoo -- how she was locked up and the proposals that were made to her. I saw her taken to the accursed room, and now let her come out boldly and tell the corruptions of these holy men. The public requires it -- justice and honor require it.

7th. I will now append my own affidavit:

State of Illinois, Hancock County, ss.

Personally appeared before me, Samuel Marshall, a Justice of the Peace in and for said county, John C. Bennett, who being duly sworn, according to law, deposeth and saith -- that the affidavit taken before Esq. Wells on the 17th of May, and the statements before the City Council of Nauvoo on the 19th, as published in the Wasp of the 25th of June, 1842, are false, and were taken under Duresse as stated in this letter -- that he has seen Joseph Smith in bed with Mrs. _____, and Mrs. _____, and that he has seen him in the act of cohabitation with Mrs. _____, and Mrs. _____, all four of whom he seduced by telling them that the Lord had granted the blessings of Jacob, and that there was no sin in it -- that he told him that Bates Noble married him to _____ _____, and that Brigham Young married him to _____ _____, and that he had free access to Mrs. _____, Mrs. _____, Mrs. _____, and various others, whose husbands he had sent off preaching, and not now necessary to mention -- and further this deponent saith not.   JOHN C. BENNETT.

Sworn to and subscribed this 2nd day of July, 1842.
            SAMUEL MARSHALL, J. P. (seal.)

It is quite likely that many of the persons whom I have named in my affidavit, and many others whom I may hereafter name, will flounder, but the truth shall now come, and stand in bold relief before the world. Most of the Mormons will swear to any thing that Joe tells them to, and the public must look for it. All, therefore, who remain after these astounding disclosures, must be branded with infamy, as they will undoubtedly be partakers in their adulteries, thefts, robberies, and murders.

8th. Mrs. Melissa Schindle, wife of Col. George Schindle. -- I now proceed to give the affidavit of Mrs. Schindle, which is in the following words, to wit:

State of Illinois, McDonough County, ss.

Personally appeared before me, Abraham Fulkerson, one of the Justices of the Peace in and for said county, Melissa Schindle, who, being duly sworn according to law, deposeth and saith, that in the fall of 1841, she was staying one night with the widow Fuller, who has recently been married to a Mr. Warren, in the city of Nauvoo, and that Joseph Smith came into the room where she was sleeping about 10 o'clock at night, and after making a few remarks came to her bed-side, and asked her if he could have the privilege of sleeping with her. She immediately replied NO. He, on the receipt of the above answer told her it was the will of the Lord that he should have illicit intercourse with her, and that he never proceeded to do any thing of that kind with any woman without first having the will of the Lord on the subject; and further he told her that if she would consent to let him have such intercourse with her, she could make his house her home as long as she wished to do so, and that she should never want for anything it was in his power to assist her to -- but she would not consent to ir. He then told her that if she would let him sleep with her that night he would give her five dollars -- but she refused all his propositions. He then told her that she must never tell of his propositions to her, for he had ALL influence in that place, and if she told he would ruin her character, and she would be under the necessity of leaving. He then went to an adjoining bed where the Widow ____ was sleeping -- got into bed with her and laid there until about 1 o'clock, when he got up, bid them good night, and left them, and further this deponent saith not.


Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2d day July, 1842.
                A. FULKERSON, J. P. (seal).

Joe, did you offer another sacrifice? If not, the destroying angel will come -- but as you succeeded with Mrs. ____, that night, as you told me, that may take off the cure. Joe says 'there are wonderful things in the land of Ham, and terrible things by the Red Sea.'

I must now bring this short letter to a close, but will write in a few days.

                Yours, respectfully.
                                JOHN C. BENNETT.


The people of this State are well aware of the fact, that the Mormon College at Nauvoo have conferred on J. G. Bennett, the Editor of the New York Herald, the degree of Doctor of Laws. The same paper has been selected by Joe Smith as his organ in New-York city, and the City Council of Nauvoo, by resolutions, have recommended the Herald to the patronage of the Mormon church throughout the country. These facts, with the additional one that Joe Smithm by some of his followers, carries on a confidential correspondence with the Editor of the Herald, stamp with authority the statements of that paper in relation to the policy and designs of Joe Smith.

The New York Herald, of the 17th June, contains sundry articles in reference to Mormon affairs, presented under this blazoning caption:

Highly important from the Mormon Empire -- Wonderful progress of Joe Smith -- Spread of the Mormon Faith, and a new religious revelation at hand."

The Herald then gives the following editorial paragraphs:

"It is very evident that the Mormons exhibit a remarkable degree of tact, skill, shrewdness, energy, and enthisiasm. The particular features of their faith are nothing against their success. Do they believe their new Bible, their VIRGIN REVELATION, their singular creed? If they do so with enthusiasm, and practice their shrewd precepts, the other sects will fall before them, THIS IS CERTAIN -- THIS IS HUMAN NATURE. In Illinois they have shown how to acquire a vast influence, by holding the balance of power between both the great parties. THEY CAN ALREADY DICTATE TO THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, AND IF THE PURSUE THE SAME POLICY IN OTHER STATES, WILL THEY NOT SOON DICTATE TO CONGRESS, AND DECIDE THE PRESIDENCY? In all matters of public concernment, they act as one man, with one soul, one mind, and one purpose. Their religious and moral principles bind them together firmly.

"Verily, verily, we are truly in the 'latter days;' and we should not be surprised to see that the Mormon religion is the real millennium already commenced. One thing is certain. The Mormons are so constituted, that, in these temprence times, THEY WILL SWALLOW UP ALL THE OTHER LUKEWARM PROTESTANT SECTS; and the moral and religious world will be divided between the Pope and the Catholics on one side, and Joe Smith and the Mormons on the other. The oyster is opening, and will soon be equally divided."

The Herald says, "The Mormons can already dictate to the State of Illinois!" And are they not doing it? Has not Joe Smith issued a Proclamation requiring his followers to vote for certain candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor? The Herald calls the Mormon religion a "virgin revelation," and says that all "other sects will fall before it." Precisely the same sentiment, though not the same words, was made use of by Judge Douglass, on the same subject. He said to J. M. Ruggles, Esq. that "he believed there was as much true religion among them -- the Mormons -- as any other church," and that "a new broom sweeps clean." Singular coincidence, indeed!

Dr. Bennett, of the New York Herald, considers the Mormon "a virgin revelation," and that "all other sects will fall before it;" and Judge Douglass considers that they "have as much true religion among them as any other church," and that "a new broom sweeps clean."

So much for this editorial article of Dr. Bennett, written without doubt, under the direction of Joe Smith.

Note: The date of publication in the Telegraph for the final two articles reproduced above, is uncertain; they may actually be from the July 23th issue of the paper.


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, July 23, 1842.                           No. 30.


Further facts in relation to Joe Smith's application for the benefits of the Bankrupt Law --- Joe Smith made sole trustee of the Mormon Church DURING LIFE with plenary powers to manage, control and convey the property of the Church --- evidence from the Records of Hancock County of Joe's putting his property out of his hands, before applying for the benefit of the Bankrupt Law --- Joe makes his family rice, including his infant children --- Gen. Robinson and Col. Higbee, and others called upon to state facts within their own knowledge in reference to Joe's swindling transactions --- Messrs. Kilbourne of Montrose, Iowa, also called upon to state facts in reference to thefts and robberies committed by the Danite Band --- Joe's "White purchase." called Church property, scheduled among his assets, because, as it was supposed, he had not paid for it --- securing spiritual wives --- some honest individuals not allowed to possess all the secrets of this order --- Messrs. Rigdon, Pratt, and Marks called upon to come out and state facts, knowing as they do the unvarnished truth of Bennett's statements -- Notice of Joe's letter to Gen. Robinson -- Joe's violation of his obligations as a Mason in making Masons in an irregular lodge -- Joe's threats that if the Grand Lodge could not approve of his acts "it might go to the devil" -- Bennett about leaving for Missouri, to make disclosures, relative to the attempted murder of Boggs and perhaps others, which may assure for Joe Smith, the great champion of Thomas Ford and John Moore, (see Joe Smith's Proclamation) a more elevated position than with all his ambition he aspires to --- Look out for breakers.

                                              Carthage, Ills., July 4, 1842.
     To the Editor of the Journal:

In your paper of the 1st inst., you call upon me, and others to make some disclosures in relation to Joe Smith, the arch-impostor, to which I now proceed to respond. I have already written you two letters on the subject; one of which I presume you have received before this, and the other will reach you in a few days. I will now give you some singular facts.

1st. JOE'S BANKRUPT APPLICATION. -- The Bankrupt Law, section 2, provides that no conveyances of property shall be made in contemplation of bankruptcy, subsequent to the 1st. of January, 1841; and an Act concerning Religious Societies, under which the Mormon Church was incorporated, provides for the appointment of TRUSTEES, not a SOLE TRUSTEE IN TRUST, who are authorized "to purchase a quantity of land not exceeding five acres." &c. &c. See act approved Feb. 6, 1842.

