1846 Articles

1844   |  1845 Jan-Jun   |  1845 Jul-Dec   |  1846

January, 1846

February, 1846

March, 1846

June, 1846

July, 1846

August, 1846

September, 1846

Pennsylvania newspapers   |   Strang's newspaper   |   Wm. Smith's newspaper   |   LDS papers
Sidney Rigdon: Post-Nauvoo   |   Appeal to LDS (1863)   |   Stephen Post Collection


Vol. II. No. 3.                                 Pittsburgh,  January, 1846.                                 Whole No. 27.

(under construction)


Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. II. No. 4.                                 Pittsburgh,  February, 1846.                                 Whole No. 28.


It will be remembered that a few weeks since, we published a letter, copied from the N. Y. Sun, purporting to be from the pen of Mrs. Smith, which we at the time believed to be a forgery; but as it was being extensively published as genuine, we concluded to give it place, together with such comments as we felt to make at the time. We now have the pleasure of informing our readers that Mrs. Smith was not the author of said letter, but pronounces it a forgery, as will be seen by the following article copied from the Pittsburgh Morning Chronicle of Jan. 28th.

HOAX. -- The New York Sun contains a letter from Dr. J. M. Bernhisel, from Nauvoo, enclosing a letter from Mrs. Smith the widdow of Joseph Smith, in which she positively asserts that the letter which recently apeared in that paper, purporting to have been written by her, was a forgery. The letter alluded to was extensively copied and thought to be genuine.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. II. No. 5.                                 Pittsburgh,  March, 1846.                                 Whole No. 29.


Under this head, we notice the sayings and doings of some whose conduct would savor of maniacism more than any thing else. There are some who profess to be great sticklers fur the book of Doctrine and Covenants, and say they can see great departures from it; but let their own works and words, speak for their honesty in this, matter. As sure then as the book is true, and of God, there is one thing in it, which alone gives it value, and that is that the church founded on it, was to be led by a man like unto Moses, whom the Lord would raise up, and that said man was to be Joseph Smith, or one ordained under his hands to this office, and the church was forbid to receive the teaching of any other. -- These things all acquainted with the book know. It mattered not how many prophets might arise, those who believed and received that book, were forbidden to receive them, as their leader, unless they had been ordained under the hand of Joseph Smith. It matteted not how many letters they had received from him, this was not the evidence of their authority, but the person who led the church must be ordained to that office under his hands; and any coming who were not so, the church by that book; was forbiden to receive him or them as their leader.

According to this book the church, which it recognised as the church of Christ, was to be thus led and no other way, There is not a word said about the man whom Joseph Smith ordained, ordaining some body else to act in his place. The people were forbidden to receive any one, only Joseph Smith or one ordained under his hands, and the same book declares that if Joseph Smith did transgress and was taken, that another should be planted in his stead; that is, to lead the church, and that Joseph Smith had or would have power after his transgression, to do this thing.

Now Joseph Smith is gone, did he do as the book said he would do, all know he did. Then the question is forever settled, if that book is of God, the church is forbid to receive the teachings of any other than that man thus ordained.

If Mr. Smith did ordain a man to that office how much regard do men have for the book about which they hypocritically say so much? all must answer none. Their pretentions are hypocrisy and shameless impudence, that no beings but those whose conscience were seared as with a hot iron, dare make. So easily has the Lord put it into the power of his saints to detect base hypocrites and shameless liars who sneak about like wolves to get a prey; but their shame will overtake them, for the Lord will vindicate his word. That such will be the result when the whole is wound up and the object for which creation was designed is obtained, is as sure as the Lord ever spake by man.

There is one fact in the book of Doctrine and Covenants pre-eminent above all others, and that is, that all are forbidden to receive the teachings of any other, but one that was ordained under the hand of Joseph Smith for that purpose. If there is now such person in existence, then all are forbidden to receive the teachings of any man living, or who will hereafter; for Joseph Smith is dead, and cannot now or over ordain a man, to take his place; if he has not done so, then, there is an end to the book of Doctrine and Covenants; and if he did so, before his death, all are forbidden to receive the teachings of any other save that person.

What is now the condition of those who say they believe the book of Doctrine and Covenants, and yet receive the teachings of one Joseph Smith never ordained to take his place? They are absolutely ridiculous. If all attempts to become a leader to a church which receive the book of Doctrine and Covenants as of divine origin, by any one whom Joseph Smith never ordained to that office, is not a species of maniacism, it is one of the most stupid and ignorant efforts ever made by man; though it should be the self-styled modern Joshua, Austin Cowles. How much confidence has such a man in the book of Doctrine and Covenants, or any who will receive the teachings of such a man? none at all; for that book forbids the man to receive his own teachings, as well as all others to receive them. What a figure such a stupid creature makes in the world, and in what a ridiculous attitude do those who stupidly, follow such an ignoramus, appear t efore world, we leave all to say for themselves.

It is well known to all that there is a man living, and only one, whom Joseph Smith ordained to take his (Smith's) place if he were cut off, and if this man does not build, direct and teach the church, then, no church can built which can acknowledge the book of Doctrine and Covenants as of divine authority; for that book forbids the church to receive the teachings of any other.

The book has placed the matter in a point of light so clear that there can be no mistake there is gnly one way that a church can be built, in order to establish the validity of that book, and any other attempt, if it succeeds, it only proves the book of Doctrine and Covenants to be false. That book says the Lord would raise up a man, to lead his people with power like unto Moses, and from the fact the book's saying that the church should receive the teachings of none other, but one ordained under the hands of Joseph Smith, that proves whoever that man is, that is to be like unto Moses to lead his church, he must be ordained under the hands of Joseph Smith, or else when he makes his appearance the church is forbidden to receive his teachings.