From a Book of Mortgages and Bongs, page 95     
City of Nauvoo, Hancock Co., Ills. )     
Feb'y 2d, A. D. 1842)     

To the County Recorder of the County of Hancock:

Dear Sir -- At a meeting of the "Church of Latter Day Saints" at this place, on Saturday the 30th day of January, A. D. 1841, I was elected sole Trustee for said Church, to hold my office during life, (my successor to be the first Presidency of said Church), and vested with plenary powers as sole Trustee in Trust for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to receive, acquire, manage and convey property, real, personal, or mixed, for the sole use and benefit of said church, agreeable to the provisions of an act entitled "An act concerning Religious Societies," approved February 6, 1835.
                              JOSEPH SMITH, (L. S.)
State of Illinois,..|
......................... s.s.
Hancock County.|

This day personally appeared before me, Daniel H. Wells, a Justice of the peace, within and for the county of Hancock aforesaid, Isaac Galland, Robert B. Thompson and John C. Bennett, who being duly sworn depose and say that the foregoing certificates of Joseph Smith is true.
Sworn to and subscribed this third day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, before me,
                              DANIEL H. WELLS, Justice of the Peace.

Compendious extracts from the Records of Hancock County:

In Book R, page 21, there is a deed from Joseph Smith and wife to Julia M. Smith, Joseph Smith, jr., F. G. W. Smith and Alexander Smith, (the first an adopted daughter, and the remainder all small children of Joseph and Emma Smith), executed Dec. 21, 1841, and recorded January 1st, 1842, for lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, block 12 in the city of Nauvoo, -- for the consideration of "one hundred dollars to them in hand paid," -- property worth about three thousand dollars.

Another in the same book, page 151, from the same to the same, (Joseph Smith and his wife to their children, executed March 17th, 1842, and recorded April 9th, 1842, for the east half of the south east 31, 5 north, 8 west; and west half of north-east five, and east half of north-east 6, 4 north, 8 west -- for the consideration of two thousand dollars.

Another in the same book (R.) pages 159, 160, and 161, from Joseph Smith and wife to Joseph Smith, as sole Trustee in trust for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, executed Oct. 5th, 1841, and recorded April 8th, 1842, (the same day he visited Carthage to file his schedule for bankruptcy) and I have no doubt the deed was executed on the 16th or 17th of April, 1842, and dated back to Oct. 5th, 1841, for so Joe informed me, and Mr. Marshall, Mr. Sherman and others, of Carthage, will state that the writing was fresh, and changed materially in appearance soon after, for ($230) two hundred and thirty lots, or thereabouts, mostly of the "White Purchase," for the consideration of "the sum of one dollar to them in hand paid, on a just and lawful settlement between themselves in person, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. -- (Property worth from one hundred and fifty to two hundred thousand dollars, at the rate that Joe is selling it).

Another in book I, page 329, from Ebenezer F. Wiggins to Emma Smith, executed May 15th, 1841, and recorded June 30th, 1841, for west half of northwest quarter 30, 7 north, 8 west, and the west half of north-east 30, 7 north, 8 west, for the consideration of ($2,700), two thousand seven hundred dollars -- ([s]aid for by Joe, and worth about three thousand dollars).

Another in the same book (I.) page 243, from Daniel H. Wells and wife to Joseph Smith, jr., (Joe's son). executed May 5th, 1841, and recorded May 6th, 1841, for lots 1 and 4, block 22, in Wells' addition to Nauvoo, for the consideration of one hundred dollars.

Another in the same book, page 354, from Robert B. Thompson and wife to Emma Smith, (Joe's wife), executed July 24th, 1841, and recorded July 27th, 1841, for south-east fractional quarter of section 2, north 6, 9 west, containing 123 43/100 acres, for the consideration of ($4,000), four thousand dollars.

Another in the same book, page 355, from same to Frederick G. W. Smith, (Joe's son), executed July 24th, 1841, and recorded July 27th, 1841, for part of block 156, in Nauvoo,, for the consideration of ($500), five hundred dollars.

If an official certificate is required, call upon Chauncey Robinson, Esq., the Recorder of Hancock, and he will certify that these are correct extracts from the county records. -- There are various other matters of record that could be made to operate against this king of swindlers and impostors, Joe Smith; but I presume that the foregoing will be sufficient to give him a comfortable home in the State penitentiary, at Alton, for some years to come, if Missouri does not get him first.

If oral testimony is required, call upon Gen. George W. Robinson, Col. Francis M. Higbee, and others, who are acquainted with the transactions. Call out these witnesses in relation to the SHAM sales of valuable property made to Willard Richards, N. K. Whitney, and others, by Joe, in order to prepare for the bankruptcy. The Hotchkiss purchase, called Church property -- but which is not paid for -- was given in by Joe in his schedule as his own individual property, which it undoubtedly was; but the White Purchase, (S. E. Fractional quarter of section 2, 6N. 9W.) WHICH IS PAID FOR, was deeded to Thompson, Joe's Clerk, who had no property, and from Thompson to Emma Smith, (Joe's wife) and from Joseph Smith and wife to Joseph Smith, SOLE TRUSTEE IN TRUST, &c. I now call upon General Robinson and Colonel Higbee, to come out in the Sangamo Journal, over their own names, and tell what they know of Joe's swindling operations. Come out, gentlemen, boldly; the public good requires it at your hands. -- Forbearance is no longer a virtue in this business. I call, likewise, upon Messrs. Kilbourne, of Montrose Iowa, to come out in the Journal and tell what they know of Joe's swindling in Iowa lands, and of the thefts and robberies committed by his Danite Band; and I hope they will respond to the call without delay. Let no man fear to speak out boldly. Remember that the White Purchase was CALLED church property, but it was and is Joe's own individual estate. He said in a public congregation in Nauvoo, a few weeks ago, "I own a million dollars in property, in this city, and around it." Can this swindler take the benefit of the bankrupt law! Never! No, never!! Let a prosecution be at once instituted against his holiness, and let the law have its just operations ONCE.


I alluded to this holy institution in one of my former letters. Joe says he has given them the Master's word by revelation. In the preparation they are stripped naked so as to see if they will pass the holy examination as required in Deuteronomy, 23rd chapter and 1st verse. They are then clothed upon and the precious ointment poured upon the head, running down upon the beard and the skirts of the garment. The ungodly oath, a part of which I gave you is then administered in order to prepare them for the SPIRITUAL WIFE operations, and save Joe from public disgrace and infamy. Some of them, however, are not in the SECRETS, -- They are taken in as blind in order to deceive the people. If they are charged with iniquity, they say, "Look at William Marks and others like him! Do they indulge!" No, gentlemen, but this is not exploited to THEM. Joe says, "Sidney Rigdon and Orson Pratt, and William Marks must never know the SECRETS, or they will apostasize." Rigdon and Pratt are not yet members, however, and I hope they never will be; and Marks has a very strong squinting at apostacy. If Sidney Rigdon will suffer a base attempt on his daughter's chastity; Orson Pratt another on his wife; and William Marks will look tamely on at these disclosures, and say nothing, I am much mistaken in the man. The public look to Rigdon, Pratt and Marks and other kindred spirits, to speak at this eventful crisis -- they have seen and heard, and FELT in their own families, the corruptions of this Smith, that soul-damning impostor. Come out NOW, or bow down and lick the dust, worship at his shrine, and chain your fate to the wheels of damnation, and the car of iniquity. The issue is made up, -- it cannot be averted; and I pray God that the "bitter cup may not pass." You ALL, with Francis M. Higbee, George W. Robinson, Chauncey L. Higbee, Henry Marks, and hundreds of others, KNOW that I have told the unvarnished truth, and the people at large will believe me, -- yes, they will believe me, tho; I have not yet told HALF THE DREADFUL STORY!! "Come out from among the ungodly, and be ye separate." Gen. Robinson writes me under date of July 3d -- Joe says to the people, "Look out! look out!!! Those men, I will venture to say; will come out on me, with all in their power, and say and do all they can to put me down; but do not believe one word of their cursed lies; for I KNOW I am Prophet." Yes, and Pratt, and Rigdon, and Robinson, and the Higbees, and the Marks, and hundreds of others KNOW you to be a LIAR, Joe, -- And Pratt and others have told you so in the face of open day. YOU LIED in the name of the Lord!!! Remember that, you base blasphemer, -- remember that, and weep! -- Look at your black catalogue of crimes -- your seductions and attempted seductions in the name of your Maker -- your thefts -- your robberies -- and your murders! Why, Satan blushes to behold so corrupt and loathsome a mortal, -- one whose daring deeds of crime so far surpass hell's darkest counsels, as to hide the sable Prince in impenetrable darkness forever!


The original records show that Joseph Smith, Job Snyder, Brigham Young, Peter Haws, Willard Richards, and one other, I think Adara Lyman, were initiated, passed and raised, before the installation of the Lodge, and all but one have passed through since, -- Joe by the hands of the Grand Master Jones, and the remainder by other brethren. That record was sealed up, and a new one commenced -- the second was sealed up, and a third commanded, -- and then a new record book procured and such parts copied as they were willing should go out to the Grand Lodge, and such only.

Let the original book be produced and these facts will appear -- I stand pledged that they shall appear. A part of the original record is in my hand writing, as all know; and if they will produce a record that has any of my hand writing in it, (for the new one has nothing but my name), I will show all the facts unless the leaves have been torn out. Mr. Stoddard was suspended for blackballing Mr. Sessions, but it was not put to record. The charge of H. G. Sherwood and Samuel H. Smith, against Robert D. Foster, during the trial of which Foster received such a severe rebuke by Joe, never appeared upon record, and Joe said, as the case was likely to effect his brother Samuel, "I will see the records in hell and burn this house, before it shall be said that a Smith ever failed to accomplish a thing he undertook, or before anything shall be recorded that may ever operate against Samuel -- and if we can't get a charter without that, the Grand Lodge may go to the Devil." Is this not so? I appeal to George W. Robinson, Francis M. Higbee, and Hiram Kimball, all Master Masons. These are only some of the actings and doings of the Nauvoo Lodge, U. D., under the Supervision of Joe and his servile priest, George Miller -- the little creature that does Joe's dirty work. Let the Grand Lodge look to this. Why does not Nauvoo Lodge, U. D., deal with Joe for the attempted seduction of Nancy Rigdon, a Master Mason's daughter, and for the actual seduction of several Master Masons' wives and sisters and daughters! -- Simply because they say Joe is a Prophet, and the Lord's anointed must not be harmed; the Lord will not suffer his anointed to fall! O, tempore! O, mores!