If the Lord does not or has not raised up such a man, then the book of Doctrine Covenants is false; and if that man does not lead the church with power as did Moses, then also is the book of Doctrine and Covenants false. Seeing then there is one man, and only one on this earth, that is ordained under the hands of Joseph Smith to that power, and as there never can be another, if he does not lead the church with power as did Moses, then the book of Doctrine and Covenants is false.

Might we not then say to that stupid ignoramous, Austin Cowles, and his blockheaded Fridays, O shame where is thy blush!!! What a zeal these men have for the Doctrine and Covenants of the church, but who that reads the book but sees that their pretended zeal is the basest, stupidest, and most ridiculous hypocrisy, ever attempted to be practised by human beings, unless it was a brood of maniacs.

We deem it unnecessary to say any more at present upon this subject, if the creatures above alluded to, are not put to shame, by their own stupidity, there can be no hope of them.

Mercer County, Pa. Dec. 4, 1845.    
Elder Post: --
    Dear Brother. -- I received your letter of the 31st of Oct. and hasten to communicate a few lines to you in reply. It gave me much pleasure to hear once more from one whom I respect as a brother in the church of the last days; but we were somewhat surprised to hear of the sudden determination of the church to fly into the wilderness.

There are some things about which I wish to make a few inquiries, for I am at a stand, I confess, until I can get a better knowledge of this movement, than is conveyed in your letter....

There are some difficulties in the book of Doctrine and Covenants concerning the organization of the church as it now exists at Nauvoo, and I wish that you would indulge me in a few inquiries on this matter.

Do not the 11th and 12th sections express the fact that "another" was to be planted in Joseph Smith's stead, if he was taken away? And who is that other? According to the third section 11th paragraph, there is to be a quorum of three to preside over the whole church. In the 12th paragraph the quorum of the twelve are to act under the direction of the presidency. In the revelation to Thomas B. Marsh, the Lord says that this presidency were to be the leaders and counsellors of the twelve. William Smith has come out, I understand, and says the church has been disorganized since the death of Joseph.

In revelation 101, does not the Lord say, that he had decreed a decree, that the church should realize from that very hour if they would keeo the commands of the Lord, that they should begin from that time to prevail against their enemies, and they should not cease to prevail until the kingdoms of the world should become the kingdom of God? -- That if they polluted their inheritances they should be thrown down? Does he not also declare that he would raise up man like unto Moses through whom the redemption of Zion should come? Have not the [-----ns] of this world prevailed against the people of God? and who is this man like unto Moses? If it be Brigham Young, I wish you to inform me when and by whom, if ever, he was ordained a prophet, seer, revelator and translator?

I wish to have you answer these inquiries for my satisfaction -- not because my faith has diminished in the truth and success of the work of heaven in the last days -- but because we cannot see the consistency of the movement to which you alluded in your letter.

Was not Joseph [Smith to see] the second coming of our Lord and master, if he abided in God? See the 66th section of Doctrine and Covenants 2nd paragraph. "And inasmuch as they are not faithful they shall be cut off, even as I will as seemeth me (the Lord) good." Joseph has been cut off but Sidney still lives -- what is the inference? If Joseph did transgress he was only to have power to appoint another in his stead? and not twelve others. Is it not announced, that Sidney Rigdon was ordained prophet, seer, revelator and translator, under the hands of Joseph, in the Times and Seasons of June, 1841? In the 85th section is he not spoken of as being "equal with Joseph" &c.?

Did not Brigham Young say, soon after the death of Joseph, that "you are now without a prophet in the flesh to guide you," and is not that published in the Times and Seasons? Did not the people vote on the eighth of August 1844, that they did not want a prophet? Have not many been cut off from the church without a trial? Have not many been driven out of the city of Nauvoo, by a band called "Whittlers?"...

Nauvoo Ill. Dec. 29, 1845.    
Dear Brother: -- In the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
    I received your letter on the 26th (inst.) and was glad to hear from you, and learn the state of affairs wi,hl' you. As for me I have been sick about four'weeks, but I am getting well. I shall now proceed to say something concerning the church and her departure into the wilderness. But in the first place I must say I think you have been visited by some of Rigdon's or W. Smith's disciples, or else been favored with their writings. What is spoken in the 24th of Matthew will all be fulfilled; the gospel will be preached for a witness unto all nations and then the end will come: but the time has come for the gospel to be taken from the United States and be carried to all the Gentiles where it hss not already been preached and also to the whole house of Israel; when we come to consider that the sound of the gospel has been heard for fifteen years in the United States we concluded if the people had felt as deeply interested in their salvation, as they would feel if they could get a thousand dollars, they would all have obeyed the gospel before this time, from Maine to Louisiana. We, do not expect that the Elders have got to go into every man's house and bind him, and stuff the gospel down him, as one would cram a turkey. -- Perhaps you remember that our high minded fathers, the president, governors, together with a majority of what is called christians and unbelievers, have rejected this work and persecuted it, and likewise the lives of many of our best men have been taken, and who stands to plead in our behalf, I ask, who? There is none of the high officers of our nation to befriend us, but they are now industrious to get the twelve and slay them also. The popuar voice is, you must leave the United States, for you cannot stay among us, and, the devil S. Rigdon whispers in the ears of the great men of our nation, the Mormons are going to stir up the Indians to war, and you had better do something immediately. And there are now at this time United States officers in this city in search of the twelve and what they will accomplish the Lord only knows. -- Well if we can get out of this place into a place where we can enjoy our liberty and our religion, and where God is the sole proprietor of the elements, and where there is no Gentile claim upon the soil, we had better go.

As for the saying of the ungodly, if the work is of God, it will stand; and if not it will fall; and if they are under the necessity of leaving Nauvoo, and of fleeing into the wilderness; that the enemy has prevailed against them: and consequently the work is not of God, it is complete nonsense: and you can now discover how little they knew concerning the purposes of God. Was the work of God brought to naught when wicked men slew the Prophets, Savior, and apostles; common sense says, NO....

In the last days God has sent us a prophet to establish his kingdom upon the earth. -- This proptret by the spirit of, God chose twelve apostles, and to them was delivered the keys of the kingdom, and authority as anciently; and they were the traveling high council, to bear the gospel to all the nations of the, earth, and inasmuch as they needed assistance they were to call the seventies and send them forth until they send as many as the labor in the vineyard requires. And Brigham Young, was appointed president over the twelve. Joseph Smith was the first president, and likewise prophet, revelator, and seer unto the church. He chose two counselors, to advise with him in temporal matters, and also to deal with transgressors for fellowship according to the laws and revelations of Jesus Christ. These three formed a quorum equal in authority to the twelve, and equal to seventy, &c. This prophet had a spokesman like unto Moses and this was the prophet alluded to. And during the many trials and persecutions of this church, at a certain period in 1844, the combined powers of earth and hell plotted the destruction of this church, or her beloved prophet and he like the good shepherd laid down his life for the brethren, and so did Hyrum, the patriarch, and this appeased the wrath of a wicked rabble and the church found a little rest for a short time. It was a voluntary act in Joseph, in delivering himself up into the hands of the officers to go to Carthage. Joseph knew that his life would be taken and expressed the same unto his friends. Joseph the winter before his death instructed the twelve in all things pertaining to priesthood, and then told a them, the care and burthen of the church rested on them. And Brigham Young was then appointed to stand in Joseph's place; Sidney Rigdon has been stumbling for years and would have been cut off, but asked forgiveness and the church retained him. But Joseph told the brethren. they would have to do with Rigdon, after he was gone, what ought to be done before; Rigdon acted the part of Judas well, and any person having the spirit of God, must know after becoming acquainted with his career, that he is not fit to lead a herd of swine, much less the church of the living God. As you have made many quotations from the book of Covenants and commandments concerning these things, I will briefly say, remember that the promise and threatnings, of God are conditional, if the condition is not always expressed, it is implied. I do not think it necessary to answer all your questions, for they are formed from idle reports which have eminated from apostates, but I will try to fill up the letter with something more useful.

Since Rigdon, the Laws, Fosters, Higabees and Wm. Smith have been turned out of the church the work of God has prospered under the directions of the twelve, with Brigham a the head.... Amen.
          Yours affectionately,
                                  WARREN POST.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. II. No. 6                                 Pittsburgh,  June, 1846.                                 Whole No. 30.


Mr. Editor.
     As many of your readers, as well as the public at large, feel some interest in knowing the true condition of the Mormons, and as it is difficult to get correct information, as the accounts published in the papere are generally false, either by design, or else because correct information is difficult to obtain, and as we have, by a young man directly from their camp, information that can be relied on, we feel disposed to give it to the public for their satisfaction. Their camp is in the< western part of Iowa, some 200 miles west of Nauvoo. Their situation, according to our informant, is as miserable as it well could be. The stock of provisions they took with them, is getting fast reduced, so much so, that they can proceed no farther, neither can they go back. They are there without shelters, other than tents and waggons, and their tents so indifferent that they will not shed the rain, which has been, incessently falling, since their arrival. In this awful condition is to he found the aged and infirm, the mother and tender infant. When our informant left, they were a going to fence in some three or four hundred acres of land, for the purpose of raising a crop of corn, to try and preserve life.

The remains of their furniture, which in part consists of beds and bedding, they are sending off to Missouri to exchange for corn and bacon, to sustain life. As a sample of the characters of their leaders, and as evidence of their real condition, we give a short address, delivered by Brigham Young, the Sunday before our informant left "Some asked where are we a-going, and what are we a-going to do? I do not know where we are a-going, nor what we are a-going to do, neither do I care, for you will all go to the devil, unless there is less selfishness in the camp."

This indeed must be cold comfort to a people who has been led by this same Young and his accomplices, into their present wretched condition. But this short address speaks volumes on the real condition, that people. This said Young professed to be a follower of Christ, and hold communion with him, and to receive revelations from him; but where are his pretentions now? He has got, according to our informant, some 800 or 1000 people far into the wilds without food, without shelter, and himself being judge, without object. He neither knows where he is going, nor what he is going to do. Such language is that of any thing else than of a man of God. A man of God knows where he is going, and what he is going to do; if he does not always know what will befall him.

Our informant says that it was the intention of their leaders to go a little farther west, and form another camp, and fence in another field, and go to farming there; but as proof they did not know, as Young said, where they were going, nor what they were going to do, he says they had sent an embassy in search of Lyman Wight and his camp. Some of your readers know that said Wight, something over a year since, left Nauvoo with a company of 100 or 200, for it pine country north: since that, they left the pine country, and took their march a southwest direction, and Young has, either by conjecture or some other way, got it into his head that said Wight, with his company is some 500 miles south west of Council Bluffs; and has, in this belief sent out an embassy in search of him, with special direction to Wight, to kill buffalo for them.

Put all these sayings and doings together and they prove one thing, and that is, God is not with them, and they are in the wilds of the west and know not what for, nor what they are a-going to do. A state of wretchedness beyond this is not easily conceived of. Our informant says when he left, which was some three weeks since, the mud, by reason of the incessant rains, was some six inches deep round their camp. Surely there is a day of reckoning, both for the leaders of this people and their presecutors. We are well aware that the leaders of this people, introduced many corruptions among them, and was the thing which gave their enemies power over them, had they not have become basely corrupt, no enemy would have had power over them. They introduced a base system of polygamy, worse by far than that of the heathen; this system of corruption brought a train of evils with it, which terminated in their entire ruin. After this system was introduced, being in opposition the laws of the land, they, had to put truth at defiance to conceal it, and in order to do it, perjury was often practiced. This system was introduced by the Smiths some time before their death, and was the thing which put them into the power of their enemies, and was the immediate cause of their death. This system the twelve, so called, undertook to carry out, and it has terminated in their overthrow, and the complete ruin of all those who follow their pernicious ways.