4th. I am now going over to Missouri to have Joe taken to justice; and then I am going to New York to publish a book, to be called "The History of the Saints," in which I shall tell most of the actings and doings at Nauvoo for the last two years, of most of their great men, and some of their great women, too; so look out for breakers. We shall have full disclosures if the Danites don't catch me -- they are after me like prowling wolves, by Joe's special orders. In haste,
Yours respectfully,


Our city and county have been in a state of much excitement for a week past, growing out of the disclosures, made by General Bennett, the military leader of the Nauvoo Legion, and the same gentleman appointed by Judge Douglass as Master in Chancery in Hancock County.

From the position occupied by Gen. Bennett, and his known character for fearlessness in a cause he knows to be right, the people have certain grounds of assurance that he will not be deterred from his undertaking, and that all his statements given of his own knowledge, are undeniable facts. -- People at a distance, therefore, may judge of the degree of excitement which the exposure of the pollutions and corruptions, and enormities of Joe Smith, have caused in our community.

We cannot say that all have partaken of the indignation which these disclosures should have produced. I know of politicians, including our State officers here, have felt no other interest in the matter, than as it was likely to affect the election of their candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor. They have, therefore, made it their business to decry Gen. Bennett and sustain Joe Smith! The State Register is the faithful mirror of their sentiments and wishes. That paper joins with Joe Smith in traducing Gen. Bennett; and meanly intimates that he may be a horse thief! -- Shame! shame upon these allies of Smith! The same paper deprecates the disclosures of Gen. Bennett, BECAUSE they will prevent the election of Ford and Moore. Most of the editorial articles of the last Register were seemingly designed to palliate the outrages on all laws, human and divine, disclosed by Gen. Bennett. The Register even goes so far as to say --

"Why did not Bennett wait till after the election to make his disclosures?"

This question can readily be disposed of by asking another, -- if the party leaders here have not made a contract with Joe Smith for his Mormon votes, why should they, at this time, deprecate the disclosures of Gen. Bennett? The question can be answered with Joe Smith, with truth, in no other manner than this, -- that they have contracted with Joe Smith for the Mormon votes, and they apprehend that the disclosures of Bennett, connected with the knowledge of that contract, will produce a general indignation among the people, and result, as they should do, in the most exemplary defeat of Ford and Moore, the advancement of whom was the object of this iniquitous contract.

The Register judges well that we are opposed to the Mormon religion as illustrated by Gen. Bennett and the connexion of Mormonism with the election of Ford and Moore. We are glad that Gen. Bennett has made his disclosures before the election, -- because they will open the eyes of the people, and will prevent the success of that Foul Plot -- that Infamous Bargain -- between the Register and other heads of the party and Joe Smith, to secure the election of Thomas Ford and John Moore, with Mormon votes, and to give Joe Smith, what he already claims, "the power to dictate to the State." -- Sangamo Journal.


Will be found on the first page of this paper. It confirms -- were confirmation necessary -- the villainy and rascality of Joe Smith, beyond the vistage of a doubt. There are among the Mormons many honest but infatuated families, who have fallen victims to this arch-impostor. We hope they will at once break loose from him, and throw off the fanatical chains with which he has bound them.

List of Arms belonging to the State of Illinois, and pout in the possession of the Mormons, by Judge Ford's friends.

5 pieces of Cannon -- 6 pounders! 500 muskets!! -- 460 pistols!!! 85 rifles!!!! 113 yeagers!!!!! -- 123 swords!!!!!!

These are the arms that Joe Smith threatened to use against the people of Illinois, if a requisition should be made for him, by the Governor of Missouri. The only hope Joe says he has, of not being driven to use them, is, that Judge Ford will be elected, in which event he will refuse to surrender the impostor and villain, Joe Smith to the legal authorities of Missouri. What say the peaceable citizens of Illinois to this? Are they prepared to sanction injustice and iniquity as bare faced as this is? The only answer that they can effectually make, is through the ballot-boxes.

During the two weeks stay at Springfield, with the exception of the Mormons, We heard no one but the State officers, the immediate friends of Ford, -- by whose exertions alone his nominations by the Mormons was confirmed at the office-holders convention -- attempt to vindicate and excuse the Mormons for their unwarranted interference in our elections as a church. It was left to these disinterested patriots! alone to justify the edict of Joe Smith commanding his followers to defeat Gov. Duncan, let the means resorted to be what they might.

On Fri. last week, Judge Douglass left for the North, professedly to hold court at Chicago, but in reality to visit Nauvoo, sup with Joe Smith, the Mormon prophet, and see that all the Mormons would be sure to be brought out, to vote for their candidate Judge Ford. We presume that Judge will make a few stump speeches in the north, against the veteran Duncan, in favor of his Mormon brother and associate, Tom Ford, of Wisconsin.


It is a fact well ascertained, that Joe Smith has for some days back been laying in a large amount of ammunition at the city of Nauvoo. The avowed object of this preparation for war, on the part of the Mormons, is to defend themselves By Force against any legal process calling for the surrender of Joe Smith, and the assassin who shot Gov. Boggs. They admit that the disclosures of Bennett will result in a requisition on the part of the Governor of Missouri, for the impostor, Joe Smith, together with some of his "Danites," and they are thus fortifying themselves to defy the strong arm of the law in its administration of justice. This is the character of those who have brought Judge Ford out for Governor, and under whose banner he hopes to be elected.

Will the law-abiding portion of the people of Illinois, support any man who is avowedly a Mormon candidate? Will they support any man who will truckle himself, or suffer his friends to truckle, to so corrupt an iniquitous a sect, as the followers of Joseph Smith? Yet such is the attitude Thomas Ford assumes before the people of Illinois. His main hopes of success are based upon the Mormon support, and the influence of Joe Smith.

Forgery  and  Deception.

The State Register, Shelbyville Herald, and some other papers in the interest of Tom Ford, the Mormon candidate, have published parts of what purports to be a letter from Bennett, under date of June 14th, taken from the Wasp, the Mormon paper at Nauvoo. This letter makes Bennett assert that there was no bargain with the friends of Ford for their votes. It is useless to say, that Bennett NEVER WROTE ANY SUCH LETTER! A moment's reflection, will satisfy the most skeptical upon this point. The letter purports to bear date the 14th June. In the month of May, Bennett, as Joe Smith says, had been excommunicated from the church, AND THE PEOPLE PUT ON THEIR GUARD BY JOE SMITH, IN THE COLUMN OF HIS PAPER, NOT TO PLACE ANY RELIANCE ON THE STATEMENTS OF BENNETT.

Now, we would ask any intelligent citizen, whether it is at all probable, after Bennett had been thus treated by Joe Smith -- after he had been followed by the Danites with a view to take his life -- that he would turn round and write the letter that appears in the Wasp, and copied in papers above mentioned? No one will believe it. It is one of the base tricks and specimens of deception heretofore so successfully practiced by Joe Smith. It is a forgery, beyond doubt, AND SO DR. BENNETT PRONOUNCES IT.

The bargain for the vote of the Mormons, by the friends of Judge Ford, has been disclosed and will be published under the signatures of some of the seceding Mormons, who were privy to the contract. The developments will show, Walters, Peck, the Clerk of the Supreme Court, Judge Douglass, and "Esq. Warren," the contracting party on behalf of Judge Ford; and Joe Smith, on behalf of the Mormons, if Judge Ford and a majority of his friends, succeeded in this election, all of whom stand pledged to carry out the views of Joe Smith. On the other hand, the ONLY CONDITION, on the part of Joe Smith, is --- that every Mormon in the state is to vote for Judge Ford, -- This is the contract made between these High Contracting Parties; and it remains for the people to say, whether they will submit to such base imposition, and utter disregard of their dearest rights and privileges. We hope in every county in this State, where there are Mormons, the people will watch, HOW THEY VOTE. -- And the result will disclose that, without A SOLITARY EXCEPTION, they will vote for their candidate, Judge Ford.


The State Register of July 8th, contains the following paragraph:

Bennett, the Mormon General, says if he should be missing he hopes the people will avenge his blood upon the heads of the Mormons. We would advise the farmers to keep an eye to their horses, lest they should be missing.

Who, would we inquire, was appointed by Gov. Carlin, QUARTER MASTER GENERAL OF THIS STATE. None other than this very same Bennett, denounced by the Register as a HORSE-THIEF. Who, we would ask, received the appointment of Master in Chancery in Hancock county at the hands of Judge Douglass, in preference to the application of several of the most respectable, honest and oldest citizens of that county? THIS IDENTICAL MR. BENNETT, denominated by the Register a HORSE-THIEF. Who was the boon companion of Walters, of the Register, during the session of the Legislature [when] the Mormon charters were granted? This very same Mr. Bennett, whom Walters now assures the public is a HORSE-THIEF!! We admit that no one in the State knows better than the Editor of the Register, what are the habits and practices of Bennett. Their intimacy, both personally and politically, has clothed him with Bennett's secrets; but we submit, whether, after blowing and puffing Bennett into consequence, by lavishing upon him military and judicial appointments, it is fair in the leaders of the party to turn round, when they can use Bennett no longer, and proclaim to the public they knew all the while. that he was a HORSE-THIEF!! This we suppose is Locofoco gratitude.