We went from Pittsburgh to Nauvoo, as directed by the Lord, and in the name of the Lord warned that people, we told them, that they would be scattered, and peeled, and driven, from their places into the western wilds; them and their wives, and their little ones together, and that they would be wasted and destroyed; for verily thus said the Lord, unto us, and it would be so, unless they repented; but instead of listening to the voice of the Load they, railed upon us, gnashed with their teeth, and threatened our life, unless we desistd. We left them to their fate, and it has come and is coming on them to the very uttermost. As we declared unto them, so has it come to pass. They are now in the, wilderness, in parties and companies, and sending messengers to find each other, this we declared unto them, would be their situation, until they were utterly wasted and made monuments of the displeasure of the Lord against those who, knowing the truth, departed from it and practiced iniquity, and use their liberty to practice lasciviousness with greediness.

We warned Joseph Smith and his family, of the ruin that was coming on them, and of the certain destruction which awaited them, for their iniquity, for making their house, instead of a house of God a sink of corruption. From them we received like treatment, as we did from the Twelve, and their followers. The Lord has let them and the world see, that he authorised us to say as we did. The Smiths have fallen before threir enemies, as the Lord said they would, and their families sunk into everlasting shame, and disgrace, until their very name is a reproach; and must remain so forever.

It is a matter of no small gratification to us to know that we were faithful to the trust imposed on us, seeing their ruin has come to the very uttermost on the Smiths, their families, and all those who set their hearts to practice iniquity with them. We do not rejoice in the sufferings of any people, neither do we in theirs, but we do rejoice, exceedingly, that we discharged our duty to them, and faithfully warned them of the ruin that was swiftly, though slyly, coming on them, we told them it would come on them, at a time when they least expected it, and so has it come. For the satisfaction of the reader, and as proof of the truth of what we have said, we here copy what we have published concerning them in the June of 1845.
"To those who have corrupted their way before the Lord, we say "Go to, now, and weep and howl for the miseries that are a coming upon you," your corruptions are eating you "as doth a canker," your priesthood has rotted, as a garment," and your righteousness as rags, and as filthy garments that are moth eaten, and it cannot hide your shame. Ye adulterers and adulteresses, shame will cover you; reproach will follow you, "your refuge of lies," will not hide you, and "your agreement with hell will not save you."

God has looked upon you, and beheld your shame; your abominations are a stink in the nose of Jehovah; your "turning things upside down," will not avail you. The storm of wrath is gathering, and it will burst on your heads as the whirlwind, and desolate you as the pestilence. Your city shall be desolated, for your inheritances are defiled under you. -- Your "mouths are full of cursing and bitterness, the poison of asps is under your tongues, with your lips you utter deceit and falshood."

When the righteous rejoice you shall be in sorrow, when they are full you shall be hungry, when they are clothed you shall be naked; the day of your visitation draweth nigh, and the hour of your destruction is not slumbering; "death and hell are moved from beneath to receive you at your coming," and everlasting shame shall cover you forever and ever.

Such are some of the things we pronounced on the head of that people, at the time they were saying peace, and safety; and when they said that they were never so prosperous, at any period of their existence as a people, but behold, reader, where are they now? The very things we then pronounced on them, are fulfilling to the very uttermost, and will not cease until all is fulfilled.

It is at this day, literally, as we said. The righteous are rejoicing: The righteous are full. The righteous are at peace; as for them, let their circumstances speak for themselves... Here we will leave them all, for the present.


Of a conference of the Church and Kingdom of Christ, held in Pittsburgh, commencing on the 6th and ending on the 8th of April, 1846.

Conference assembled, according to adjournment, at 9 o'clock A.M. -- President S. Rigdon called the meeting to order...

The president then related a vision he had had, two days after his arrival in this city: and though he had tried not to believe it, because of its singularity, ye the Lord had shown him, that it was true. While sitting in his own house, reflecting upon the peculiar circumstances with which he was surrounded, suddenly the vision opened to his view. -- Thousands stood before him, and the Lord told him, that they were the honorable men of the city, and through them the means should come for the redemption of Zion. It passed, and another scene opened to his view -- He beheld a company of the old Mormon church of this city, among whom he recognised the faces of several, with whom he had formed a slight acquaintance, the Lord had shown him that many of these men were not the materials with whom Zion shall be built. After the reorganization of this church and kingdom, such had been the real and apparent good will of these men, that he had endeavored to believe it not true, but when the time came to try their integrity, to test, their fidelity, they had deserted the cause and rendered themselves unworthy of the station they occupied. Their treasuues were in riches of this world, and there were their hearts also.

There seemed to have been as struggle between the Lord and satan, between the powers of light and the powers of darkness. The devil had sought to overthrow this kingdom -- some of those whom we once loved as brethren had left us, or fallen by transgression, and by circulating the most base and malicious slanders against us, had shown the corruption of their own hearts. In the midst of this conflict, interposition of providence had placed it beyond their reach to do us harnm. There could be no doubt now in what relation we stand to the heavens, and by whose wisdom power we are guided -- no man in this kingdom could rise up and say he had had no evidence for in the gloomiest hour of our history, when human wisdom was of no avail, the great God had clearly shown us that he was our guardian and protector. I feel as if we stand on "terra firma."...

Laharpe, Ill. March 23, 1846.    
Dear Brother Robinson: --
    With pleasure I devote a few moments this morning to answer yours, of the 29th of Dec. and to inform you of the circumstances and events that surround us, and are passing in this country. Any apology that I can make for not writing before, I presume will be useless, and of no avail; I will therefore only say that the greatest reason why I have not written sooner is, that I wished first, to ascertain whether it would be possible for me to attend the conference in April. Though my heart, and prayers, will be with you, yet circumstances render it impossible for me to be there in person upon that occasion.

With regard to Nauvoo, and the Mormons, I hardly know what to say, or where to begin; my heart sickens at the depravity and corruptions of that people, and my nerves become unsteady at the thoughts of recording them. Brigham with most of the twelve, and several hundred followers are now in two camps, about 80 miles from Nauvoo, in Mo. and Iowa, where they intend to remain until the 1st May, when it is expected they will be joined by all that intends going with them, when they are all to move on together. --

Their temple is unfinished, and will remain so until the besom of destruction will complete its ruin; for its desolation has apparently already commenced, for to use their own words, God has scattered some hot drops upon it and burned a part of its roof; and at another time when the Mormons were assembled for meetings, its upper floor fell several inches and broke up the meeting, showing the wise that the twelve had not confidence in the protection of him whom they pretend to worship.

Orson Hyde remains in Nauvoo to bestow endowments upon all the faithful, and to manufacture revelations suitable to the times and people; one of which I read yesterday, that was given relative to James J, Strang of whom I will particularly speak in another place. Of their endowments in the temple, I will inform you that their first act as a prelude, was to abolish all marriage contracts, and then to seal up the faithful to as many women as they chose; at the same time bestowing another kind of an endowment on the plebians, (see Matt. 19:12.) for the benefit of themselves also -- such was the endowment bestowed upon three persons that went from this place, (LaHarpe,) two of whom have since returned.

It is needless to say that such proceedings have caused more misery than tongue, or pen can describe; husbands putting away their wives, or taking new wives with their old ones, wives running away from their husbands, and each stealing their children from the other, and often their property; murder has recently been committed in Nauvoo in consequence of it. All these things cry to heaven for vengeance louder than the blood of Abel or the sins of Sodom; and heavier than those judgments will it fall upon this land. Many Mormons as daily moving into Nauvoo from the east and great numbers declare they will never leave it; while on the other hand, their enemies in this and nine surrounding counties stand or are rather preparing for revenge, and swear that every Mormon must leave by the first of June. George Coulson's wife has left her husband, taken her children and gone to her friends in Pennsylvania; many such instances of separation I could name, but will forbear.

And now, I will say a few things concerning James J. Strang. His followers say that he has been a pettifogger, that he is very poor, and that he was baptized and ordained an elder in Nauvoo by Joseph Smith, and that is all the ordination by man he ever received; and his own papers, which I have seen, states that his present position which he holds, or pretends to hold, as leader of the church, is by virtue of an appointment by letter written by Joseph Smith, at Nauvoo, on the 18th of June 1844, and mailed on the 19th of the same month; and that he has since been ordained Joseph's successor by a holy messenger from heaven. With regard to the letter, I well know that no such letter was written or dictated by Joseph on the 18th or 19th of June, unless it was written before 8 o'clock in the morning of the 18th, (the morning that yourself and president Rigdon with your families left Nauvoo for Pittsburgh,) for after 8 o'clock I was with him, cinstantly as one of his life guards till Wednesday morning, when I left for a short time to go to Fort Madison. It appears that as late as the afternoon of the 18th, Joseph had no thoughts of dying soon, for in an address to the Legion he stated that the sword was drawn never to be sheathed till his enemies were subdued, and he should live to triumph over them all.

John E. Page has renounced the twelve and joined with Strang, and is now preaching his claims. Luke Johnson, one of the old 12, has come back and been rebaptized by the twelve, and Mormons say, has taken the place of Page in that quorum. * * *

I remain as ever, yours in the
      bonds of the everlasting covenant.
                JOSEPH M. COLE.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. II. No. 7.                                 Pittsburgh,  July, 1846.                                 Whole No. 31.

(under construction)

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. II. No. 8.                                 Pittsburgh,  August, 1846.                                 Whole No. 32.


This sect, or at least a portion of them have located themselves near Greencastle, in the healthy and delightful Cumberland Valley, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, about one mile from Greencastle; where they purchased a splendid farm, called the "Adventure farm." They have established at Greencastle a periodical called the "Messenger and Advocate of the Church of Christ," published monthly by Mr. E. Robinson, Editor and Proprietor. Terms, one dollar per Annum payable in advance. The June number of this periodical we have received, and owing to loaning it to our friends have not had an opportunity of noticing until the present. There is much matter contained in the June number, and has afforded all who have perused it, a great deal of pleasure. The writing is masterly, entertaining, and instructive, and we think it a work worthy of all who are seeking for information; whether with good intent or for information relative to the sect, who have caused so much speculation for time past.

We should be much pleased to receive the back numbers, and hope that an exchange may regularly be continued. -- Enterprise, Middleton, Md.


Is the name of a portion of a most beautiful valley, that has been purchased as an inheritance for the saints of the Most High. Those interested, know that its presnt cognomen, -- "Adventure Farm," was given by its former owner; circumstances connected with its purchase rendered the name appropriate. And truly the manner in which it came into the possession of the Church of Christ, is only to be reconciled that, "God works mysteriously his wonders to perform."

This spot then, that is beautiful for situation, and destined to become the glory of the whole earth, lies about one and a half miles west of the quiet village of Greencastle, on the turnpike running from Baltimore, 75 miles east, to McConnelstown, 22 miles west of this place, where it intersects the Pittsburgh and Chambersburgh turnpike, which is the great land thoroughfare from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. Through the western portion of the farm, flows the beautiful waaters of the Conecoheague, a lively strearn of about 50 yards in width, with sufficient fall to constitute a good water power.

Entering on the north, and wending its meandering way through the entire length, and discharging its clear stream at the south west corner of the farm, within a few rods of the Spring brook, some 4 or 5 yards in width. In the course of this stream nature has been profuse in forming efficient water privileges, which can be used, we think, with as little expense as any water power we ever saw. It is said by some, who profess to be judges, that two falls of at least 18 feet each, can be obtained by this stream during its course on the farm; how correct this may be we do not know, but suffice it to say, there is as much water power, when properly brought to bear, as any community could wish to occupy.