The rational of all the parties and sects rejoice at the disclosures of the Mormon impositions of Joe Smith. Who, we would ask, has been the means of bearding this lion in his den? We answer, Gen. Joseph Duncan, the people's candidate for Governor. Let all honest men recollect this on the first day of August next. But for his moral firmness and intrepidity, Joe Smith would still undiscovered have been perfecting his plot to destroy the State of Illinois and the liberty of her citizens.


We are prepared to hear anything from the city of Nauvoo. Murder and carnage are the watch-words of Joe Smith; and will be fearfully visited upon all whom he can reach, that dare raise their voice against him. -- What says Judge Ford to this new development of his allies and patriotic supporters? The Warsaw Signal of the 16th says:

We understand by the stage-driver from Nauvoo last evening, that O. Pratt had suddenly disappeared from the city. He left a paper containing his reasons for leaving -- which are, the treatment his wife received from Joe Smith, and some other matter concerning the policy of the church. It was supposed in Nauvoo that he had committed suicide, and about 500 persons were on the search for him.

J. C. Bennett, the late Mormon Master in Chancery in Hancock county, understanding that Joe Smith had demanded of Judge Douglass his removal, in consequence of his exposing Joe's rascality, and learning that the judge had agreed to obey the requisition of the Mormon prophet, took time by the forelock, and sent in his resignation before the Judge had an opportunity to dismiss him. The object of Joe Smith and Judge Ford's friends was to disgrace Bennett if possible, by removing him; that as much discredit as possible might be thrown upon his Mormon revelations.

E. Peck, Clerk of the Supreme Court, L. Trumbull, Secretary of State, and Esq. Warren, of Quincy have all, it is said, agreed with Joe Smith to procure a Habeas Corpus from Judge Douglass, in case he is taken upon a requisition from the Governor of Missouri, and obtain his discharge. The only compensation that they doubtless ask for their services, is -- THE UNITED VOTE OF THE MORMONS FOR JUDGE FORD.

Every one will recollect that Joe Smith has frequently prophesied and published in his organ, the Times and Seasons, "THAT ILLINOIS WAS TO BECOME HIS WITHOUT A CONQUEST." This, he says, is to be accomplished in this way: -- The Methodists and Baptists are to be converted in his religion. Their strength together with the force he is daily acquiring by large emigrations from Europe, added to his standing army of 3000 men, equipped with the arms of the State, at Nauvoo, he asserts would so overawe the other denominations that they would yield without a struggle. This is the language of the Mormon Prophet, the right hand man of Judge Ford. What say the independent freemen of Illinois to such insult? Answer at the ballot-box.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, July 30, 1842.                           No. 31.


From the St. Louis Bulletin.

MESSERS. EDITORS -- I am about to repair to the East, for the purpose of publishing a HISTORY OF THE SAINTS,. or important disclosures in relation to Joe Smith and the Mormons. I shall, however, be in readiness to substantiate my statements relative to the participation of Joe Smith in the attempted assassination of Governor Boggs, whenever he is demanded and secured by the Executive of Missouri.

I am blamed by some for not making disclosures at an earlier day, as I must have been apprised of Smith's enormities for a long time. This I anticipated. But if gentlemen will hold on a short time, until I publish the aforesaid history, I will show that had an expose been attempted at an earlier period, it would have proved abortive; but I am now enabled to show such a system of deliberate swindling, corruption, and base depravity, as the world has never seen. The following letter from Miss Brotherton, details a case of black-hearted villainy precisely similar to those of Mrs. Sarah M. Pratt, wife of Prof. Orson Pratt, and Miss Nancy Rigdon, daughter of Sidney Rigdon, Esq., as noticed in the Sangamo Journal, and hundreds of others that might be named. It speaks for itself.
                          Yours, respectfully,
                                  JOHN C. BENNETT.
St. Louis, July 15, 1842.

                          St. Louis, Mo., July 13, A. D. 1842.
Gen. John C. Bennett:
DEAR SIR -- I left Warsaw a short time since for this city, and having been called upon by you, through the Sangamo Journal, to come out and disclose to the world the facts of the case in relation to certain propositions made to me at Nauvoo, by some of the Mormon leaders, I now proceed to respond to the call, and discharge what I consider go be a duty devolving upon me as an innocent, but insulted and abused female.

I had been at Nauvoo near three weeks, during which time my father's family received frequent visits from Elders Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball, two of the Mormon Apostles; when, early one morning, they both came to my brother-in-law's (John Mellwrick) house, at which place I then was on a visit, and particularly requested me to go and spend a few days with them. I told them I could not at that time, as my brother-in-law was not at home. However, they urged me to go the next day, and spend one day with them; the day being fine, I accordingly went. When I arrived at the foot of the hill, Young and Kimball were standing conversing together. They both came to me, and, after several flattering compliments, Kimball wished me to go to his house first. I said it was immaterial to me, and accordingly went. We had not, however, gone many steps when Young suddenly stopped, and said he would go to that brother's, (pointing to a little log hut a few yards distant) and tell him that you (speaking to Kimball) and brother Glover, or Grover, (I do not remember which) will value this land. When he had gone, Kimball turned to me and said, 'Martha, I want you to say to my wife, when you go to my house, that you want to buy some things at Joseph's store, (Joseph Smith's) and I will say I am going with you, to show you the way. You know you want to see the Prophet, and you will then have an opportunity.' I made no reply. Young again made his appearance, and the subject was dropped. We soon reached Kimball's house, where Young took his leave, saying, 'I shall see you again, Martha.' I remained at Kimball's nearly an hour, when Kimball, seeing that I would not tell the lies he wished me to, told them to his wife himself. He then went and whispered in her ear, and asked if that would please her. 'Yes,' said she, 'or I can go along with you and Martha.' 'No,' said he, 'I have some business to do, and I will call for you afterwards to go with me to the debate,' -- meaning the debate between yourself and Joseph. To this she consented. So Kimball and I went to the store together. As we were going along, he said, 'Sister Martha, are you willing to do all that the Prophet requires you to do?' I said I believed I was, thinking of course he would require nothing wrong. 'Then,' said he, 'are you ready to take counsel?' I answered in the affirmative, thinking of the great and glorious blessings that had been pronounced upon my head, if I adhered to the counsel of those placed over me in the Lord. 'Well,' said he, 'there are many things revealed in these last days that the world would laugh and scoff at; but unto us is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom.' He further observed, 'Martha, you must learn to hold your tongue, and it will be well with you. You will see Joseph, and very likely have some conversation with him, and he will tell you what you shall do.' When we reached the building, he led me up some stairs to a small room, the door of which was locked, and on it the following inscription: -- 'Positively no admittance.' He observed, 'Ah! brother Joseph must be sick, for strange to say, he is not here. Come down into the tithing-office, Martha.' He then left me in the tithing-office, and went out, I know not where. In this office were two men writing, one of whom, William Clayton, I had seen in England; the other I did not know. Young came in, and seated himself before me, and asked where Kimball was. I said he had gone out. He said it was all right. Soon after, Joseph came in, and spoke to one of the clerks, and then went up stairs, followed by Young. Immediately after, Kimball came in. 'Now, Martha,' said he, 'the Prophet has come; come up stairs.' I went, and we found Young and the Prophet alone. I was introduced to the Prophet by Young. Joseph offered me his seat, and, to my astonishment, the moment I was seated, Joseph and Kimball walked out of the room, and left me with Young; who arose, locked the door, closed the window, and drew the curtain. He then came and sat before me, and said, 'This is our private room, Martha.' 'Indeed, sir,' said I, 'I must be highly honored to be permitted to enter it.' He smiled, and then proceeded -- 'Sister Martha, I want to ask you a few questions; will you answer them?' 'Yes, sir,' said I. 'And will you promise not to mention them to any one?' 'If it is your desire, sir,' said I, 'I will not.' 'And you will not think any the worse of me for it, will you, Martha?' said he. 'No sir,' I replied. 'Well,' said he, 'what are your feelings toward me?' I replied, 'My feelings are just the same towards you that they ever were, sir.' 'But, to come to the point more closely,' said he, 'have not you an affection for me, that, were it lawful and right, you could accept of me for your husband and companion.'