The face of the land is gently rolling -- on the streams are fine, rich, meadow bottoms from which the ground gradually ascends, until it attains a height of perhaps 50 feet above the water. At this point the scenery is delightful and grand; on every hand is'spread out a rich and fertile valley, while in the distance, as back ground to the reality, the extensive mountains of this State and Maryland, heave their proud and lofty heads, full to view.

There is an abundance of excellent timber on the farm; also, inexhaustable quarries of lime stone, suitable for all building purpose, together with a good quality of clay and sand for marking brick. The soil is such as to amply repay the husbandman for all his toils.

Here then, is to be prepared a rest, a repose for the children of God; such a rest, as his people have never known, is in reserve for those who will forsake the tinsel and frippery of this world, and become the disciples of our Lord, and gather with his people to Zion.

Reader, this then, is our home, and while we continue to trust in our heavenly Father, and live in obedience to the laws of our country, his promise is, "the wicked, shall not have power over you." Come then; ye honest, ere the gathering and distructive storm pour its fierce wrath upon you, and the hour of mercy be past, speed to Zion.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. II. No. 9.                                 Pittsburgh,  September, 1846.                                 Whole No. 33.


P R O C L A M A T I O N,










There is no subject more in interesting than the history of the world, in connection with the economy of God. We have but a limited account of the old world; but a sufficiency to show that God spake to the people thereof and deigned to direct their course in righteousness, but they refused, rebelled and apostatised from the living God; until his wrath was kindled, and in his indignation he overwhelmed them in ruin; sweeping them, their children, their goods, and their chattels, from the land of the living; preserving those, and only those who heard and obeyed his voice.

Again the, earth is to be peopled, by the descendants of the only ones of all the race of man, who were willing to be aided by the counsel of heaven. God comes to them, and deigns to guide them in the way of salvation; but scarcely had the voice of God ceased speaking, until the spirit of apostacy is spreading with rapidity, leaving but few to acknowledge the authority of the living God. Man soon put at defiance the counsel of his God, took power to himself, pursuing a course dictated by the imaginations of his own heart, and God ceased to be in his thoughts. Soon, very soon, man was sacrificing to devils, making to himself gods, and bowing to them, offering them divine reverence, and worshiping and honoring the works of his own hands. As time progressed, iniquity kept pace with it, and a the generations of man multiplyed, the knowledge of the true God departed from the earth. Man was arrayed against his fellow man. Tribe against tribe. Clan against clan. Nation against nation, wars and blood sheds spreading throughout all the habitations of man, until the earth mourned under the iniquity of the people.

Notwithstanding the displeasure of the Lord manifested against the old world, and its inhabitants, and while the knowledge of this awful destruction, was fresh in the minds of the people, and its effects visible to the eyes of men, man again puts at defiance the laws of his God, and refuses to have his counsel. Every one following the imaginations of his own heart, in despite of all the efforts the Lord was using to save him from destruction. Paul, the apostle, describes this apostacy, which succeeded the deluge, in the impressive language. From the 18th verse to the close of the 25th verse, of the 1st chapter of the epistle to the Romans.

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. -- Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools; And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen."

The apostacy here described, was the one among the first frdcendants of Noah, to whose fathers God had revealed himself in all his power and majesty, in bringing destruction on the old world, in a way that a God could only do it, and one who could control the elements; but with these facts before them the first descendants of Noah made to themselves gods out of wood and stone and bowed down to them; the noble man and the mean man together. So universally did this apostacy of the decendants of Noah extend, that within one hundred and fifty years after the flood, the knowledge of the existence of the true God, had so far departed from the world, that it became necessary for the Lord to take measures to again restore it to the earth. This he did in the persons of Abraham and his descendants.

To such an extent had the apostacy prevailed, that early in that history of Abraham, the Lord laid waste Sodom, Gomorah, and the cities of the plane, for their great iniquity. Their sins had come up before the Lord, and the sufferings caused by their abominations were such, that they called aloud to heaven for vengeance, and the Lord harkened, and heard, and in his wrath rained down fire and brimstone upon them, until they perished from off the face of the earth. Not, however, until he attempted to reclaim them, by the ministry of Lot.

The seven nations of Canaan, were near neighbors of Sodom and Gomorah, when God destroyed these cities, but the sin of apostacy was too deeply rooted in them to turn to the living God, and repent and live; but they, like Sodom, grew in iniquity, and increased in transgression, practicing their abominations until the days of Joshua; offering their children in sacrifice to the gods they had made, until their cup of iniquity was full, and the Lord sent Joshua with Israel among them with a command to spare none, men, women, nor children, assuring Israel that so incorigable were the Canaanites, that if they spared any, they would be to Israel as thorns in their sides, and pricks in their eyes; and, instead of Israel reclaiming them, they would corrupt Israel with their abominations.

The apostacy having become so general, and the corruptions of the earth so great, that the character and the authority of the living God had almost ceased to exist among men. God having called Abraham, and separated him and its seed from the rest of the descenddants of Noah, took such a course with them, as was calculated to shew forth his power, not only to the seed of Abraham themselves, but through them to the world.

The whole history of that people, before their rebellion against God, was a series of divine manifestations, and displays of divine power. They were removed from place to place: every where the power of God attended them, until they became a terror to all nations, and the name of Israel's God had become famous throughout the earth, as far as the sound extended. Through these means did the great God restore to the earth the knowledge of himself, after the great apostacy which followed after the flood.

While the great God was thus restoring to man the knowledge of himself, through Israel, the nations were waring against one another: wars and bloodsheds, under the influence of their idol gods, were reigning, and idolatry was abounding. The kings and nobles were all lost in the wilds of idolatry, and worshipping the works of their own hands, as well as animals and plants; for so had idolatry degraded them, that they would worship any thing and every thing, even one another, as well as the hosts of heaven.