My feelings at that moment were indescribable. God only knows them. What, thought I are these men, that I thought almost perfection itself, deceivers? and is all my fancied happiness but a dream? It was even so; but my next thought was, which is the best way for me to act at this time? If I say no, they may do as they think proper; and to say yes, I never would. So I considered it best to ask for time to think and pray about it. I therefore said, 'If it was lawful and right, perhaps I might; but you know, sir, it is not.' -- 'Well, but,' said he, 'brother Joseph has had a revelation from God that it is lawful and right for a man to have two wives; for, as it was in the days of Abraham, so it shall be in these last days; and whoever is the first that is willing to take up the cross will receive the greatest blessings; and if you will accept of me, I will take you straight to the celestial kingdom; and if you will have me in this world, I will have you in that which is to come, and brother Joseph will marry us here to-day, and you can go home this evening, and your parents will not know any thing about it.' 'Sir,' said I, 'I should not like to do any thing of the kind without the permission of my parents,' 'Well, but,' said he, 'you are of age, are you not?' 'No, sir,' said I, 'I shall not be until the 24th of May.' 'Well,' said he, 'that does not make any difference. You will be of age before they know, and you need not fear. If you will take my counsel, it will be well with you, for I know it to be right before God, and if there is any sin in it, I will answer for it. But brother Joseph wishes to have some talk with you on the subject -- he will explain things -- will you hear him?' 'I do not mind,' said I. 'Well, but I want you to say something,' said he. 'I want time to think about it,' said I. 'Well,' said he, 'I will have a kiss, any how,' and then rose, and said he would bring Joseph. He then unlocked the door, and took the key, and locked me up alone. He was absent about ten minutes, and then returned with Joseph. 'Well,' said Young, 'sister Martha would be willing if she knew if was lawful and right before God.' 'Well, Martha,' said Joseph, 'it is lawful and right before God -- I know it is. Look here, sis; don't you believe in me?' I did not answer. 'Well Martha,' said Joseph, 'just go ahead, and do as Brigham wants you to -- he is the best man in the world, except me.' 'Oh!' said Brigham, 'then you are as good.' 'Yes,' said Joseph. 'Well,' said Young, 'we believe Joseph to be a Prophet. -- I have known him near eight years, and always found him the same.' 'Yes,' said Joseph, 'and I know that this is lawful and right before God, and if there is any sin in it, I will answer for it before God; and I have the keys of the kingdom, and whatever I bind on earth is bound in heaven, and whatever I loose on earth is loosed in heaven, and if you will accept of Brigham, you shall be blessed -- God shall bless you, and my blessing shall rest upon you; and if you will be led by him, you will do well; for I know Brigham will take care of you, and if he don't do his duty to you, come to me and I will make him; and if you do not like it in a month or two, come to me, and I will make you free again; and if he turns you off, I will take you on.' -- 'Sir,' said I, rather warmly, 'it will be too late to think in a month or two after. I want time to think first.' 'Well, but,' said he, 'the old proverb is, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained;" and it would be the greatest blessing that was ever bestowed upon you.' 'Yes,' said Young, 'and you will never have reason to repent it -- that is, if I do not turn from righteousness, and that I trust I never shall; for I believe God, who has kept me so long, will continue to keep me faithful. Did you ever see me act in any way wrong in England, Martha?' "No, sir,' said I. 'No,' said he; 'neither can any one else lay any thing to my charge.' 'Well, then,' said Joseph, 'what are you afraid of, sis? -- come, let me do the business for you.' 'Sir,' said I, 'do let me have a little time to think about it, and I will promise not to mention it to any one.' 'Well, but look here,' said he; 'you know a fellow will never be damned for doing the best he knows how.' 'When, then,' said I, 'the best way I know of, is to go home and think and pray about it.' 'Well,' said Young, 'I shall leave it with brother Joseph, whether it would be best for you to have time or not.' 'Well,' said Joseph, 'I see no harm in her having time to think, if she will not fall into temptation.' 'O, sir,' said I, 'there is no fear of my falling into temptation.' 'Well, but,' said Brigham, 'you must promise me you will never mention it to any one.' 'I do promise it,' said I. 'Well,' said Joseph, 'you must promise me the same.' I promised him the same. 'Upon your honor,' said he, 'you will not tell.' 'No, sir, I will lose my life first,' said I. 'Well, that will do,' said he; 'that is the principle we go upon. I think I can trust you, Martha,' said he. -- 'Yes,' said I, 'I think you ought.' Joseph said, 'she looks as if she could keep a secret.' I then rose to go, when Joseph commenced to beg of me again -- he said it was the best opportunity they might have for months, for the room was often engaged. I, however, had determined what to do. 'Well,' said Young, 'I will see you to-morrow. I am going to preach at the school-house, opposite your house. I have never preached there yet; you will be there, I suppose.' 'Yes,' said I. The next day being Sunday, I sat down, instead of going to meeting, and wrote the conversation, and gave it to my sister, who was not a little surprised; but she said it would be best to go to meeting in the afternoon. We went, and Young administered the sacrament. After it was over, I was passing out, and Young stopped me, saying, 'Wait, Martha, I am coming.' I said, 'I cannot; my sister is waiting for me.' He then threw his coat over his shoulders, and followed me out, and whispered, 'Have you made up your mind, Martha?' 'Not exactly, sir,' said I; and we parted. I shall proceed to a justice of the peace, and make oath to the truth of these statements, and you are at liberty to make what use of them you may think best.
              Yours, respectfully,
                   "MARTHA H. BROTHERTON.

Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 13th day of July, A. D. 1842.

              "Dr. BOUFFAY FREMON,
    "Justice of the Peace for St. Louis county.

From the Quincy Herald, a Democratic paper.

MORE TROUBLE BREWING. -- Gen. John C. Bennett passed through this city last Monday morning on his way to the Governor of Missouri, having in his possession the affidavits of a large number of the most respectable men, in and about Nauvoo, and in the county of Hancock, testifying that Joe Smith was the sole cause and instigator of the attempt upon the life of ex-Governor Boggs. Gen. Bennett says he is now determined to expose the whole mystery and imposition connected with Mormonism, and in particular will he bring to light the fraud, deception and humbuggery, which has enabled Joe Smith heretofore to maintain such an absolute control over the minds and persons of his followers. The expose will no doubt, be a curious and interesting document.

==> The Alton Telegraph asks -- "Will not the Governor of Missouri make a requisition upon Gov. Carlin for Joe Smith?" No, "he will not, as we have before said, at least until after the election. Gov. Reynolds is too-well aware of the importance of Joe Smith's thousands of votes, to do any such thing. Indictments have been pending for years against Joe Smith in this State, and a requisition was once made for his delivery to our authorities, but it was evaded by the aid of a Locofoco Judge in Illinois and Gov. Reynolds seems not to have thought it worth while to renew it. Of what avail is it to ask the Governor to perform a sworn duty, when the success of his party in Illinois depends upon his doing nothing until after the election is passed? -- New Era.


A great portion of the last number of the State Register was devoted to the defense of the Mormons, We wish not now to be misunderstood. The tendency of its articles is to show that the Mormons are not the people represented by Gen. Bennett -- and their whole design is, to keep up a good understanding with Joe Smith, so as to secure the votes of the Mormons for their candidates according to the contract made with the Mormons in the winter of 1840.

In this community, we verily believe that there is not a man disconnected with the Mormons, who does not place implicit confidence in the disclosures of Gen. Bennett. These disclosures show that the rulers of this Mormon confederacy are steeped in pollutions of the blackest dye -- pollutions and crimes violatory of all laws, human and divine -- and for which we can hardly find a parallel, without going back to the engulfed "cities of the plain."

What is the position occupied by the Register in relation to these damning disclosures? What are the grounds assumed by the friends of Judge Ford and John Moore in relation to them? Do they regard them with indignation? Do they call upon the community to mark these disclosures -- to look at the black stain which those impostors are inflicting upon human nature, upon all that raises man above the brute?

NO! NO! -- Some of them pronounce these disclosures, humbug; others want them held back until after the election; and all of them are willing that these crimes should be covered, concealed, wrapped in the mysteries which have hereunto encircled the acts of the Prophet -- because they want the votes of the Mormons for Thomas Ford and John Moore!

We say, if there were no other evidences that the leaders of the party had an understanding with Joe Smith, here is proof to satisfy every candid man -- proof as glaring as the beams of the midday sun. But we have other evidence -- evidence which has been studiously kept from the eyes of the readers of the Register as well as of other papers of the same political stripe. We allude to the proclamation of Joe Smith of December 20, 1841; and we again ask the citizens of Illinois if it does not contain evidence, unimpeached and unimpeachable, that there is no contract between Joe Smith and the leaders of the party, for the votes of the Mormons.

This same Joseph Smith, by his organ the New York Herald, tells the people that "he can a;ready dictate to the State of Illinois."

We ask the voters of this State, if they are ready to sanction this vile combination, and enable Joe Smith "to dictate to the State" in the election of Ford and Moore? Every man who votes for them does his best to further Joe Smith's schemes of ambition. -- Sangamo Journal.

The State Register and Joe Smith.

The Register, in an article in which it speaks of Joe Smith as the "Mormon Prophet." and of other matters connected therewith, endeavors to hold up the great impostor and unparalleled debauche, upon the ground that he is a "shrewd fellow." -- It attempts to establish this by referring to his numerous political vacillations. -- Judging from these alone, it comes to the conclusion, that he is a shrewd fellow. This, we suppose can be no excuse for his profligacy. On the contrary, it is proof positive, that he is as infamous in public, as in private life. Why the Register should take such pains to prove holy Joe a "shrewd fellow." we cannot well conceive, unless it keenly relishes the contemplation of knavery, as is the case with a large portion of its party. -- Chicago American.


Without a single exception, for Judge Ford for Governor. Why is this? Is it to carry out the contract between the friends of Judge Ford and Joe Smith, for the votes of the Mormons. If the people are willing to have it said the Mormons have carried the State, so let it be. If Judge Ford is elected, it will be claimed as a Mormon triumph, and so it will be.


Is a Greek word. According to the Baptist Register, "Donnegan and other authors of Greek dictionaries define is, 'A bugbear, a hobgoblin, a raw head and bloody bones, a hideous spectre, a frightful mask, something to frighten children.' It is thus used by the Greek author Theocritus, and the Greek author Aristophanes, the comic poet. Solomon Spalding, having tried to preach three or four years and failed, then having tried mercantile business and failed, being a classical Greek scholar, and out of all business, wrote for his amusement what he called the 'Book of Mormon,' i. e., as he understood it, The Book of Spectres. After his death, the ignorant Joe Smith and [S}. Rigdon, coming into possession of the Book, and ignorantly pretending that Mormon was a sacred Jewish name, have used the book for deceptive purposes as all the world know[s], and have attempted to clothe the word Mormon with a sacred meaning. Above is the true definition and origin of the word as well as of the book.

Mormons, then, the anglicised word, or the derivatives comprehending the people, may be defined 'devotees to bugbears, hobgoblins, and spectres.' Seventeen thousand of such devotees, it is said, are now residents in Nauvoo."


We publish to-day a letter from Miss Martha H. Brotherton. of the city of St. Louis, verified by affidavit, showing the deception, rascality and villainy of Joe Smith and some of his preachers. The fact that this letter is published in the St. Louis Bulletin, is evidence of the respectability of the individual writing it and it only comports with similar statements in several other letters, which we have seen emanating from ladies who have been subjected to the same impositions of this infamous scoundrel and impostor, Joe Smith. There will be others who will rise up and testify against the sin an iniquity of the leaders of this deluded sect, which, we trust, will prevent a further imposition on their part upon the unsuspecting and too confiding portion of the human family, who have heretofore given heed to Joe Smith's absurdities and impiety -- His last hope of inflicting a blow upon the citizens of Illinois, is his strenuous efforts now making to defeat Gov. Duncan and elect Tom Ford, who has consented to be used by the Mormons as their candidate for Governor.

From Nauvoo.

Two gentlemen, who passed through holy Joe's city on Thursday of last week, state, that soon after their arrival Joe made a speech in front of the Temple. The subject of his speech was -- Bennett -- the Sangamo Journal -- Mrs. Pratt -- and other matters. Joe swore like a pirate, and used the most obscene language. He appeared to be much excited, and it would be an act of charity to suppose that the holy debauchee was drunk as well as mad.

Joe, it is said, anticipates a requisition for his person from the Governor of Missouri. He has the utmost horror of the idea of being given up. Joe thinks that Judge Ford will not give him up if he should be elected Governor.

Joe, it is further said, is laboring to make up the breach with Rigdon, Pratt, and others, by offers of special favor. We trust that in this effort he will not succeed. Joe cannot now harm these men. He will not injure them. He dare not fulfil his threats, and his peomises are not to be relied on. -- We again call upon Messrs. Rigdon and Pratt, as they regard virtue, honor, and the reputation of their families, to come out from this Nauvoo "Babylon, and Mother of Harlots," the home of 'the whoremonger and the adulterer,' and 'be not a partaker of her plagues.' The developments which have been made, must sink Joe Smith to the lowest depths of infamy in the eyes of all honest men. He must fall so certain as God punishes vice and rewards virtue.

Miss Martha Brotherton has done herself honor, and the cause of virtue is greatly indebted to her for the publication she has made. We trust her example will be followed by Mrs. Pratt and Miss Rigdon. The holy cause of insulted virtue -- of wronged innocence -- of the honor and character of families -- demand that THE IMPOSTOR BE UNVAILED AND EXHIBITED TO THE WORLD IN ALL HIS DEFORMITY. -- Sangamo Journal.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, August 6, 1842.                           No. 32.


                                    Nauvoo, July 12, 1842.
Messrs. Bartlett & Sullivan:

Gentlemen, -- I wish through your paper, to respond to an article published in the same of the 9th. inst. as rumor -- embracing my name, (in connection with others,) as having been expelled from the Church of Latter Day Saints, joining Bennett's party, &c. &c.

I would say that I have had no knowledge of such an occurrence whatever, and have not been advised of any difficulty existing between the Church and myself in any legal manner. It is true that I have been pretty roughly handled in the Congregation of Saints, for what offence, I KNOW NOT; but I have sometimes thought, I might (in the providence and great wisdom of ____ ) have been selected as a SCAPE GOAT, to carry the sins of OTHERS.

I have for a long time desired that some FRIEND would inform me for what purpose, that scandalous attacks have, at several times, been made on myself, in connection with Mr. Rigdon; but have at last concluded as above. I will, however, leave all for the public to decide when they shall both see and hear the TESTIMONY. I must acknowledge myself a frail being, and am not easily persuaded to surrender my rights to others. My father served in the war of the Revolution, and flinched not in the contest of Freedom! He shall not blush to hear that his son ever failed to maintain it. I say this with all due deference to Prophets, Priest[s], Kings and Rulers.

As to Bennett's party, and the conspiracy against this people, I only say. FUDGE -- NOT GUILTY. God forbid I ever should conspire to injure the innocent, and the law is all sufficient for the guilty, (if any there are.)

Since Gen. Bennett's withdrawal from the Church, I have understood that a Resolution has been passed, prohibiting all withdrawals from the church; so if a member wishes to withdraw, he must be expelled and published to the world; this I believe, is now the statute of the church. I now take the opportunity to say to ALL men, before my Maker, that I neither desire nor consider myself, any longer a member of said Church of Latter day Saints. If necessary, I shall give my reasons for withdrawal at some future time; if not, I shall remain silent.   Very respectfully,
                              Your ob't. servant,
                             GEO. W. ROBINSON.


We learn that in the single precinct of Nauvoo, in Hancock county -- the city of Joe Smith -- Ford received ONE THOUSAND AND THIRTY-SEVEN VOTES, and Gov. Duncan six! Moore 1011, and Henderson 5. What will say those friends of Judge Ford, who traversed this county on the eve of the election, pledging themselves that the Mormon vote would be given to Gov. Duncan? It brands them with willful and deliberate falsehood, and an attempt to deceive the people. Rather than Gov. Duncan should have received this vote, we would prefer seeing him defeated by 5000 majority.

We are procuring a list of every Mormon vote given in this county, taken from the poll books. Thus far, without a single exception, every Mormon in Madison county voted for Ford, Moore, Arnold the repudiator, Buckmaster, and Anderson. Hereafter, Mormonism, Repudiation, and Locofocoism, in Illinois, may be considered one and the same thing. In this country, it is so beyond dispute.

... It will open the eyes of all parties to the dangerous and anti-republican tendency of a political, religious and military band of men, organized in our midst, and trained to obey the will and dictation of one man -- to vote according to his resentments and prejudices -- to sacrifice their own honest convictions of right and duty at the beck and nod of a petty dictator...

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, August 13, 1842.                           No. 33.


Although our returns of the recent election in this State are still incomplete, enough is nevertheless known to enable us to announce the complete triumph of our political opponents -- who have succeeded not only in carrying their candidates for Governor and Lieut. Governor by unprecedented majorities, but also in securing a decided majority in each branch of the Legislature. Of the causes that have led to a result which, although not wholly unexpected by the writer of this article, seems to have [st]ruck many of our Whig friends with astonishment, we do not deem it necessary now to speak in detail. It is generally much easier to account for a defeat, than to gain a victory; and whether the success of the self-styled Democrats on this occasion should be attributed to their numerical superiority or more efficient organization, or to some radical defect in the mode in which the campaign has been conducted by the Whigs, cannot perhaps be satisfactorily ascertained. Let it suffice for the present to announce the fact; and to draw from it such reflections as may be useful for the future.

That the disclosures of J. C. BENNETT, have, upon the whole, produced no favorable effect on the election -- if indeed, they have not operated to the manifest disadvantage of the Whigs -- must, we think, be evident to the most superficial observer. Whether it was, because the character of the witness is such that his testimony has been generally deemed unworthy of belief -- that, being made on the eve of an important election, his statements have been received by the people with suspicion and distrust -- or that, however notorious might be the infamy of the Mormon prophet, and his design of transferring the votes of his followers to Judge Ford and his partners, the people have not deemed it just to visit the sins of the former upon the latter -- we shall not undertake to say. That the majority cast against Duncan and Henderson, in the city of Nauvoo alone, far outnumbers all the votes obtained by these gentlemen, in consequence of the developments in question, in the remainder of the State, is clear to our mind; and we think, cannot now admit of a reasonable doubt.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, August 20, 1842.                           No. 34.


Have now the unlimited control of our State; the former having secured the election of their Governor, and the latter, both branches of the Legislature....

How Joe Smith will permit his Governor elect to perform his duties, we know not, and care still less. One thing, however, we would advise Joe to do; and that is, to have a revelation that his little Excellency, now that he is filling the highest office in the gift of the people of the State of Illinois, should cease that continued strain of profanity which interspersed his conversations, upon all occasions, while in this city. It disgusted his friends, as well as his political opponents, and is unworthy any man filling the station of Governor.

The election of a Locofoco United States Senator is rendered certain; but who will be the successful person upon whom the selection will fall, is by no means sure. There are already three candidates in the field -- Judge Douglass, as the Mormon candidate, Judge Breese, as the promisedcandidate of the leaders, in consideration of his backing out as a candidate for Governor, and Judge Young, who hopes to be elected by the united voice of the moderate Locofocos and the Whigs. We hope what few of our political friends may be in the Legislature, will not be guilty of voting for Judge Young. This they once did, and the result was, they always regretted it afterwards.


We learn from the Quincy Whig of Saturday, that the Governor of Missouri has made a requisition on our State Executive, for the person of JOSEPH SMITH, the Mormon Prophet, as well as for one of the disciples, named O. P. Rockwell, for the purpose of bringing them to trial for an alleged participation in the attempted assassination of Ex-Governor Boggs, of the former State, a few months since; and that, up to the latest accounts, the accused had contrived to keep out of the reach of the law. There are many reports in circulation in relation to this affair; but as they do not come in an authentic shape, we do not deem it necessary to repeat them.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, September 3, 1842.                           No. 36.