Great were the struggles the various nations and individual aspirants were making for universal empire. They had lost the knowledge of the true God, and man sought to exercise authority over his fellow man, wherever and whenever he could do it. -- Rome at last gained the ascendency, and after the conquest -- in the days of her republic, so called -- an attempt was made to systemize the then systems of idol worship, which until that time, had assumed no settled form. -- This they did by giving a man power to direct the worship of the gods, calling him by the imposing title of Pontifix Maximus. That is, the highest Pontiff. This Pontifix Maximus presided over the worship of all the gods, and the worship of the world, was to a great extent under his direction.

Rome was now in her glory. She had reached the zenith of her ambition. She controled the political and religious world. Her iron sway was felt among all nations, and in all climes. She dictated the laws of government and rules of worship to all people. -- The apostacy had now obtained a systematic form.

From this short sketch we can see the character and extent of the apostacy from the living God, among the first descendants of Noah. The effects of this apostacy, were wars, bloodsheds, horrors and calamities. Human sacrifices were offering, from the tender infant to the grey headed father; from the delicate maiden to the aged matron; and all this because the people had apostatised from the only living and true God. Oppression was reigning in all lands, and no power but the captice of man to restrain it. Previous to this time, and during the progress of this apostacy, the Lord had, through Israel, been displaying its power. Egypt had been tormented. -- Pharaoh and his hosts overwhelmed in the sea. Sodom and Gomorrah consumed with burning flames from heaven. The seven nations of Canaan desolated by the sword in majesty and terror; but still the nations persisted in their apostacy at the defiance, as it were, of the Almighty.

Well might Paul say, as before quoted, speaking of this very people, "When they knew God they gloryfied him not as God:" and again, "They were not willing to retain God in all their thoughts." True it is, that when the people "knew God they worshipped him not as God; but became vain in their in agitations, and their foolish hearts a were darkened; and they woreshiped and served the creature more than the creator." In all this round of political ambition, and base and heaven daring idolatry, was God worshiped as such? let all answer.

Did they not know God? let the deluge, the destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah, and the cities of the plain, the overthrow of Pharaoh and his host, the ruin of the nations of Canaan, and the power of God which followed Israel, all proclaiming the Lord God Omnipotent, speak. True it is when they knew God they worshiped him not as God, and eqnally true they did not like to retain him in their thoughts.

If the question be asked, from whence came the wars and desolations which have overspread the world, the answer is and only can be, because the people had apostatised from the living God, were not willing to retain him in their thoughts, and ceased to a under his influence, and placed themselves under the influence of the creature more than the creator, and thus were they driven into all excesses of debaucheries, abominable idolatries, and wars and bloodsheds raged uncontroled in the land.

Had the descendants of Noah continued under the influence of the God of their fathers, would there ever have been a Pontifix Maximus? the answer to this is easy, or would there have been wars and desolations among them? all know there would not. The whole scene of desolations, which have world laid waste the would never have existed, had there not been an apostacy from the living God, and that a daring one too, with the knowledge of God staring them in the face. Had they have continued to seek counsel at the hand of their God, as did their father Noah, God would have establisbed them in righteousness before him and their peace "would have been as river, and their righteousness as the waves of the sea;" but they would not retain him in their thoughts, and, in consequence, they became vain in their imaginations, and worked all uncleanness with greediness.

During the existence of the Roman empire, a new scene presented itself, which changed the condition of the world; we mean the final apostacy of the Jewish nation, and the birth of our Savior. The Jews, and however astonishing it may be, turned from the precepts of that God who had, and was, establishing his name through them. They, in their turn, followed the example of the nations, and became idolaters also. They also began to offer their children in sacrifice to Moloch; to make gods and bow down to them. The rest of the descendants of Noah had refused to retain God in their thoughts, and, now Israel became tired of the restraints of the living God, and wearied of revelations; they had enough; they wanted no more; and sought other gods to lead them, besides the living God. Idolatry was making its inroads among them, and the knowledge of the true God about again to depart from the earth, and to be supplanted by idolatry. In consequence of this, the Lord entered into judgment with them, suffered their enemies to come upon them, and entirely overthrew them; putting an end to their idolatry forever, and sent them forth among all nations, to be a witness unto all the rest of Noah's posterity, of God's displeasure against apostacy, and to prepare the way for the end that must come, which could not come till the Jews had been scattered among all nations; and had been oppressed by all; after which time the Lord was to have mercy on them, and punish all the nations which had afflicted them.

The disposition in man to turn away from his God, is most incorigable. They will do it in the very midst of the displays of God's power, and persist in it, till they are destroyed from the land of the living. The present idolatry of the heathen world, at this day, is the remains of that ancient apostacy of the first descendants of Noah, which no length of time can reclaim, nor power of God manifested, turn from their rebellion, but to this day worship stocks and stones, and offer one another in sacrifice to them....

All men who read the bible, have come to the conclusion that the bible contemplates a different order of things, in the world, from that which now exists. We read that the knowledge of God is to cover the earth as the waters do the sea. That men are to beat their swords into plow-shares, and their spears into pruning hooks, and are to learn war no more: that the very beasts of the field, and of the forest, are to cease their destruction, to lay down together, and nothing is to hurt or destroy. All these things loudly proclaim a widely different order of things from that which exists; but upon what principle are these things to take place, is the matter of inquiry. Some content themselves by saying the Lord will bring it to pass as he pleases, and we will go on as we are till then. Others think they have something to do with it, and go to work under the impression that if they can convert the Jews and heathens to their religious faith, they will make one great step toward accomplishing the object: hence comes missionaries and missionary societies. Men devoting their time, tallents, and money, with a zeal that will bear the severest trials and sacrifices, and expose their lives in view of obtaining the order of things contemplated in the bible; but all their good designs are frustrated; for scarcely has one religious sect commenced its missionary operations among the people of a foreign nation, till the missionaries of another one there, and Babylon goes hand in hand with their exertions.