Previous to the last election, we stated that if Judge Ford was elected, the Mormons would claim it was a victory, The Wasp, -- which is their official organ -- in an article bragging of the result of the last election, published on the 13th ult., says -- "So long as the Sangamo Journal is 'spread out as a net upon Tabor,' and Francis used as a stool-pigeon by such cute fowlers as Joseph Duncan and others, ==> THE GAME IS OURS."<== And in the same article, referring to the course of the Whigs in the last election, the brother of Joe Smith says -- "They (the Whigs) have shook the bush, but WE (the Mormons) have caught the bird." We have no objection in admitting that the Mormons "have caught the bird." It agrees fully with our representations before the election, that Tom Ford was the Mormon candidate. All we regret is, that the Mormons have not a majority in the Legislature also. The people would then arouse themselves to a sense of their duty towards their country; and the infamous impostor who heads this sect, would be taught that he was to be brought within the penalties of the law, as well as other felons, throughout the State.


The State Register of the 20th ult. -- the semi-official organ of the Mormons in this State -- contains the following information as to the whereabouts of its Master.

"Joe Smith, the Mormon prophecy. has recently received an important revelation, which requires him to be in England in a short time. It is rumored that he has already departed for Washington, where he is required to perform a great miracle.

The rumor from Nauvoo is, that Joe Smith has had a revelation from the Lord, to the effect, that he, (Smith) is to be bodily absent from the people for ten years. -- Quincy Whig.


Our readers are aware that, after the election of last month had terminated and the votes of the Mormons had been secured for Judge Ford, an arrest was made of that infamous impostor and unmasked scoundrel, Joe Smith together with one of his "Danite Band," O. P. Rockwell. Upon a requisition of the Governor of Missouri. These two miscreants stand indicted in Missouri, for an attempt upon the life of Ex-Governor Boggs; and it was with a view to make them answer to this charge, that the requisition was made for them.

They were accordingly arrested by a proper office; but, before proceeding from the city of sin and uncleanness -- Nauvoo -- they were taken from the possession of the officers, by the authorities of Nauvoo; and discharged. Upon the return of the officers to Gov. Carlin, with information of the reception they had met with, the Governor made these brave men return -- when, lo and behold, "Joe" had received a revelation that he, and his co-worker of iniquity, Rockwell, should be among the missing. The result was, the officers returned as they went, and these two indicted wretches are now at large, defying the authorities of both this State and Missouri. We have no idea that it was ever the intention of the Locofoco leaders, that Joe Smith should under any circumstances, be given up; and were he to-morrow to shed the blood of a hundred innocent, unoffending citizens of Hancock county, so far as the present civil authorities are concerned he would, we candidly believe, be permitted to roam at large unmolested.

That such a state of things should exist in a free, civilized country is a disgrace to human nature. But the votes of this deluded and fanatical sect are wanted by the rascally demagogues who control our State; and hence, debauchery, theft, and murder, are to be tolerated among them undisturbed and almost unnoticed.

The tone of the Nauvoo paper -- Wasp -- of the 13th inst., is triumphant in the extreme. The idea that the Municipal Court of that city of which Joe Smith himself is Judge, possesses the power to defect and set at naught the authorities both of Illinois and Missouri, elevates the Mormons in their own opinion tremendously. And fearing that the laws they have enacted will not answer all the emergencies to which they may be subjected, they have passed another Ordinance from which we take the three following sections:

"Sec. 2. And be it further ordained. That if, upon investigation it shall be proven before the Municipal Court, that the Writ or Process has been issued either through private pique, malicious intent, religious or other persecution, falsehood, or misrepresentation, contrary to the Constitution of this State or of the United States, the said Writ or Process shall be quashed, and considered of no force or effect, and the prisoner or prisoners shall be released and discharged therefrom.

"Sec. 3. And be it also further ordained, That in the absence, sickness, debility, or other circumstances, disqualifying or preventing the Mayor from officiating in his office, as Chief Justice of the Municipal Court, the Aldermen present shall appoint one from amongst them, to act as Chief Justice, or President pro tempore.

"Sec. 4. This Ordinance to take effect and be in force, from and after its passage.

Vice Mayor and President pro tempore.
Passed August 8th, 1842.
James Sloan, Recorder.

We ask the citizens of this State, whether any such powers were ever granted to any city institution, either in or out of this State. Who believes th[at] a felon ever could be arrested in Nauvoo, without being discharged by this arch impostor and base villain, Joe Smith? He is able to prove anything in his own favor, or that of any of his misguided followers, that he wishes; and whether the testimony be sufficient or not, Joe Smith would have no hesitation in discharging any Mormon upon a writ of Habeas Corpus, that may be brought before him. no matter how clear his guilt, or heinous the offense with which he was charged. And in this exercise of power, he would always find ready apologists in the persons of the Locofoco leaders in this State. It is against powers of this nature, granted the Mormons by a Locofoco Legislature, that the people are opposed; and it remains to be seen whether, at the next session of the Legislature, this sect, by a repeal of their unconstitutional and arbitrary privileges, are to be brought on a level with other citizens of the State.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, September 17, 1842.                           No. 38.


The Warsaw Signal says: -- "It is now reduced to a certainty, that Joe Smith is in Nauvoo. One Monday last, he addressed a large crows of his followers in that city, on the subject of the late attempt to arrest him. He stated that he would not be taken -- that Long and Pitman (the officers charged with the arrest,) were cowards, and could not take him. He was very profuse of oaths -- cursing every thing that did not smell of Mormonism.

At the conclusion of his speech, he commissioned two hundred and fifty ministers to travel throughout the country, and preach the Gospel -- instructing them to exhort all converts to migrate to Nauvoo.

==> The Quincy Herald of the 8th inst. (a Locofoco paper) says that Joe Smith lately made a speech at Nauvoo, among his followers, in which he not only ridiculed Gov. Carlin, but defied the Governors of both Illinois and Missouri. We cannot see any thing very strange in all this. The Mormons having, as the Wasp said. caught the bird," in the election of Judge Ford, it is not to be wondered at that they should imagine their proselytes sufficiently numerous to defy the authorities of the two States. We should not be at all surprised to see them openly resist the law, whenever and by whomsoever it may be sought to be enforced against any of their number. Joe has made them believe he can do any thing he pleases; and as an evidence of it points to the election of Judge Ford, which he says was accomplished entirely through his instrumentality.

==> The Mormon Editor of the Wasp, in substance says that the Editor of the Warsaw Signal, in attacking him (a brother of Joe Smith, and a Representative elect for Hancock county) "shows a contempt for the sovereign voice of the people." Whew!

The same astute Editor claims the election of Ford and Moore as a great MORMON VICTORY -- Sangamo Journal.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, September 24, 1842.                           No. 39.


By a communication from the above named individual, published in the Times and Seasons, of the 15th inst. we perceive that in order to avoid the pursuit of his enemies, "both of Missouri and this State," he has concluded "to leave the place for a short season." for his "own safety, and the safety of his people." He promises to return, when he shall learn that the storm is fully blown over.


The Philadelphia Saturday Courier of the 3d. inst. contains a temperate and excellent article on the subject of Joe Smith and his Mormon impositions, which we are deterred from publishing only in consequence of its length. We allude to it now, simply for the reason of showing the public the estimation put upon this hypocritical rascal and fugitive from justice by his own family connections. The following is taken from the article of the Courier above referred to.

"The father-in-law of Joe Smith, or rather the respectable old farmer of this State, whose daughter Joe inveigled away, (breaking the hearts of her aged parents) has published an account, stating that Smith is nothing but a wandering vagabond, notorious for his great ability as a falsifier of the truth, and his address in cheating other people of their honest gains and hard earned accumulations. He asserts, that Joe was always an idle, peregrinating, low cunning, smoothfaced charlatan -- sort of a wandering fortune-teller -- a fellow too lazy to work and who always showed by systematic purpose to swindle his living out of other people by hook or by crook."

Such is the picture drawn by Joe Smith's own father-in-law, of his character, from the earliest dawn of his manhood. This the personage who controls the elections in our State, and is the boon companion and right hand man of Gov. Ford and Judge Douglass. Who can question the future prosperity of Ill., under the guidance and control of three such distinguished personages?

Note: Joseph Smith's father-in-law was Isaac Hale, who died on Feb. 16 1839, at Oakland, Harmony Twp., Susquehanna Co., PA. Thus, "Father Hale" was in no position to "assert" anything in 1842. Probably the source quoted by the article in the Philadelphia Saturday Courier was simply the 1834 statement made by Hale and published in E. D. Howe's Mormonism Unvailed.


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, October 1, 1842.                           No. 40.

==> The Governor of Missouri has offered a reward of $600. for the apprehension of Orrin Porter Rockwell and Joseph Smith. jr. charged with the attempted assassination of L. W. Boggs -- the first as principal, and the second as accessory before the fact -- or $300 for either. It is not probable that they will be easily caught.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, October 8, 1842.                           No. 41.


By his Excellency, Gov. Carlin, of this State, appears in the last State Register, offering a reward of $200 for the apprehension of Joe Smith, the Mormon Prophet, and O. P. Rockwell, one of the Danite band, as fugitives from justice. The object is, to surrender them to the authorities of Missouri, to answer charges for which they respectively stand indicted in that State.

It was stated in our last that the Governor of Missouri also offers a reward of $300 each for the apprehension of both the above named scamps. We, however, have no idea that either of them can or will be taken. The State of Illinois is under subjection to the Mormons; and it would be a violation of the political compact of 1842, between them and the powers that be in this State, to have either Joe or Rockwell surrendered.