Others take a different course, but all in view of the same object: all aiming at the order of things contemplated in the bible. -- They begin by proclaiming reformation, at home and great attempts are made to get some principle on which Babylon can unite, or that department of it which is included in the christian apostacy; thinking if they can get this done, then, they can go forth and convert the Jew and heathen departments of Babylon, and thereby destroy Babylon, and usher in that age of peace; but these attempts all fail. Those who rise up with this view only make another sect, and Babylon is still Babylon. For our own gratification we will here notice some of the attempts of this latter class, that have been made since our recollection, as there have been several.

Two men made their appearance about the same time, on in the north, and the other in the south, Elias Smith, of the north, and Barton Stone of the south, they proclaimed the bible as the only creed, denounced the creeds and confssions of faith of the different sects, as one of the great causes of the divisions of the Christian world; but all their efforts to reform this department of Babylon terminated in producing a new sect. They could not get the other sects to unite with them on the bible. A number of years afterwards there was another attempt made to reform Babylon, in the persons, of A. Campbell and his associates; the bible again, was to be the creed; this reformation had added a little to the former, they added the item of remission of sins to baptism, and with this went forth with great zeal; but old Babylon was too stout for them! At one time B. Stone of the former reformation, and A. Campbell of the latter, partially united, but the elements, of which their bible creeds were composed, were too heterogeneous to unite them very firmly; B. Stone said some things, and wrote some things about the gift of the Holy Spiri, which did not relish very well with A. Campbell and his associates, and again their pens are employed against each other. This order of things did not long exist; in a few years behold one of A. Campbell's principal men, W. Scott, has changed his position from trying to reform Babylon, he is trying to unite her, and his Protestant Unionist is now in existence.

We have presented these cases, because they have transpired in our own day and the results are now before our eyes. We have most decisive proof in all these things, that no attempt made or that can be made can in any degree change or alter the character of Babylon.. She is and will remain Babylon; till the Lord himself takes her in hand, and then she will fall, disappear, and be found no more.

The cases, that we have mentioned of efforts to convert and reform Babylon, we have done because they have taken place in our own day, but we might introduce a multitude of cases of similar character. -- That large and popular society called Methodist, had its origin in an attempt to reform Babylon; but only produced another sect. There have been attempts to unite certain parts of Babylon, without taking her whole dominions within the scope of the operation, but a small part only. An attempt of this kind was made in Scotland. There were a party seceeded from the kirk of Scotland, which were called Seceeders. An consequence of certain laws made, after their secession, it made a division among them. They were laws which effected mercantile or other business of a similar character. Such of the Seceeeders as lived in towns, were effected by them; but those in the country were not. Those in towns had to subscribe to the laws, or else their business must be stopped. They did so, this gave offence to those of the sect who lived in the country, who were not so immediately effected by said laws, and a division was made in their ranks. Those in the town were called Burgers. Those in the country Anti-Burgers.

In process of time an attempt was made to unite the Burgers and Anti-Burgers, but instead of uniting them another sect was produced, called Unionist, which sect remains to this day. We might add a multitude of instances of the same kind, but it would swell this pamphlet beyond the limits we have prescribed for it, but what has been said shews that Babylon can neither bo reformed nor united.

From this short account of Babylon, and the attempt men have made to change or alter her character, we will turn and ask what has the Lord said about her. Men have built her, but cannot change her character, and if the Lord does not take her into hand, there is one thing certain, that state of things contemplatod in the bible will never exist....

The Lord has spoken to the people world by his prophets, in former days of these things; and in the meridian of time by his Son, and by the apostles and prophets of Jesus, all declaring the same things; and then, again, has the Lord spoken from the ground, as by one from the dead, notifying the world that the day was at hand, and the period had arrived for him to begin to prepare for the general destruction which was shortly coming: and again, he sends the warning voice out of the midst of Babylon, calling upon the world to hear and obey the call, lest destruction overtake them as a thief in the night.

Let all the kings and rulers of the earth, know assuredly, that this call is made by the counsel of the same God who inspired the prophets and apostles of old, and by his direction; for verily hath the Lord required this at our hand, and in obedience to his will we send it forth to the world, as a fore-runner of what is coming on this generation.

The time is at hand when all shall know, whether they believe us now or not, that what we have here written, is the truth of heaven, for this generation shall not pass till all is fulfilled. Then as Noah did to the old world, so do we to the new world, and proclaim to all the inhabitants thereof, that this world is drawing near its close, the present order of things is shortly to pass away, and the Lord himself is about to take to himself his great power, and get to himself a great name. The Lamb that was slain, but is alive and liveth forevermore, is beginning to prepare for his second advent, not to be slain, but to put down all rule and all authority, but his own. Let those who profess to teach the religion of Christ, beware lest they bring double vengeance on their heads, by attempting to act the name of Jesus, when he has not authorised them to do so, and be found blind leaders of the blind, and they and those led by them, all parish together.

We call upon all men, to give glory to God and worship him, who made heaven, and earth and all things therein, for the hour of his judgment has come, and all who will not resign the honors into his hand, and repent before him, will be cast down to rise no more, whether they be kings, princes, rulers, bighops, cardinals, popes, we call upon all to hear and obey, for the Lord will not be mocked by men.

Finally, we call upon all of all nations and climes, whether rulers or ruled, priest or lay, master or servant, matrons or maidens, to [hear] and attend to this voice of warning, that they be not destroyed. We say to all who will obey, and leave Babylon; Babylon the great, for the Lord will lay her, her kings, her princes, her nobles, her mighty men, her artificers, her musicians, and all her riches and glories, in ruins, in one hour, even in one generation, and that generation is now on the earth.

This proclamation we send forth, not of man, nor by man; neither of any private impulse of our own; but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. To whom, with God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, be glory forever and ever, amen.

Notes: (forthcoming)


For the 1846-47 continuation of the Messenger and Advocate, see the back files
of the Greencastle Echo Pilot, under the title of: Conococheague Herald
at the Allison-Antrium Museum, Greencastle, Pennsylvania.

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