Joe is said to have started 300 preachers through the Union, for the purpose of proselyting, and prevailing upon the converts to move immediately to Nauvoo. All this is done solely for the purpose of increasing his strength and power, that he may the more successfully set at defiance the constituted legal authorities of the State.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, October 22, 1842.                           No. 43.


From the last Sangamo Journal we take the following card of ten Mormons, renouncing the blasphemous dogmas of Joe Smith. We hope this example will be followed by hundreds of others, until the base hypocrite and consummate villain, who is so successfully deluding his followers, shall be left without an honest person to countenance him in his career of iniquity.

               HANCOCK COUNTY, Ill., Oct 5, 1842.
Editor Sangamo Journal:

DEAR SIR -- We, the undersigned, feeling ourselves aggrieved by the conduct of Joseph Smith, and others of the leaders of the Church of Latter Day Saints -- and feeling that we have been most scandalously imposed upon in matters and things of a Divine character, wish publicly to withdraw from said Church, and no longer claim allegiance thereto. Joseph D, Conoly,
Mary Ann Conoly,
Mary A. Converce,
Rob't Angould,
Martha Angould.
   McDonough County, Il.

We concur in the above feelings. Chas. Chase, Jr.
Rich'd Chase,
Sarah McMullen.
E. H. McMullen.
H. H. Ogle, Sen.


The Nauvoo Wasp of the 1st inst., contains an affidavit, subscribed by John Carter and Robert Allison, the subject of which appears to be, to show that the notorious John C. Bennett is a great rogue. That this individual is "no better than he should be," cannot, we think, be questioned, but it certainly is not necessary to misstate facts, in order to make him appear worse than he actually is. The deponents aver, that they "became intimately acquainted with him -- Bennett -- during his residence in Hochocing city, Atlas county, Ohio." Now, there is no such county, or city in the State referred to; and consequently, the affidavit, on these points at least, does not state the truth. -- Either "Athens" or "Hocking" county is probably meant -- both being in the vicinity of Bennett's former place of residence -- but it is obvious that but little reliance can be placed upon the depositions of such men as Carter and Allison.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, November 19, 1842.                           No. 47.


We have had for several days lying upon our table, an expose of Joe Smith, and Mormonism, by Dr. John C. Bennett, and have glanced but rapidly over its contents.

The only curiosity we had in looking into the work at all, was, to discover the motive which induced Bennett first to join the Mormons, and then to desert them. The author frankly gives both, and acknowledges that, during the whole time he remained among them, in the constant receipt of their favors and bounty, his only aim was to procure information that he might expose them and their designs to the world. We have no doubt that Bennett has given the most plausible excuse his ingenuity could invent for his conduct. In whatever light it may strike others, to us it appears reprehensible in the extreme, and however much the public may profit, by the treason they cannot the less despise the traitor. Bennett, from under his own pen, shows himself to have acted designedly towards the Mormons, both as a hypocrite and an ingrate. And no man, in our opinion, who is guilty of both hypocrisy and ingratitude, is worthy of credit, unless his statements are strongly corroborated by the testimony of other and unimpeachable witnesses. Thus much we are compelled to say, so far as the author of the above work is concerned.

In regard to the developments, the book makes, they are of a most aggravated and blasphemous character. To many of the statements of Bennett, we give credit, solely from the fact that he sustains those statements by the testimony of others in whom we place implicit confidence. Of the imposture, rascality, depravity, and cunning, of Joe Smith, we have never entertained a doubt. The work of Bennett proves him to be all we have supposed he was, and far more. That he should be permitted longer to indulge in his licentiousness, impositions, and blasphemy, unrebuked, and unpunished by the civil authorities of the land is stigma and a disgrace to the American people. He is a wicked, designing, and corrupt man, possessing unlimited power and control, through the influence of a misguided religious fanaticism, over the minds and actions of a large and rapidly increasing number of unfortunate deluded fellow-beings. If permitted to progress, setting at defiance, as he openly does, the authorities not only of this, but of our adjoining sister State, receiving at the hands of the leaders of the dominant party in Illinois, their countenance and support, aided by legislative enactments in the building up in our minds of a religious despotism, teaching his followers that rigid and unconditional obedience to his will and edicts, are obligations on their part paramount to those which they owe to the laws of their country, our State ere long cannot but be made the scene of a bloody and disgraceful warfare.

Joe Smith, to consummate his designs, would not hesitate a moment to resist by force the administration of the law, where he or any of his followers were sought to be brought within its provisions. And we regret to say, that such is the unlimited sway he exercises over the whole body of his people, that to a man they would follow him in any unlawful requisition he might see fit to make.

Much of the apprehended danger on the part of the people of this State may be guaranteed against, by the firm yet dispassionate action of the approaching Legislature. Their predecessors did much -- very much -- towards clothing Joe Smith with the disgraceful and unconstitutional powers he possesses. Let all such, as well as all the chartered privileges he enjoys, which are of an uncommon or unusual character, be taken from him. -- Let the Mormons enjoy the same rights, that other citizens of the State do, and none other; and a check may be interposed to the rapid increase of this religious delusion, which now threatens to involve the people of this State in an unpleasant and serious warfare.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, December 17, 1842.                           No. 51.

                                                   Springfield, Dec. 12, 1842.

A week of the session has terminated, during which but little has been consummated, except the introduction of innumerable resolutions, proposing in the main, abstract propositions, upon which useless and protracted debates have ensued. Among those worthy of note are one in favor of a relief law, the other instructing a bill to be framed repealing the Mormon charters.

The resolution and amendments proposing the repeal of the Mormon charters, have been referred to the committee on Banks and Corporations. There is an evident, and to my opinion, preconcerted plan among the Locofocos to sustain Joe Smith in his utter disregard of the legal authority of the State, by causing himself to be taken from the custody of an officer, and after undergoing a mock trial before a Municipal Court in [Monroe?], composed of Mormons exclusively, discharged. In his open and unparalleled licentiousness -- in the violations in many ways of the laws both of God and man -- and in his avowed determination never to be taken by the authorities of either this or the adjoining State. I wish, for the honor of the Whig party, I could say, the Locofocos found no aiders and abettors in such disgraceful conduct among our friends. The reverse is the fact. Politicians of both sides are afraid of Joe Smith and his [indecence], and rather than incur the risk of losing the votes of his people, whom he controls with the same unbounded submission as the Southern planter does the unfortunate negro, they will tacitly acquiesce in violations of law, and in bestowment of unconstitutional powers upon them as a body, which would not for a moment be tolerated in other denominations, professing Christianity in the U. States.... [-----] [-------] Whig members [------] [------] [--------][the establishment] of a religious and military despotism in our midst, and by calling the yeas and nays, record their votes in favor of a repeal. Less than this never can satisfy their constituents of the honesty of their assertions and statements during the last election -- Less than this will not be a discharge of the duty they owe to their country and their God. Too much praise cannot be awarded to Mr. Davis, of Bond, who, regardless of entreaties of politicians on both sides, fearlessly stood forth, the firm and unwavering advocate of the repeal of these charters, and exposed, in a masterly manner, the arbitrary and unconstitutional powers that a previous Legislature had conferred upon Joe Smith, as arch an impostor and villain as ever went unscathed in any civilized community upon earth. The politicians in the House are aided by some would be great ones out of it, who, when they little expect it, may be compelled to answer to the people for their interference in favor of these Mormon charters. Exposed they will be, when, if they can, they must justify themselves before the people.

The columns of the Telegraph for the last twenty months will bear me witness how incessantly I have warned the people against trusting their interest in politicians by trade. Patriotism, or a desire to promote the general good and welfare of the country, enters not for a moment, into their legislative action. Governed by a selfish and contracted determination to advance remotely if not immediately their own private political ends, they turn a deaf ear to the wants and interests of the people at large, whenever a remedy for the evils complained of, conflicts with individual, selfish, political purposes. This Legislature consists of those who are politicians, and those who are not. During its session I shall, from time to time, call the attention to the readers of the Telegraph to the official discharge of duty of the two classes, that for themselves they may judge whether the distinction I have taken does not exist to a far greater extent, than even ever before asserted by me in my Editorial capacity. To this subject the people are becoming anxiously solicitous, and I [venture] the assertion that the time is not [far off] [-------] [----] can be elected. And doubly cursed will be that man, who either in his legislative or individual capacity, has pampered to the power of Joe Smith, merely to secure his political influence... [George T. Davis?]

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 7.                             Alton, Illinois, Saturday, December 24, 1842.                           No. 52.

With a view of preventing the repeal of the Mormon charters, the politicians have determined to attach a ryder to any bill brought forward for that purpose, repealing all other city charters in the State. I hope their miserable subterfuge will not for a moment deter any friend of this State, and who desires the preservation of her institutions, from voting for a repeal. If Illinois cannot be rid of the religious and military despotism, a previous Legislature has established at Nauvoo, by unconstitutional charters, save by the sacrifice of the charter of the City of Alton, with others, for one I say, let our city charter go. No matter how great the inconvenience that may arise from its repeal to our citizens, the benefit it will confer upon the whole people of the State, in aiding to repeal the Mormon charters will far more than compensate us for the loss (if any) we will sustain as citizens of Alton. There has been here for the last three or four days, a committee of ten Mormons, from Nauvoo; and I have no doubt they will completely control the action of the Legislature. They have come here for that purpose, and so formidable is the strength of Joe Smith and his people, that the politicians on both sides, will be afraid to act the part of disinterested representatives, and do with the Mormon charters what their judgments tell them the humor and welfare of Illinois imperatively demand.

Notes: (forthcoming)

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